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Head scratching time...wth!


Thanks, S.
They ain't dead, just pissed off at me (rightfully so!).
They'll get over it, I'll get over it.
I now understand more of what's happening in the hydro world.
RDWC CAN be a touchy system; even with 'the best laid plans...' s*** still happens.

Have a pleasant drive!


Active member
EDIT: Thought you were someone else that I was just helping. Have to cut and paste this message to the other person.




19 Mar:
These gurlz are PISSED OFF! Stampin' their feets and yellin' at me!

NOTE to whoever be lookin': This can happen to you when you do your math wrong for adding nutes, etc.
Knock your pH down to below 5 and double the nutes they were eating at the same time...then let 'em sit in the stew for a WEEK...SMOOOOOTH...:wallbash: :bashhead: :hide:

T: 72 (controller, during light on); room @ plant level: 73
pH: 5.85
ppm: 920
uS: 1860

My only real choice was to flush and pray.
Hand bucket drain of the whole shebang (about a gallon or 2 left in).
Filled back with straight tap outa the hose.

T: 60
pH: 7.0
ppm: 165
uS: 310
(At least I know what the straight tap water pH is...)

We shall see what the next couple days bring.
Pics of all six are in my album (19 Mar titles).


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Active member
I'm sorry mc that you are dealing with these issues. DWC is a little tricky but once you dial it in and understand all the aspects you will get super fast growth rates and a better yield compared to most other options. If I was you, I would experiment on a small scale with a few plants or so and fill the rest of the space with soil so you're at least guaranteed a harvest of some sort.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
So wait, after all the PH talk, you've got your PH back @ 7 now? Why on earth did you do that? Get that down to ~5.8!


Thanks, dudes!
I'm gaining an better understanding of how RDWC rolls.
Yes, it CAN be finicky; the overall production is worth the trials and tribs.
Sooo, my first grow won't give me 6 elbows? DAMN! (lol...pipe dreams vs. the real world)
You mean it's gonna take longer than 10 weeks? DAMN!
Kinda like riding up a ramp and face planting on steps where you thought it would be smooth.
Gotta keep the finish line in mind while wiping off the blood and spitting teeth...

Tiger: I know, I know...the grow space is at my partner's place, with limited access by me.
A bit too convoluted for my taste, but it's how it all laid out this time around.
If I can get my buddy to drop in a couple ml's of pH down, we'll be in better shape.
I'll get over there Mon...fingers crossed...

They're not dead yet! (Whew!)


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Tiger: I know, I know...the grow space is at my partner's place, with limited access by me.
A bit too convoluted for my taste, but it's how it all laid out this time around.
If I can get my buddy to drop in a couple ml's of pH down, we'll be in better shape.
I'll get over there Mon...fingers crossed...

They're not dead yet! (Whew!)

Been in that situation before. It's very tough to get a handle on problems when you can't be there as often as you wish.


Update redux

Update redux

Thanks for the help, so far!
Figured you folk would like follow up threads for your own info. :bump:
They ain't croaked and look like they're getting over thier tantrum.
22 Mar:
Straight tap water ran through sys for 3 days as a flush.
19 Mar readings; tap water:
T: 60
pH: 7.0
ppm: 165
uS: 310
Checking today:
T: 70
pH: 7.35
ppm: 250
uS: 503
Added pH down, 10 ml X 2 over a two hour span. (20 ml total)
pH: 6.0
ppm: 258
uS: 515
Appears I now have the pH down to 6, +/-.
I'll let it sit overnight, then pitch some nutes (CNS 17) in tomorrow.
I don't know what adding the nutes will do to the pH; swing it up or down???
I'm shooting for around a 500-600 ppm; I figure abt 210 ml of CNS should put it right about there. (~6 ml/gal)
Then we'll see how they do.

I inadvertently found CRITTERS in my roots!
Took my usual pics; when editing at home to fire them into my album, I see these nasty intruders while blowing up a root pic.
A pic is attached here; these fellers are in another bucket, but not all buckets have these intruders, at least not observably creeping down the root structure...
Any ideas of what these marauders are and how to vanquish them?

Rest of the pics from tonight are in my album; they have "22 Mar" headings.



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Looks like an attack of the root aphids, in addition to the overswing of pH/ppm.
Not bad for my first grow!!! :blackeye:
I'm learning a lot in a short span of time; it ain't all that pleasant, but will gird my loins for future battles.
Heading out to the Depot for some Bayer juice that will hopefully save this crop, then over to the winged gnat/root aphid thread...
GAME ON, aphid beeyoches!!! :whip:


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Active member
OMG man that looks pretty scary. I haven't had many mite problems in my life. When I come in a location I take off my clothes outside before I come in the house then I hop right in the shower. Hopefully you get rid of those somehow.


Thanks, Snype.
Tossed in 150 ml of Tree/Shrub juice.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
9 weeks into my first grow; I'm getting 'grower scars'! LMAO!
Comical, maddening and frustrating at the same time.
Frickin' mental 3 ring circus!!!
Hindsight is a glorious look at how you missed things along the way.
I suspected gnats earlier on; didn't see them for a while, so thought they weren't really there.
I looked at my root structures BELOW the nets; not AT the nets or directly UNDER the nets.
Had I checked more vigorously earlier on, I would have spied the bastiges out and taken care of biz.
I'll go through my pics from along the way and see how early I could have caught this.
The PLUS from all this is I'm catching a bunch of shrapnel from the hydro mine field early on.
It ain't killed me or the gurlz as yet.
I'm determined to take this to harvest, smoke the one popcorn bud that makes it, howl at the moon and do it again.
I'll keep you posted; I'm now off to the 'root aphid thread' to pitch in my pennies of experience.


What is up with the root aphids this year? I never heard of them until this year and now it seems like everyone has/had them. Is it just me here?