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Esme Coco DTW Automated 12 Plant grow


Hmm, if they start like that I would check that coco with a slurry test or have a look at the drain water EC. Some coco will act really weird out of the bag/brick, you can throw 1.7 EC in and it may come out 0.5 EC I'm sure youve seen it :) Some say it's ok but I don't trust that shit. Maybe it's the unbuffered exchange sites stripping all the cations from the solution or something. When I start my coco pots I always run a decent amount of nutrient water thru there to 'make sure' ... I like it if the output EC is at least close to the input. I have had unexplainable problems with clones while doing everything right due to this.

Well, I donno if you are reusing a batch or a fresh mix. Even if they could have used a little more light they shouldn't look so messed up I think. The Coco A&B formulas I have tried all have enough of those elements for my tap water (60 ppm Ca)

Think I agree with kandi also, looking at the perlite now, maybe it's just a bit too wet in there. this kind of problems also looks like something I seen on overwatered soils for seedlings, like some organic mix which also has clay in it...I think with EC 1.2 you don't need ot worry super much about salt build up using a wet/dry cycle with adequate amount of drain water until week 3 or 4

edit: lol, actually maybe it's just the color from root stimulator? :)

Yes, I’m starting to think about it could be the medium 70/30 as the 60/40 or plain coco I never have problems with and I’ve asked another person who’s a master coco grower I know and he’s said the same thing. Should have none better and stuck with what I normally do never had a problem at this location.

So the plan is to get these seedlings out of that mix into some decent plain coco and flush them then start again sort of thing, I’m thinking of getting some other seeds on the go just in case anything comes up as I’m a bit on a time schedule with this one, so rather wait a week on top of that I will germinate some more seeds just for a back up, I don’t really want todo this as I know I will pull these around but it’s there just in case, can’t waste another week on this location.


Yes, I’m starting to think about it could be the medium 70/30 as the 60/40 or plain coco I never have problems with and I’ve asked another person who’s a master coco grower I know and he’s said the same thing. Should have none better and stuck with what I normally do never had a problem at this location.

So the plan is to get these seedlings out of that mix into some decent plain coco and flush them then start again sort of thing, I’m thinking of getting some other seeds on the go just in case anything comes up as I’m a bit on a time schedule with this one, so rather wait a week on top of that I will germinate some more seeds just for a back up, I don’t really want todo this as I know I will pull these around but it’s there just in case, can’t waste another week on this location.


no worry
only little modification and ready

can make small mountain to suppart
or put match stick

stop water for 2-3 day
and again, wet dry cyckle

if start new seed
suggest soak 24 hour in water
then go to koko direct
no matter if open or not

only koko is best way for koko grow
perlite... ah... no good opinion for koko
but is opinion

wish best luck
to you

ps: name is imakandi, no kandi :)


Hello guy's got a small update,

Looked at my nutrients in my bottle and there was lump's of gooey stuff, So for a start i chuck that away, Next for some strange reason my Tap water has gone from 0.75ec to 0.45EC, Can this change or is my EC pen gone, Will get some EC solution in to see what's going on.

If that's the case then this is more than likely CalMag issue that gooey stuff in the nute bottle is not helped at all not right as got another bottle of same nutes and it's fine.

Started to repot the 70/30 into to plain coco but I think it's going todo more harm than good so only done a few, Once there have pulled around they will be in plain coco.

I have flush all the plants with 0.45EC(TW) - 0.3EC Calmag - 0.45EC GROW Nutes. 500ML per a pot get them flushed and hopefully we see a turn around.

The room is a bit of a mess, going to clean it up tomorrow ordered everything i need and it's still not here so i'm going to go to the local Hydro shop and get it all Friday and set up the whole room and start running all the lights.



Hello guy's, So the pipe i was sent was wrong so needed to get something right away and found this from toolstation,

MDPE 32MM pipeing, £26 for 25Meters and it works so from now on I won't be buying that expensive stuff again. So tomorrow I will start to build the dripper system and DTW system will upload pictures of it all. This will be perfect for the drain not sure if it will work for a dripper system, I'll put it to the test on a new location/room when i get chance to.





Here is my DIY FOGGER all it is Ultrasonic fogger inside a 46L box with 2 6" holes with a clip fan running on one side and the mist coming out of the other side. Brings the RH right up just what i need :)



So on to anther DIY watering timer, Okay so I could have gone and bought a 7 week digital timer for £11 or something but I've had them fail on me to many times now so I make my own, This can be used for drippers or Flood and drain buckets and that, Cost price around £28 all parts are from screwfix.











Comes with a 4M Plug so can reach the plug socket on the other side of the wall, If you want more information let me know.



You can add a Contactor and basically that is a light timer as-well, DON'T USE THIS HOW I'VE SET IT UP WITH HID Lights! - - you need to add a Contactor


Hello to whoever is reading this grow!

Update here with the the EC problem it was the Sh*t pen 3 times now in the last 6 months I've had these break on me so no more HM pen's ever! BlueLab it is! The water is getting in and damaging the board on the pen. See pictures.




Here is the Bluelab reading from my tap water.

also I have a infrared thermometer to keep checks on the plant's temps and stuff trying to keep the VPD in correction with RH




Update on the plants

Will give them another feed today as-well, with 0.2ec calmag, 0.5ec of food.

Seem to be on the right track at the moment.






Once these are ready for report I will Burry them deep into the 16L pot's.

Here is how I've hanged my Ballast's on the wall it's a stud wall so not solid just drill into stud keeps them off the flood on bricks and out the way, will start adding more light's as the room is getting cold and I don't want to turn down my fan's as these have been running full blast now and we've had no problem with next door.

At this location we are in talk's about setting the other room up it's a 11ft x 10ft room.


Me trying to find the stud must buy a finder!



The pipe I bought works amazing but I do warn once it’s on a connection it’s staying on there hard to get it off by hand even trying to cut it and you can stand on this stuff and it won’t go out of shape.
Just have to warm the ends up to get it on the connections
If you are looking at this pipe and you have 25mm fittings make sure you get the 32MM pipe not the 25mm pipe, The 25MM pipe works fine with 19mm fittings.



So what I did is turn over the base’s place them down where I want them to be and measure from the tee to the next one and then go and cut the pipe, for example mine is 520mm from each one so I cut them all at this length now I know that each stand will be the same spaced.
What is handy with this pipe is how you can lift the stands and it’s that hard you can pick them all up.





The drain on these stands are really fast with 25mm pipe would be hard to overfill these stands, please note I didn’t have a drain bucket I put a glove on the drain so I could make sure it’s all water tight, there is no more than 10ML water left in the stands.




Will get the rest of the room sorted tomorrow! Got the drippers to setup and the rest of the DTW and bucket to sort!


Active member
Bro you don't need a stud finder. Look up Geefix
Its a new plasterboard fixing great product and can hold weight too


Picture update on plants,

So getting the VPD dialled in using a plastic sheet over the top to get the perfect RH for the Temps of the plants, At the moment it's runnign 23/24c 65/70rh, Sometimes it's going low 55rh but for about 30 seconds.

So this picture below is 2 pictures from different days

First picture is from 21st/03/2020 17:00, 2ND ONE is 23/03/2020, 8am bare in mind the screen was put up at 9 oclock on sunday night.


What do you think for 39 hours, Think this VPD is working.






Coming on strong buddy, my mini humidfier packed up a few grows back and its been a battle with plants when small since, constant foilar, wet towel hung in a bucket of water with a fan on, half arsed measures driving me nuts:bashhead:


Coming on strong buddy, my mini humidfier packed up a few grows back and its been a battle with plants when small since, constant foilar, wet towel hung in a bucket of water with a fan on, half arsed measures driving me nuts:bashhead:

Yeah mate, Try make your own mate it's really simple and it's been working for many of years this way, just might have to replace the discs once a few grow's have been done.

Can get a 12disc that will bring whole rooms up for £150 of eBay mate, I like having the sheet over them mate so i can make sure my carbon filter won't mess up and I keep the RH at the right VPD for the Temp's.

These plants will get flipped hopefully on the 19th of next month. at this location mate i've got another room in the pipe line so I will be vegging plants 2/3 weeks before I'm ready to make sure it's a faster turn around.