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Million Man/Woman smoke out march!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Every day I see a new story about some innocent person going to jail for weed. Eddy Lepp's case is most fresh in my mind, as well as Charlie Lynch. These cases should have been thrown out of court. These are perfectly good people, helping their communities daily, and paying their fair share of taxes.

Enforcment of Draconian drug laws on these people are tyrannical acts of government, in my opinion. True civil rights violations. I use these strong words because it is time for strong, and organized action. It is time to once again follow in the foot steps of Martin Luther King Jr., and create a massive peaceful civil rights movement.

Our government has made it clear that they are going to drag their feet on the issue, waiting for countless more lives to be ruined by the court systems, and cartel/gang violence. It is our jobs as Americans to speed up the legislative process through massive protest, and civil disobedience.

The best way to do this is to network together the heads of all pro pot and hemp organizations. Make a huge centralized pro pot organization out of all the ones that already exist (like NORML and Seattle Hemp Fest). Combine funds and minds, to create the largest protest in American History. If we can get over a million people to march on D.C. and light up, the legalization process will start the next day. We just have to peacefully overwhelm the system. However there will be a march in each major city in the U.S. for those that do not wish to travel to D.C.

This needs to happen. Lets all start the brain storming now!.

The 4th of july smoke out this year is a good place to start. We should aim for the actual million man smoke out protest to be in 2012, but if we can get one million this year, then hell ya!. I think we probably need one more whole year to gain hype and allow for planning. Aim for 4/20 2010 and every year after. 4/20 2012 will be the main event.

I Urge anyone with connections to the right people in the cannabis world, spark this idea in their minds. BRING THEM TOGETHER!

IF AMERICANS HAVE DONE IT BEFORE WE CAN DO IT AGAIN! Its time to stand up for our rights!!!:1help:

EDIT. THERE HAS BEEN A FEW CHANGES AND MORE DEVELOPMENTS. check the thread periodically to keep up.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If anyone is a member of another website you all should spread the message there as well.

The best way for the common person to spread the word, and build hype is just to tell everyone you know that the "million man smoke out march" is happening on july 4th 2010. you dont even need to be specific, just build the hype, and moral! If enough people get pumped up about it it will happen.

We should however, still organize a centralized communication hub that includes the already know leaders of the pro pot/hemp world. so lets write them most importantly, and encourage them to get together.

Universities are a great place to spread the word.

writing hightimes. and other magazines will help. Writing to TIME magazine could help. They are pretty pro pot. Write local newspapers. The whole idea is to spread the word like a wild fire.

Make posters, and stickers. appeal to multiple senses. Include messages of peace though, we need people to know that this is a peaceful movement on our parts.

I will try to find some links for us to start. remember spread it like a wild fire.


Are there any people on the site with connections to people that represent NORML or other organizations? Getting them to put the march on their sites could make a HUGE difference, as well as groups making money to buy advertisements. There's nothing going to make more impact then de-sensitizing those who think it's a touchy issue.

Even episodes of tv shows that show maryjane in a good manner like the weed episode of family guy are great strides, these types of things would never have been acceptable years ago. We need to keep pushing, we need to keep getting the image out there without sticking a pot leaf sticker to the bus stop shelter like a fuckin punk. It's gotta be gone about in a positive manner.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
write all these people

[email protected] e-mail address to time magazine editor

https://secure.customersvc.com/wes/servlet/ShowTD at the bottom left hand side of the page there is an option to email the editor of Time.

[email protected] here is the e-mail to the editor at high times.

http://hempfest.org/drupal/?q=contact this is a contact link to the seattle hempfest board members

here is an e-mail address to norml media. [email protected] this is the one for their grass roots movments [email protected]

start with these, and I'll find some more in a little while. I'm gonna go ahead and write my letters encouraging them to help.


the smoke out across from the white house has shriveled over the years. Back in the mid to late '70's the whole park would be packed.....hundreds of people. I went last year and there was maybe 40-50 people tops. Not like it used to be but would love to see it get back to the old ways.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^It has only shrank because poeple gave up after regan/bush/clinton/bush era. The movment has already been started back up due to the election of Obama.


h^2 O

you're right if it's going to happen it's gotta happen now, now is the chance. We need people to come out, scientists from the governments weed program to say their research is all garbage and then the FDA should say it's okay. Surgeon General...not sure who he/she is now, but thinking they're liberal. Not like the last moron

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is possibly the only way to get it taken off the schedule 1 list as well.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It would be great to see a giant crowd so full of pot smoke that the cops are afraid to enter, without gas masks. You know they would freak when some hippy flower girl blows a hit in their face, half of cops still think is will kill them. hahaha.

Be part of history. We could call it march to the high road.

does anyone else have any ideas of who to write?

We gotta spread this protest news faster than the swine flu scare.


To get more folks maybe we might consider including those who are not brave enough to smoke in public?
Perhaps Red shirts can signify support?

Also crossed my mind what other events are pro legalization events?

Just some thoughts.. What do ya think?


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^ Good Idea jack. we dont all have to smoke. we just have to be their. red shirts, or green shirts, or just picket signs will work. It is the number of people that count mostly.


Green shirts would be better, red shirts would be confused with the "Red Friday" program, in support of troops where people show their support by wearing red on fridays, I think this is mostly a Canadian thing tho.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Good point. Green shirts would be best.
Also people should bring joints, and not pipes, so they can eat their weed before the cops can do anything

I just wrote high times again, and told them to check out the site. I made sure that they know that this is user, and not I.C. magazine, initiated. I dont wanna to accidentally get anyone wrapped up in this that might wanna stay way under the radar.


last year the secret service only confistaced the video camera that was being used to document what was going on, but they got it back after talking to the supervisor. But I think the joint only is a good idea. No hard items for them to use against you.


Lost In The Forest
ICMag Donor
I think Obama should legalize home growing just like Carter did for home brewing. I think he would do it. He is pretty chill.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If we get the massive number of 1 million people out side his house he have to will listen, because it will be very loud. Also we should position our selves to where the wind blows the smoke away from the white house to show respect for his kids, and staff that does not smoke. Mutual respect for each other is part of having a peaceful rational solution. Think about the second hand smoke from like 2 million joints! hahaaa

smoke 2 million joints in the morning, I smoke 2 million joints at night, I smoke 2 million joints, and it makes me feel alright....... :)
I am subscribing to this because I don't want to forget about it. Hash, it will take an act of God to keep me from being there! The wife has been wanting a vacation anyway, what's wrong with the nations capital? I do like your idea of standing down wind... major show of respect for everyone.:joint:
Saving and planning now for the march in 2010!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
The main goal of this is still to free eddy lepp and others like him, and to keep it from happening again in the future. These are good people that have been sentenced to prison for helping cancer patients. It is the exact opposite of what the constitution is about.

Payaso posted this,


please write these folks. follow the link to the post. to get the addresses.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Now what we really need is sponsors. Like high times. Unfortunately we have to lobby politician style. To get out mass word.

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