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D's gone hunting.........


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Alright update time again. Had a lil family emergency to deal with, hence my absence of late. At any rate the garden is doing fine. Three weeks into flower, I've gotten a disappointing amount of stretch out of the seed table. Might have to lower the scrog a bit to compensate. Not sure if these genetics don't exhibit much stretch, or if I didn't quite give enough recovery time from topping before flipping to flower.

Here they are at 3 weeks 12/12. It's just the light making the leaves look yellow, they are all healthy.



PPK's are still kicking ass. Had some issues early in this crop with poorly flushed coco (100% my fault). As a result I now do slurry tests on all batches to insure consistency from here on out.

My selected Deluxe Seeds Sweet tooth clone at seven weeks.




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My chemmy jones cut selected from Connoisseur Genetics stock, also at seven weeks 12/12. If you look close you can see she is starting to show purple hues on the large leaves.





....and this little guy popped up out of nowhere, and manages to survive so I gave him a pass. Anybody know what it is?

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Got Roots? :biggrin:


Spent some time further dialing in the rack rooms feed system, and then filled about 3/4 of it with sweet tooth clones, the rest is being filled with the second round of seeds.



Éirinn go Brách
ICMag Donor
Hi D, enjoyed catching up on your thread . Learned some too. Peace brother. Your using a perialstolic pump for dosing eh? My daughter is tube fed so those always remind me of our zevex infinity pump. I still have her first one she wore out. Unfortunately they are not made for continuous feeding tho so doubt I'll ever use it. Besides it's our backup.

Keep on truckin D.


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Time for another random update :laughing:. Real life projects are taking up a lot of my free time, but I know some of ya'll like to know what ol' D is up to....... Well lets see, about to harvest my first PPK crop. First impressions lead me to believe I'll likely convert the seed room over to ppk's once I'm done pheno hunting. Adding some vert bulbs to the mix also. In the mean time I'll be experimenting with differing media mixes, and feed times.

Chemmy Jones @ 9 weeks. I've really come to love her smoke....







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Next up is the sweet tooth. Also @ 9 weeks. Reeks like skunky candy, delicious!



The smaller plant peeking into the picture is nightmare diesel crossed with either destroyer, or chemmy jones. Leaning towards the destroyer, but I'm not completely sure. Smells a lot like her momma :biggrin: She's around week 7 right now, looking like she'll need at least 10, maybe more to finish.


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Last, but not least, we have bobble's strawberry DD cut. Pulled several bags worth of leaf off this plant, and she just spit out more. Going to give her one more run, but doubt i'll keep this one around due to the leafiness. On the up side it does have an exceptional dark chocolate with fuely undertones smell that I love :biggrin:.






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New feed system in the rack room is killing it! Got her filled with 90% sweet tooth, with the remainder being seeds from last batch. Including 3 berry sour cream, 2 pepe la chem, and I think 3 blue satellite. Currently feeding for 1min twice per day. Drippers are adjusted so this produces almost no runoff. The top row isn't being used this round due to lack of head in the feed system. The back branches of all plants have been removed, so growth is focused towards the light.



Little bit of action going on in the veg room also. First up we have chemmy jones and nightmare diesel mommas


A few seedlings, and a small sweet tooth mother. Some lights out kush, blue satellite, and I forget what else.



Active member
Also went ahead and planted the next round for selection. 79 seeds in total, I'll edit in the strains later as I forgot my list. I think there's 12 of them in all.



And lastly the seed table in flower. Having a strange issue with these plants. For some reason the res ph jumps up to 8 after 24 hours even with continued additions of ph down. Slurry test reveals PH of 6 and EC reading off the charts high. Feeding plain water while I consider what is causing the massive EC spike.



Active member
Hi D, enjoyed catching up on your thread . Learned some too. Peace brother. Your using a perialstolic pump for dosing eh? My daughter is tube fed so those always remind me of our zevex infinity pump. I still have her first one she wore out. Unfortunately they are not made for continuous feeding tho so doubt I'll ever use it. Besides it's our backup.

Keep on truckin D.

Glad to have ya mckush :tiphat:. Yup peristaltic pumps being used in conjunction with a ph controller for acid dosing. Still dialing in the acid strength (3 gal. per day pump is actually more than needed :laughing:), but overall it's working well for me. Had to go look up what a zevex infinity pump was, looks principally similar to the setup I'm using, though my version is a few hundred cheaper. If you find yourself with some time, give my vert redemption thread a read. It's long, but there's lots of good info in there.

You got it going on in here D!
I'm super impressed, you got a lot of rigs going.

Thanks pimpin' :biggrin:. I do a lil bit of everything at this spot. Variety is the spice of life after all :laughing:. In all seriousness this spot was setup to be a place for me to trial and dial different system ideas I have. As well as to serve as a place to do a lil pheno hunting :biggrin:.




life projects are taking up a lot of my free time

Hi, Mister_D.


Nice work !

Kind regards,


Active member
Looks like the temps got pretty low. Nice colors. Maybe next time you'll show me how to grow my cut. ;):joint:


Active member


life projects are taking up a lot of my free time

Hi, Mister_D.


Nice work !

Kind regards,

This room has been getting neglected a lot lately :laughing:. By life projects I mean I've been busy building custom ebb/flow tables for another project (not mine, I'm just there for design and extra hands). Get the feeling I might just need some more SRGB's in the near future though ;)

What's the scoop on that LOK? Is that a keeper or are you sorting?

Hoping there's a keeper in there, but for now they are just seeds I'm sorting through :biggrin:

Looks like the temps got pretty low. Nice colors. Maybe next time you'll show me how to grow my cut.

Pssh low temps :laughing:. My room is sealed bro, temps NEVER fluctuate! That's called genetics, and proper feed and flush my man! I'll admit that DD is far from potential though. She took a really hard hit from being pulled out of an aerobag (fucked up it's root system bad), and stuffed in a PPK. Then as a little bonus to that situation I didn't get the coco flushed well enough, so she suffered for a week from that also. There's another one in the veg room that will likely end up in a ppk also. Barring any issues with her I'll show you how to grow her proper next round. Still, shit is leafy as fuck, and I don't do leafy as fuck in my garden......... Especially not when I have the jones, which just took a giant shit all over everything else in the room :biggrin:.


Active member
So then do you use a space heater during lights off? I'm not suggesting your temps are super low.... in my sealed room the lights off temp can get down to around 65F. I agree she can be leafy... that's why you have to grow those donksicles. :joint:


Active member
So then do you use a space heater during lights off? I'm not suggesting your temps are super low.... in my sealed room the lights off temp can get down to around 65F. I agree she can be leafy... that's why you have to grow those donksicles. :joint:

Somebody clearly hasn't been listening to me and freds about getting a dialed environment lights on and OFF! Well insulated room, a/c or water cooling during lights on, and heater during the dark cycle. Perfect temps year around :biggrin: Stays between 78-82 deg F 24/7. And leafy is a bit of an understatement, I could supply my worm farm with all the inputs needed for several thousand worms off just a couple of these plants :laughing:. Notice how the jones produces donksicles with very little leaf? I defoliated that plant twice, defoliated the DD about 5 times, and the bitch is still covered in leaf! It's these kinds of qualities that have me searching through hundreds of seeds for that one special plant that meets criteria....... Guessing that's why you don't grow her much any more either ;)


Active member
Somebody clearly hasn't been listening to me and freds about getting a dialed environment lights on and OFF!


I'm not going to kick a dead horse, especially when he's not here to defend himself... So I'll just kick you. ha ha... j/k

I agreed with you about the leaf... But if you can get the buds to swell up then the leaves pretty much get swallowed up by bud and are passed on to the consumer. Also I could never get the thca% past 20ish, and the smell isn't very strong. If you want to grow some big fat colas of ok weed, then she's great, assuming she's not acting like a bitch with her Ca sensitivities.

Headband and Death Star have both treated me better as far as overall quality goes. Both test into the mid 20%'s, smell is much stronger, and overall vigor is better than with straw dd. I just haven't grown any gallon sized death star colas... yet.

As for the temperature thing... I don't necessarily agree that 78-82 is the ideal temp range for all plants for the whole flower period, though I know it works well with most plants. In nature, the photoperiod decreases as the seasons progress, and temps drop. These environmental factors trigger the expression of certain genes, which ones I'm not certain of, but the point is that it happens, and if you don't observe these things and recreate them in your own controlled environment, you may or may not see those genes being expressed. Personally I've had better quality keeping my temps below 80F later in flower. I'll let the temps run a little warmer during stretch, but then in late bloom I start dropping the temps as close to 75F as possible.

In regards to my space heater during lights off... I haven't been using one because I haven't created something to block the light they put off. I've been thinking about adding fans to exchange air during lights off to help control humidity and temps. I think it would be beneficial to fully exchange the room air especially using a propane burner. I'll be doing quite a few updates to my room after this harvest. After all, it is my first sealed room and I'm only on my 3rd grow in that room. :tiphat:

I'll leave you with some pics...

The first time I grew straw dd, with cold lights off temps in an attic.

straw dd with normal warm temps and a good flush.


Anyway, I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. Just cause I didn't get the same colors doesn't mean it didn't happen for you... I respect your decisions and yeah that chemmy jones looks nice,

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