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First grow Day 15.



Well this is my first time growing indoors. They are in tupperware with 2 cfls they are 5500k and the equilavent to 75watt bulbs, somewhere around 23 watts. They were planted in just some miracle grow potting soil and have very little plant food sprinkled on top. They get watered as needed not ever getting to wet. All the plants show good roots that I can see. There are some plants in there that are kinda bad and stuggling but, I will work with them. They will be grown there until they are too big and put into big pots and put outdoors. More info and pictures coming as it happens. I am growing some headies bagseed that I came across and some of Nirvanas Snow White non feminized.

Any help, tips, anything is very much appreciated. I am new and I will take any and all help that I can.

There is my roow chamber.

The nicest snow white plant I have, the rest are sturggling. :badday:

The two headies bagseed plants I have, they look great!

Thanks for looking and post away and Tipsss.

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I dont have much to add other than looking good, keep it up.

D Rock

What kind of ventilation system do you have? I think thats one of the most important things to remember on a indoor grow is to have enough ventilation. A great grower told me once that when you think you have adequate air movement add more. Looks good so far for your first indoor grow. Keep us posted, later.


The ventilation is hardly anything, I have holes on the opposite side and at night the top comes off untill morning. There truly isnt any at all. I dbout this matters but, they will only be in there for a few weeks to get em strong to put outdoors. I tried finding a small fan but, couldnt and kinda gave up.

Hey basement420 those trainwreck plants are looking nice man. I remember last year I got a nice ass half oz of trainwreck from WCU, bangin shit.

Thanks guys.
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you should at least get a fan to circulate air ... never under estimate the powers of fresh air.


Ok well this weekend I have a task now, to find a small fan to put in there to do very that. Everyone pray that my babies in the back make it through this and survive.

I was also going to look into a indoor micro grow(totally differnet then this grow), I have a question about scrubbers, I was wondering if I could fill pantyhose with carcoal and kinda just stuff the exhaust duck and put some over the end to keep it in. I just want a simple and easy way to stop 3-4 flowering plants from smelling up a room. Anyone got ideas?


Aw hell yeah my man. I have been looking for DIY's and a hole page with them, WOOT!

Thanks alot

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Small fans?

You are listening to one or so right now

PC fans my friend, cost like 12 bucks or cheaper, do a good job too, perfect for small grows


the Revenant
If you are gona go with indoor micro grow i suggest going stealth. These rubbermaid grows are terribly conspicuous.



Dr Dog, I was looking into getting one, how would I power it?

Pirate, I actually have this nice sized cardboard box that I had big subwoofers shipped in. Its 14" by 30" its big enough to fit 2 plants in there small ones apparently. No veg or clone/mother chamber unfortunatly. But, beats payin 50 for an 1/8 of beasters. Anyhow, the good thing about the box is that its behind some things and has been sitting there for over 2 years. I am going to experiment with bagseed and im gonna use cfls. Ill see what happens I guess it doesnt hurt to try.

Anyhow lemma get back on those plants up there I have a few issues. As you can kinda see the plants in the back are stretched an kinda flimpsy, any tips on that? Basicly what I was going to do was once the "good" plants grow up and go outside the stuggling plants can have more space and light and I can try to save them. Also if you look at the 1st pic the bottom right in the center that plant has fallen over and the stem is broke but, it continues to grow and leaf, anything I can do with that??

Those pics are crap, I will get better ones in a day or 2.

Thanks for the help guys and keep it comin. :bashhead:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
couple ways you can power it easily
The first would obviously be a pc power supply, you would not need much in terms of wattage, and the connections are there, the second way would be to get a dc power adapter, just read out side of fan, should have voltage and amperage listed, then just get an appropriate power supply from the adapters, you would obviously need to attatch wires for that

As for your flimsy plants, that is often cured by having a fan blowing in there, thickens stems, also getting your lights closer to the plants, your plants are stretching for the light, when i run into that I use chop sticks to prop them up with until they are thick enough to stand on their own

D Rock

Dr Dog said:
, when i run into that I use chop sticks to prop them up with until they are thick enough to stand on their own

chopsticks sound great, I had been using straws but I bet chopsticks would be better.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr Dog again.


Ok dr dog thanks for the help. Imma jus go look for an old pc an rip one out and try to rig it up.

As far as my flimsy plants yeah, they lights are actually closer then they look only about 3 inchs, so I am hoping on the fan to help them. The stretched bad cause we had to soil them w/o having 2 lights and then I was stupid and didnt put them close enough. Once they grew a little and stretched I smacked myself hard and fixed it. I am just one of those guys who doesnt listen and learns the hard way. But, I do learn atleast.

Ive seen people use paperclips to hold the plants up, he tabbed the clip onto the side of his cup then made one part of the clip straight with a hook on the end to hold the plant, looked like a great thing to do. Just another way to do it.

Thanks again for the help Dr Dog, I will keep you posted on how they are doing.


Well the other day one of the lights fell and landed on a bagseed plant(seen in the 3rd picture one in the back) it was the nicest looking plant out of them all. Almost every leaf turned yellow and were hanging down towards the soil. My partner cut off all the yellow leaves and left it in there, I dbout till grow back. Anyone think it will?? Its pretty much just a stem.



Well went and got new pictures, it is day 27 now all the plants are looking alot better and we just put a fan in today. The one plant that was mentioned in the above post is dead for sure, too bad. The snow white plants do not smell yet at all but, those bagseed plants stink like a bitch.
Anymore tips and help are asked for and just post something to make me feel good haha, I hope you like.

Here come the pictures.

There is the whole family. All the Snow White plants are to the right. The two bagseed plants are in the top left hand corner, the big one and the small one next to it. But, this is the whole family.

My snow white plant A, the best one of the six.

A close up of the top of the snow white plant A.

My six snow white plants, what cuties.

My snow white plant B the 2nd best of the bunch. The plant actually broke its stem and fell over and regrew itself, yay.

The plants repair job, goodjob baby girl.

The better of the 2 bagseed headies plants.


those zip ties should be removed will start to choke plant in a few days. i have a rubbermaid as mother/clone room. took fan off a little space heater made a whole in the side. i have 8 one inch whole across the lid. keeps 3 24watt bulbs cool. paint inside white will help. see if u can find square pots or rectangle ones work best. best of luck. peace


Hey wishbone thanks for the tips. The ziptie can be removed now since the plant did fix itself. About the box, I am not too concerned with it since the bigger plants only have about 2 more weeks in the box. The smaller plants probly 4 weeks more inside the box. The plants will all be finished off outdoors. Thanks though alot, anyone else?


You had any successful outdoor grows under your belt? Last summer I put two ladies out in 5 gal buckets and they got ripped out and kicked over in a week. I put them in a bad spot because I was too lazy to carry those heavy buckets of dirt very far. I have two going now, Bubba Kush, havn't been sexed yet, but I was just gunna plant them right into the ground and pray for the best. I'm sure the deer will get them real quick cuz we got lots of em out here, but I dont really have anything else to do with em, as they are extras. Let me know what your system for outdoor is? I was pretty much just gunna try to set it and forget it. Hopefully dog poop will keep the deer away, maybe act as a fertilizer too.

Anyone had any luck with just planting them into the ground and forgetting about em?
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I have had friend who would hike up the mts and plant them and come back in fall to check on them so it possible. I wouldnt plant into the ground unless you dig a whole and put nice soil in then put the plant in there. I havent ever grown outdoors yet. I will just be putting them outside in like 1 gallon pots and putting them on my friend property. If you have any other q's just let me know and I will try to help. This site has tons of really smart people though. So good luck. PS, do you start your plants indoors aswell?

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