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ESPN runs controversial picture of a "white" Michael Vick


Active member
they should put him in a cage with a skinhead neo natzi asshole and let em fight.i dont like either but i would watch


If it was a white person that they colored black everybody would just call him a wannabe. Seriously people 50 years of this politically correct drama is getting old. Get over the race thing.


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
What if Michael Vick had to face consequences for his actions like everyone else. There should be 0 sympathy for this sub-human. Most of us have some basic moral compass. This ass-clown does not. That is a sociopath folks. Repeadetly torturing and killiing animals is as much of indicator of a lack of control as child molester or serial killer. There is no place in free society for such a person. There definetly should be no place in the NFL. If the motherfucker were to donate his entire salary less the average income for a single male for the rest of his career, he would still be undeserving.

I would refuse to purchase a publication that devotes even one word promoting him. Hell, we are tossing him out of our fantasy draft...