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ESPN runs controversial picture of a "white" Michael Vick


Active member
....not trying to stir up controversy....but thought this was worth a discussion :wave: (piece of shit no matter what color in my book)


.....ESPN is under fire Thursday for creating and publishing the Photoshopped image above of Michael Vick(notes) with a white face to accompany a column in ESPN The Magazine entitled "What if Michael Vick were white?"

After immediate backlash to the image, which was also posted on ESPN's website, editors replaced the online picture with a regular photograph of Vick. The website then reversed course and, as of 2:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, had restored the original, controversial image to the top of the online story.

The picture and headline accompany a thoughtful piece by noted cultural critic Toure on how Vick's race has shaped both the positive and negative aspects of his life. The author dismisses the hypothetical question posed in the article's title saying that changing Vick's race would be to fundamentally change the athlete so much as to render him unknowable.

I mean, who would this white Vick be? [...] When you alter his race, it's like those Back to the Future movies where someone goes back in time, inadvertently changes one small thing about his parents' dating history and then the person starts to disappear. If Vick had been born to white parents, you wouldn't even be reading this right now. That Vick would have had radically different options in life compared with the Vick who grew up in the projects of Newport News, Va., where many young black men see sports as the only way out.

On his Twitter account, Toure said he asked editors not to use "What if Michael Vick were white?" as the title to the article. He later said he wasn't consulted about the image choice. "Judge me on the story," he wrote, "not the art."

If you ever wonder why it's difficult to have intelligent, measured discussions about race in this country, look no further than the picture above. A fine author writes a thought-provoking piece about how the color of your skin has some bearing on the person you become. It molds you like a number of other factors like upbringing, class and parenting. He goes beyond the usual platitudes that we throw into racial discussions so as not to seem insensitive or trite. And all of that is ignored because of a race-baiting headline and a cheap Photoshop job.


in the picture, the guy seems to have a badass attitude black or white

we all make mistakes


If anyone is a frequent watcher of ESPN, they'd know this isn't a new tactic.

Ratings, like a male soap opera...not a fan of their 'specials', only the highlights.

Just the facts, M'am


Active member
Dear Mr. Vick,

Dog's can't be paid off, but women can.

Next time follow uncle Ben's lead and be a serial rapist(allegedly) instead.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

this wasn't about race, if Brett Favre were caught doing the same thing the end result would be the same. they caught a filthy rich sports jock that didn't need the money running a dog fight club.

Jesus Christ they gave Bernie Madoff 150 yrs in prison for theft, try doing that to a black man and it's racism though.......


did he ever show any tears about it ?

I don't think he even felt bad about it, I remember he said something like... "people think this is some awful shit, this is normal"


I think it's pretty cool how they can edit a photo to make someone white

would like to see the opposite done

maybe they can do first nation and asian too ?


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
vick is a piece of shit. he treats his dogs just like he treats people in real life. they should have just let thoes dogs finish his ass off.........black or white ide still let my dog rip his ass up.:tiphat:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
An illustration is simply a visual example or clarification of a story. If the picture is objectionable, then the fault lies with the writing. The picture merely relates the story using 999 less words.

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