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Endless sky 400w DWC


Just Call me Urkle!!
Looking good Illadelph, besides your curl problem those ladies look happy bro congrats I'll check back in a week or so


Well-known member
Hey bro you are growing my fav strain. I am a gorilla grower and you should see her perform outside too. Knock out stone you will be very happy. rock solid nugs and no mold problems either. At 42 deg she starts flowering around aug 10th and finishes up around Oct 7th. This is a great strain in my mind just wish the Dr would bring down the $$$$$$.
I want to hear what you have to say at harvest time or you may just be staring off into space after the smoke test. She will lock you down.
Keep me posted and did you get the kush from the good Dr also?


ya, i got the kush from him also. I spoke to him on the phone after my order didnt arrive after like 2 months, and he was a real dick about it and ended up hanging up on me. All i wanted was what i paid for, and i was polite about it too. He has some hard to find genes, but ya, he is a dick and you can get real good seeds for 25 bucks on seedboutique.

to be honest, the Bubba kush wasn't as good as i thought it would be, although it is very good. I probably didnt grow it to its full potential, as it was my first time. But i've had jack herer that was undeniably better than the bubba kush. And blueberry, Afghan, and white rhino that are at par with the bubba kush.

So it flowers in 8 weeks outdoor? is it fully matured at 8 weeks, did you check the trichs with a microscope. I'm just curious because my pal in here Haps said his pheno took like 10 weeks, and i'm wondering what's in store for me.

did you notice any sativa characteristics in yours?

Have you got any out there this year?

I'm glad you stopped in, and thanks for the encouraging news. By all means, please do stick around.


sm90 is a multi purpose wetting agent it will kill the slime and reduces surface tension of the water I use that and floranova bloom never have a root,ph,or difficientcy problem. I understand what you are talking about. one the ph is too high it shouldnt be over 6.5 if you use 8ml of floranova you would be able to throw away your ph pen. The floranova is rock soild for ph swings. Two what is the temp of the cab with lights on ?


Well-known member

Hey bro I'm not going to pretend to be an expert that’s not my gig but outdoors and indoors are two different things. I never checked the trics and usually don’t because at 42 degs whether or not they are amber is a mute point when jack frost is around the corner. I use the point of diminishing returns method. When the pistols are turning brown at a higher rate then new white ones are forming its time for me to cut.

Both the fact that the weather starts turning cold and there is around 11.5 hrs of daylight in Oct at 42 degs. can affect the rate of flowering. I have heard of indoor guys opening a window to bring in cold air to speed flowering.

Also don’t forget many plants not only key on daylight hours but the rate of change between daylight and darkness. When summer solstice has just crested the rate of change between sunrise/sunset is small may be a minute or less in a few days but as fall moves closer each day the change in daylight changes more drastically. I guess you would call it the delta between sunrise and sunset grows at a lager rate. This also can effect how quickly a plant flowers.

Like I said outdoors is a whole different story so it doesn’t surprise me you may be seeing different results indoors. I would never second guess your results really was just chiming in on a fav strain.

As far as I know this strain is pure indy but yes I have seen different phenos. One has small buds that are scattered more like a sativa but most are pure indy phenos and I have gotten 1LB off of a single plant. You would have never guessed it was a LB by looking the plant was just 4 ft high and the same in diameter but the buds are tight.

Sorry to hear Bubba was not up to par but glad you shared the info. Good luck with your ES.




The temps in the cab are 75 - 85 with the lights on. The lights stay on 24hrs so its not so much an issue of lights on lights off, more an issue of door open door closed, because i'll leave the doors open if I am home alone.

My deficiency i think was cal/mag/iron because i am using distilled water, which doesn't have minerals in it the way that tap water does. Anyway, I think i fixed that problem last week when i got the cal mag.

I'm not really having a slime problem either. Someone said I would when my water pump shut off, but not having the water dripping on the peat plugs has actually dried up all algae/slime, so that isn't really a threat right now either.

Not having any root problems that i have noticed.

Should I still get this sm90?

I'm using flora nova veg for this part of the cycle, because I havn't switched the lights yet. When i switch the lights i will begin flora nova bloom.

My PH is a swinging PH. Since I have been slowly adding nutes, and the plants have been slowly absorbing them, i add small amounts of PH up to the back up reservoir to sort of balance it out. If you say 6.5 is the highest i should go, than thats what I will do. I only went up to seven because i wanted to make sure that i wasn't locking out any nutes that might be absorbed in that PH range, but it sounds like you are saying that their aren't any.

What I have been talking about is my leaves are curled up around the edges, as if heat stressed. Are you saying that you think it could be a PH problem, or a deficiency? I would love to have it figured out.

Don't feel like I am challenging you or arguing with you. I'm just trying to make sure we are all on the same page here, because you are always mentioning issues from older posts that have already been taken care of. Right now the issue is the curling leaves. Thanks for stopping in, and any input is welcome.


I see what you mean about the days getting colder.

The bubba was on par with the bluebery, afghan, white rhino, but no match for the jack herer was all I was saying. Its still very good but i thought it would be the best weed I ever smoked the way people talk about it. But it probably has more to do with my experience level and less to do with the quality of the genes.

thanks for stopping in, your input is always welcome. I'm glad to hear that i'm growing a strain that is so revered. Would you say it was more of a couch lock stone, or an upbeat energetic high? Did you get any pics?
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the leaves are curling from heat just try to raise the light a little bit I have a small cab 30 x 16 x 76 and tried to put a 400 in there had to go back to the 250


Has it got to be the heat? I tried moving the light up for a few days, it just made the plants reach for it, the curl has pretty much remained the same. Temps don't get over 86 really, which i thought was pretty acceptable. Is there nothing else that can cause this type of leaf curl?

a few pics for good measure

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Well-known member

No problems I just did not want to come off like I was some expert on any strain I am not. You like what you like. I really had no clue it was 8 weeks until you broke it down it’s always a battle with Mother Nature for me. I just go by the weather and my old school method. A scope would give a much better idea when it is exactly ready for sure.

It is a couch lock strain for sure that’s what I love about it. Bro I have smoked with guys that have more balanced weed i.e. taste, smell and potency but none that I have smoked have had the knock down power of this one. Do a search on ES and you will find others who concur.

I’ll throw a pic down but not a fair representation because it is ES x unknown but you can see the tight bud formation but not what you see exactly from pure ES. I lost all my seed stock of ES to this unknown cross I did not pay attention and my fav ES got crossed by some other strain and I really have no idea which one it was.



Shit hamstring, is all that yours? Those are like the size of a xmas trees. I bet that shit lasts you through the winter. You really get your money's worth out of those seeds. Thanks so much for sharing.


Hi There
Your leaves are curling because of heat stress, that is the only reason leaves curl up like that.
They are trying to transpire to make themselves cool.
86 is too high.
Cannabis like temps in the range of 72-76 F.
Though they can tolerate higher temps, say like 76-86 F, which is about what you have.
Try and bring your temps below 80 F.
You can do this by improving your ventilation ie..adding another fan, using a stronger vent fan/blower.
Or simply buy an AC unit and install it in the same room your growing in.
I recommend you buy yourself a good cannabis grow book, I myself have,
"Marijuana Horticulture" by Jorge Cervantes, I think I paid like $15 for it at Amazon.com.
Must have read like 5 or 6 times by now.


Hey, thanks for stoppin in. Not a bad idea about the book, I always thought this website was a great resource because you can ask questions and get feedback.

Thinking ahead...

anyone think i should trim some bud sights or put in a SCROG before switching to flower?

also, on the seeds websight it says to do a 48hr period of darkness before switchin to 12/12, you think I should do it? Maybe that is the trick to getting it to flower in 6 weeks, doubt it could make THAT big of a difference though.
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there isn't much to tie them down too in there though, or do you mean SCROG? You wouldn't trim any bud sites>

On the scrog, how big should i make each square in the net 2.5"?
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Illadelph said:
My PH swings from 7 - 5.6 and then i bump it back up to seven to repeat the cycle.

My res is 74 F. Is that "that hot"
I unplugged the water pump and ultrasonic fogger about a week ago, which is how i brought my res temps down, so i'm already ontop of that one.

I never heard of this sm90 stuff, what is it?

For a DWC, keep pH at 5.5-6.0.

74º isn't too bad for res temps. High 60s would be better. Good move unplugging the fogger. What's watering the rootballs? Without the fogger, you'll want to raise the water level to within an inch of the netpots. Airpumps and airstones can then throw water bubbles up onto the roots to keep them from drying out. Note how my roots swell out below the netpot? The top of the swell was the waterline. The rootmass lives underwater.

SM-90 will basically kill everything in the res except your roots. Don't mix with bacterias because, well, it'll kill them. Seems to be a sure cure for root-rot/brown algae.

You'll probably want to fill half your ScROG before flipping to 12/12. Let the pre-flower stretch fill the rest of the screen.


put eye hooks in the top of the res to use as tie down points. that way you can still take the res in and out of the cab.


Thanks everyone, good info. algrow's LST sounds like it maybe easier than than a scrog, but a scrog won't require me to put holes in my res, which i'm not crazy about, so i'm still undecided.

Freezer Boy, so you are saying put the scrog in, let it grow through it a little bit, then switch the lights? My only question about that is that i started from seed so i have males in there, which are usually the taller ones, and will later be removed, so do i wait for all the plants to grow into the scrog before switching?

algrow, for LST, i would just tie back the buds so that they aren't all pointing strait up, crowded around the stalk, right? And i can wait for them to develop substantial buds before tying them back?

Might try to use Mini binder clips instead of eye hooks as they can be taken off without leaving damage.

Freezer boy, The water level was already up that high, I just had a fogger in there because my set up came with it. Got two airstones in there. Haha, That root porn looks familiar, i think i saw it in one of your threads 6 months ago or so.
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well on LST you tie the whole top of the plant down to form a 90 deg turn that makes all the lower branches shot up to try and get higher then the top thats at a 90 deg turn I have found all you really have to do is just pull the top over at like a 45 deg turn works good. then the side branching shots for the sky thats what I like about it. once the sides start to move up I just keep bending the top down till the side braches moves up in to the canopy then I un tie the top and let it go.that way if I need to get to the back side of the plant I can still get it out or rotate the plant so it gets light On all sides as I have a small cab.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Illadelph said:
i have males in there,
D'oh! That does make things trickier.

I use a stronger, tighter screen than most. As a result, I don't weave. The screen alone forces horizontal growth. Nothing gets through till it shows hairs. Pulling a male is simply a matter of, well, pulling the male.

I'd take and mark clones now, LST the donors, and save ScROG for next time.