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Ed RoSeNtHaL: SuPeR BuD



Thanks man, I'm growing some ERSB hybrids right now so keep us tuned! K+



Registered Non-Conformist
Please explain why you think this is an underrated strain..... I have ';em in the fridge, and have waited to hear something "elite" about the line.

Total respect all around, forsooth, even for just trying something. I have a good few new seeds going, and one never knows if one will find a keeper, regardless...! In fact, the ratio is not good, and most others around me run others' clones.... Schlubs.... lolololo -

Just asking, and honesty will not be met with anything but a science-like curiosity. Mr. Lepp was not impressed with it, but hey, NEVER is the book fully written.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I think it's "underrated" merely because not many people have opted to grow it due to the price of the seeds.
Additionally, some people have indicated that Ed just stamped his name on it...rather than it being an excellent strain....people have suggested it's just marketing hype.
I'll tell you that I think the smell is the most unique thing about it so far.....it literally smells like razzles candy.

My wife usually hates the smell of any weed...this one she likes...LOL.
Basically there have been detractors for numerous reasons...but I wanted to see how these gals turned out.
When cracking beans....alot of them were male while other strains I cracked at the same time were female (so I know it wasn't environmental).
Apparently it's hard to get a keeper, but I sincerely think this is the 'one'.
I'll keep u all tuned. I've been eagerly awaiting this since I got back from amsterdam.​
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Registered Non-Conformist
Cool, Access... Razzles, I remember those... The half gum, ahlf candy weird concoction. Probably NOTHING real in those candies, but hell yeah, cool taste...! haha

Thx, I am gonna run 'em, if nothing else, because I spent, like you said, a good piece of change. Also I appreciate, like and respect Ed massively, as a person. As if that had anything to do with the decision to grow 'em....! haha


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I got 3-4 more Ed's vegging ready to get put into flowering this upcoming Thursday. The pictures I'm putting up right now are of the first official gal that I'm taking through the flowering process. Everything prior was just a preliminary to get a stabile mom and cuttings. This wee girl will give me some nice indication of how Ed fleshes out and how it tastes...but the real wave is coming shortly. Updates will definitely follow. I can say with certainty that I already like the copious amounts of crystal she's developing on the leaves and what will eventually become buds. The smell is so unique it's making me salivate.



Registered Non-Conformist
OK, that's it. Now, I am in. lol....

Germing the Eds with the Shanti/MNS SSH's I just opened, tonight. Also, the Deep Congo, and the Legend's Mountain Mix...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Quick shots of ERSB: w/David Gilmour Lyrics

Quick shots of ERSB: w/David Gilmour Lyrics

Remember that night, white stairs in the moonlight
They walked here too, through empty playground, this ghosts town
Children again on rusty swings getting higher
Sharing a dream on an island it felt right

We lay side by side between the moon and the tide
Mapping the stars for awhile

Let the night surround you
We're halfway to the stars
Ebb and flow, let it go
Feel the warmth beside you

Remember that night, the warmth and the laughter
Candles burn though the church was deserted
At dawn we went down through empty streets to the harbor
Dreamers may leave but they're here everafter

Let the night surround you
We're halfway to the stars
Ebb and Flow, let it go
Feel the warmth beside you

Raistlin Majere

never even knew this thread existed :bashhead:
when did you put the link in your sig ?
i'll be watching bro :friends:


anything called SuperBud cant be that bad! :muahaha:
where's the bong?

edit: All Access Pass..I like it! :headbange
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♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
You guys are funny: Raist, Cellar, Imnot....thanks for stopping in. I'm hoping for better juicier pictures upcoming with eventual smoke report. For now, this is a small experiment. Actually since it's Thursday right now....I've got at least 2-3 more Ed's ready to go into the flowering area. The other one you're seeing pictures of was flowered at a very small size (almost immediately out of the cloner). I had no idea if this gal would stretch and I couldn't wait to taste her.....I've got some markedly larger ones going in today sometime or later this evening. Inevitably there'll be more to talk about.
P.S.-the signature addition was done on Wed. afternoon...


Awesome looking ladies there guys!
I never even knew about the the test grows~new varieties section.

I'll be watching :lurk:


Active member
access ndx said:
...was flowered at a very small size (almost immediately out of the cloner). I had no idea if this gal would stretch and I couldn't wait to taste her....
I dig what you're saying. I have to do it way too often--flipping plants just to get that bud going, screw 2-3 more weeks of veg. :asskick:
It's good if they stretch a bit, but sometimes you get one that won't stretch at all. :bashhead:
got new pics coming?


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Absolutely got some new pics coming. Lights aren't on yet for another 2 hours....and I just got in from a week away in Florida. I'm eager to see the babe myself.
I also threw 2 other ERSB's in before I left. Those were larger and should be markedly more substantial.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Home @ Last...

Home @ Last...

I know this superhighway
This bright familiar sun
:smoke:I guess that I'm the lucky one:smoke:
Who wrote that tired sea song?
Set on this peaceful shore
You think you've heard this one before...

Well the danger on the rocks is surely past
Still I remain tied to the mast
:canabis:Could it be that I have found my home at last?:canabis:
Home at last...

She serves the smooth retsina
She keeps me safe and warm
It's just the calm before the storm
:bigeye:Call in my reservation:bigeye:
So long hey thanks my friend
I guess I'll try my luck again

Well the danger on the rocks is surely past
Still I remain tied to the mast
:canabis:Could it be that I have found my home at last?:canabis:
Home at last...


Description of the strain from Sensi Seedbank:
The layering of Indica and Sativa qualities in this hybrid is a rare accomplishment. A superb balance of the best traits from each end of the cannabis spectrum has been achieved through expert selection over countless generations. The blend of tropical genes in Ed Rosenthal Super Bud's multi-faceted background is especially wide-ranging, representing Sativas from all around the equatorial zone - Africa, South East Asia, Central America and the Caribbean.

An amazingly succulent flower formation is ERSB's distinguishing feature. Different individuals show extra Sativa or Indica influence through subtle variations in the development and structure of their resin-soaked buds. Otherwise, phenotype variation is small, with a majority of plants flowering at the same speed and increasing their height by about 150%. A small proportion will show a jump at the onset of blooming, which first widens the gaps between internodes and later gives an even greater yield potential.

All females exhibit a flower structure bursting with Indica density that is made even fatter with the running Sativa tendency, resulting in buds that swell upwards and outwards to crazy sizes. A strong and incredibly sweet aroma of pineapple-punch is the dominant flavour across the strain.

The Sativa-leaning females make great multi-stem plants and produce huge oval calyxes which spiral into crooked bud-pyramids large enough to bend branches.
The Indica phenotype's flowers are distinct and impressive, building into voluptuous columns of snowy bud with main colas as thick as an arm. Their gorgeous snow-covered effect comes from a unique pistil formation - where the oversized antennae sprouting from each calyx are covered with a visible fuzz of tiny hairs - and (as always with a Sensi strain) from a stupendous covering of full-sized resin glands.

Ed Rosenthal Super Bud is gourmet ganja with cash-cropping potential - the only drawback being that growers may find those harvests hard to part with!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Chubbynugs: making the cut is an understatement. I'm really impressed with the way she's filling. If she smokes anything like she looks and smells....I'll be psyched!
Grapepunched: The stench is that increasing odor of "razzles" I described before, but here's a better breakdown as to what I think is contained chemically in that odor;
This strain must contain a healthy amount of Myrcene. This has periodically been described as "clove-like, earthy, green-vegative, citrus, fruity with tropical mango and minty nuances". I'd say the last descriptions are spot on: fruity with tropical mango is dead on. At times this strain smells like it contains some Limonene...which is like citrus resin. There's absolutely some Terpineol (lilac, citrus or apple blossom/lime odor) because there is that hint of apple blossom and lime. Lastly, there must be Linalool in this variety because it has a floral scent similar to spring flowers.

The "pineapple punch" description that Sensi-seedbank uses is not quite as accurate as "razzles". Of course there would probably be a large lawsuit if they described it in that manner. Razzles was the first thing I said when I smelled it while sexing.....then I put it near my wife....she said the same thing. Mix all the fruit flavors together with an emphasis on pineapple/mango/berry and you've got it. "Stench" is probably not the word I would use because it's absolutely pleasant to smell. Hell, if there were an air-freshener that smelled like this stuff I'd buy it.


very interesting info about the different chemicals/aromas there access, i checked out your thread, cool man. peace