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eddy lepp

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Not really-- It was legal(-ish) under State Law...but he was not allowed to mention that during his trial--
This is not about if he was doing something illegal...it is about the Feds having the ability to come in and spit on State Law-- If they got a beef with Calif State Law, they should be attacking Arnold, or Jerry Brown about this-- Not Eddy Lepp!!
Fucking Bastards!!:wallbash:

Fucking cheats. Jury nullification. you have the right to interpret the law, it is NOT your right to convict innocent people. dont let a tyranicall judge make your interpretitions for you. be human. be compassionate. be a patriot. live free or die fighting for it.


Active member
Not really-- It was legal(-ish) under State Law...but he was not allowed to mention that during his trial--
This is not about if he was doing something illegal...it is about the Feds having the ability to come in and spit on State Law-- If they got a beef with Calif State Law, they should be attacking Arnold, or Jerry Brown about this-- Not Eddy Lepp!!
Fucking Bastards!!:wallbash:

very good answer..i agree they should presure the state to govern that side of it


i am sending all my good vibes your way eddy may the gods light your way to freedom


This is so fucking depressing. Robbing him of his golden years. Last I knew his wife has terminal cancer. Ironically, she now needs the meds worse than ever before.

Sending positive vibes your way Eddy. *sinks deeper into depression due to abuse of good people*


Active member
wow this is like a dagger in the chest..the federal gvernment is full of shit , why don't we prosecute them for pushing deadly over the counter drugs that are destroying the youth..why don't they arrest the big tobbaco companies for killing so many every year..eddy i am praying for u everyday..redeye seeds will support u in any way that we can..

jah bless..


Active member
why don't we prosecute them for pushing deadly over the counter drugs that are destroying the youth..why don't they arrest the big tobbaco companies for killing so many every year..

jah bless..

Because Eddy didn't fill the congressional coffers like those crooked ass CEO's do.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor


A sad day indeed when someone gets as much jail time for growing plants (creating life) as another might get for killing someone.... (taking life)

We are all on your side Eddy.....take care my friend and hopefully the laws will change soon and we can all see you as a free man again......

This is an act of tyranny. The drug laws are making our government tyrannical. We actually have the right to rebel against these people. IT IS TIME FOR MASSIVE PUBLIC SMOKE OUTS DAILY TILL THEY FREE EDDY LEPP!!!!!!!!!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If every weed smoker in America literally stood up and lit a joint at the same time, in massive public gatherings, The legalization process would begin the next day.

There is one other possibility that will force legalization in america, and that is, massive U.S. citizen life loss, in a short period of time, due to drug cartel wars. Lets hope the government does not wait for that to happen over and over again. We already have too much drug violence as is.

It really is time to stand up and organize a massive protest. I think the 4th of july protest already in progress will be a great place to begin. The Seattle hemp fest would be another. I think The best thing to do is network all of head organizers of pot protest organizations (like norml) and Festivals (like seatle hempfest), and convince them all to combine there resources. With the combined creativity and funds, and power of spreading the word, a great american protest for civil rights can take place. Obama is open minded enough to listen to something like that.


It really is time to stand up and organize a massive protest.

Indeed. If a large enough protest were to actually occur, it would make a difference.

I've long wondered why there wasn't a clearing house for central protest organization; NORML is a logical choice but they're fighting all the legal battles everywhere.

It could happen, someone just needs to do it


burnt out og'er
If every weed smoker in America literally stood up and lit a joint at the same time, in massive public gatherings, The legalization process would begin the next day.

There is one other possibility that will force legalization in america, and that is, massive U.S. citizen life loss, in a short period of time, due to drug cartel wars. Lets hope the government does not wait for that to happen over and over again. We already have too much drug violence as is.

It really is time to stand up and organize a massive protest. I think the 4th of july protest already in progress will be a great place to begin. The Seattle hemp fest would be another. I think The best thing to do is network all of head organizers of pot protest organizations (like norml) and Festivals (like seatle hempfest), and convince them all to combine there resources. With the combined creativity and funds, and power of spreading the word, a great american protest for civil rights can take place. Obama is open minded enough to listen to something like that.


So lets get off our couches folks !
See sticky http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=123804

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Indeed. If a large enough protest were to actually occur, it would make a difference.

I've long wondered why there wasn't a clearing house for central protest organization; NORML is a logical choice but they're fighting all the legal battles everywhere.

It could happen, someone just needs to do it

We all need to do it! This can not be accomplished by one person. Marching is only the last step. it is organization, and word of mouth spread by millions that will get the job done.

Check out the sticky :)