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Exploring lunarcy phases with Apollo 11


Active member
55-62 days =]

Definitely hit the A11 with the SSSDH and DSD! Those should be killer if you choose the right male - try pollinating different branches with different male pollen. Collect each male pollen seperately if you can and wipe them on the different female branches of the A11 marking which one was crossed to what. That way you can get seeds from many of the different males you get on a single plant or spread out over a couple.


Active member
Bi0hazard thanks . i will do that cross the A11 to rez DSD,and his sssdh. i think the DSD will be a wounder of flavor strawberry and lime/lemon flavor mixed.what do you think would the dominating plant would be the male of female? or is it a mix of the two.
i have put lemon juice over my strawberry's and let them sit in the fridge they are delicious like that. on my next grow i will do that if i can get a male.all i get is female plants.maybe i will treat a few bad and maybe it will turn female.


Active member
I've smoked from a SSSDH cut from cali but never tried any of the Rez expressions. However I did grow out a couple DSD's back in the day. Some really sweet tasting Diesel with some good phenos in the mix.

I think they would both go well with the A11 GPC - but definitely still try to cross some of those soaring sativas you were talking about with it. HL is really on to something about combining the soaring sativas with apollo.


Active member
Bi0hazard you are right i have had my hart on some very pure haze/sativa crosses.
i think i will go with one of the following sssdh,sam`s ohxsk#1or ,sam t*Hazexsk#1,ssh, or mr.nice the doors.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Nice plans, DRorganic!

Of all the seeded bud Ive made these last few months, my most anticipated seed stock are within this Apollo Trip #4, knocked up with the male Magic Haze bean I found in Chaco's Nev. Haze 'Magic' pheno.



This plant is @ 65 days, but didn't get knocked up til her late 30's/early 40's, so I'll be taking her to around 85 days.

The other seed I found, "Magic" Haze #2 is @ 27 days.


CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
You take some of the finest pictures on this site my man. It's gotta be the red background ;).

For my fellow moon men; My take on the GPC,

The taste and smell were a lot different than I thought it would be. It smelled like musky pine with undertones of something fruity/fermented. It's one those smells you know you've smelt before, but can't quite put your finger on it. The taste translated pretty well I thought. Mostly musky pine but slight fruityness the first few hits off the joint. Now the high is what I liked the most. I heard you say it's what you imagined C99 would be like. Well it is a tad bit speedier than my A11, not racier though which is nice. Where I thought the C99 was far racier and had a lot of paranoia. Also I'm not 100% sure on this, but I think the GPC has a slight bit more body than my A11 which is weird. Same ol qualities though; clear, brainstormy ;), and potent. Overall it's some damn fine smoke, feasting like a king on 420 :joint:.


Active member
CARE giver,

Great report on the GPC - glad you got to try it =]

The Piney-(lemony on cure) is definitely there but that fruitiness reminds me a lot of the background of JillyBean. Especially while its growing it wreaks like straight up Jilly Bean - which is a beautiful thing =]

Ya, it's definitely one of the speedier/brainstormy A11's but nowhere near as racy/potentially paranoid inducing as some straight C99 in my opinion as well.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
CARE giver, Thx for your take. :D Very cool it coincided w/ 4:20 :smoke:

Barbanegra, looking good bro! :good: Glad they warranted making F2's.
I killed off 3 F13 x A11 male's today, bringing 'em down to 8, probably kill off two more.
One of the "undecideds" is a girl, and was brought to the flowering tent.
There were 3 superior-looking F13 x A11's , the 1st to be transplanted, this was one of them. (Other two are males, a big reason why I'll pare down the male population some more.

Today I took down this Apollo #6 @ 70 days. She's seeded from the 'Flying Tigers', so I let her go a bit.



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Update time

Been a bit bummed the last few wks, as I had an accidental pollination hit up the Flying Tiger's pretty good.
Totally my fault, I leave my tent open when light's are on, and with the warmer weather I've been opening the skylight that's in the room.
This requires diligence in being able to close up shop when the light's go out, and I blew it by a couple of hrs. one night.
The C-99 was in the doorway, getting direct light from the skylight, and started throwing nanners within 24 hrs.
I noticed @ that time, but could do nothing as I had to button things up.
Next day when I got home from work, I began to pull them, and some were throwing wisps of pollen. She was quickly pulled out of the room and left under the hallway skylight to finish.
Of course, being in the doorway, she got the brunt of the oscillating fan blowing into the tent. :bashhead:

A week ago the Flying Tiger's were forming seeds galore, and I took down the FT #1 @ 70 days and the FT #14 @ 71 daze.
I've also taken down the two Apollo's hit up by the Flying Tiger's in the last week.

The FT #5 & 12 will be coming down soon. They swelled up and grew some more in the intervening week and are more pleasurable to look at now.
Flying Tiger #5 @ 75 days

Here's a shot of a dried C-99 bud, you can see the nanners I missed.

What's gotten me to talk about them now, is the fact that I've been smoking on the FT #1 just dried.
Whoa! :yoinks: I'm loving the high of this so much!
This is warrior weed, hyper-alert, would be excellent for hunting & fishing, where you have to be completely still but at the ready.
A bit tight in the chest but no apprehension.
As I remember the Golden Tiger, you got a big initial rush from the thai, then the malawi kicked in, and it was almost like a traquilizer in it's effect, alert but unmoving. I called it "shaman weed" as it was trance-inducing.
With the addition of the Apollo we get continued clarity while being very up. Relaxed but ready to pounce.
Now the FT #1 was for sure the Apollo leaner, so it'll be interesting to see what the other 3 are all about.
What's a few seeds? :ying:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
With the Flying Tigers done, I switched up the tent today, pulling one of the 600w out.
Heat will become more & more of an issue, and all the remaining plants are all around the same height, so it was time.
I pulled the cooltubes, and the remaining 600w is hanging bare, vertical.
I've brought back in the Kessil 350 Magenta and have it over the 'Magic Haze'.
I've also just ordered a California LightWorks' 'SolarFlare' Bloom Boost LED.
After I rearranged things I ran some wire horizontally on two of the tent walls and stationed the two VNT's in permanent spots. Right before I did so, I pollinated them w/ a brush and collected Apollo pollen.
They're both at 28 days of flowering.

Over in the other room, the F13 X A11 males are 8 days in and balls are forming fast.
Here's one of the Uber-males I found, a real F13 leaner.

He's the only one showing red/purple in the stalk, and the balls are purpling up as they mature.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I'm excited too, these F13 x A11 males are rockin!
Today was day 17 in flower and the girls seem to be already full of donor pollen.
Here's a shot of the room, the 2nd shot I got 'em all moving & the pollen flying!

I've been so stoked by these boys, that I dropped the 3 Highland Mexican X Blueberry (Chimera) beans I'd been gifted.
For those unfamiliar w/ them, here's the link to their epic thread:

A little detour path I'll be taking. I'll be taking down these males in 3 or 4 days and will be collecting pollen for the "Guerreroberries" for down the road.
The friend who gifted me the beans also sent me along his F1 cross of Flo x Guerreroberries. In the future I'll be running them along with the offspring of my Guerreroberry cross, plus Purce's 'F13 x Sensi Seeds' Mexican Sativa'. But that'll be for a different thread.

Meanwhile, I took down Flying Tiger #5 @ 80 days and FT #12 @ 83 days.
Here's how FT#12 finished:




Active member
Apolla 6 and the c99 are looking nice m8 , as is the Flying tiger it looks a top bit of bud there m8.Sucks to hear about the accident with the male.

Redwood what you just said never clicked on a pic of males ball b4 lmao.i see you joined in 2005 you sure dont post much .Highlighter seems your thread is bringing out all the old farts lol .Take it easy m8 and stay safe.


Active member
Just another old fart checking in on A11.

I gave up my orginial bros grimm stock A11 probably around 2007, it was one of the few plants I cultivated from say 2001 to 2007. I just got to the point I was always tweaked out on A11, it became far too speedy for me.

I do wish I kept it around, it was a great grower and fast flowerer and people loved the pot. I'll probably have to order some f2's at some point because it is a fun and profitable plant to grow.

Soul and Sly sure had a good thing going on. I wish they'd both get back to work.

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