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Doing IT outside, Geurilla style 2010


wanted to do that this year but just was too busy , the thing is really picking the right time for that to avoid the corn getting too high in rlation to the LR2

yeah would be real nice , just planting an watering once , and then 3-4 weeks later return to cull the males , wait 7-8 weeks and then harvest

next year i wanna try that especially since prolly my guerillia spot will be a vacationresort for rich punks by then

I hope you can harvest all of your frisians

using corn fields for growing seems to have a long tradition amongst guerrilla growers. as you say you just have to time it well so your plants are never growing faster then the corn. the disadvantage is that the corn will get sprayed at certain times. unless you know a farmer has already sprayed his field before you plant. in the end, no one system is perfect at least the farmer should be using spray that's allowed on food. still....

gaiusmarius Sucks that spot 5 got found bro i would not go back there at all just for the fact that it's not worth it...

I would suggest u use that pile of wood chips and leaves you just need to add a manure to it when u mix it in to speed the decomposition up...Those green plants and grass can be used to do the same thing just mix them together when your getting the holes ready...

The problem i always think about when it comes to corn fields is that then farmer will be out there at some time and he has every right to be so i could be seen at anytime so i would rather not grow on his land...

You should try to find old factory areas as there's space and nobody go's tracking in the woods after work...Hope this helps

yes the farmer of course could find them, although if you plant them far enough in the field this should be unlikely, specially with the size of some of these fields. still i hear what you are saying, public land or at least uncultivated wild lands are the best option really. i will keep in mind what you said about old factories, will probably have to keep looking for a while till i really can settle on a few spots. it will all depend what makes it to harvest.

yeah i'll stay away as much as possible from spot 5, but i think in the end they will either be taken or left, i can't imagine them setting elaborate traps for a guy growing 2 little plants on public land, as they are for my personal use and hash making i have nothing ore then a fine to fear even if they should catch me there, that's why they won't bother, it would have to be a bigger setup with irrigation set up for them to be interested, even then the rare occasions i read about a find like that, the growers are normally never found. still i know what you are saying, no need to take silly risks for 2 baby plants, lol.

yeah i grow in such an area

sounds good, will also keep the industrial areas in mind that are near some countryside. the actual forest can be a bit to dark, even with a hole in the canopy, the tall surrounding trees will limit the direct sun unless the canopy is open wide. you do seem to have some great spots, can't wait to see your next update.

pics from a few days ago from spot 3<<<shity spot :laughing:

as you can see these are not doing well at all. we had great plans to chop down some surrounding trees to open up the canopy more, but in the end i couldn't do it. those surrounding trees were just too old to be chopped down for a few cannabis plants to get more light. also i imagine that would annoy the forester more then the plants. so far i have grown without causing any damage to the land. i will just look for better spot to replace spot 1 and 3 next year.

peace out and thanks for the comments and encouragement.

edited to add: spot 3 will be my nettle patch in future, lol.


gaiusmarius Spot 3 might not be ideal but if you can get a nice top off that plant you'll be happy as getting to the end is what it's all about...When you go looking for new spots make sure you have your compass,hand shovel,small pic-ox to test everything right there and then...Hope all go's well and stay safe bro


gaiusmarius Spot 3 might not be ideal but if you can get a nice top off that plant you'll be happy as getting to the end is what it's all about...When you go looking for new spots make sure you have your compass,hand shovel,small pic-ox to test everything right there and then...Hope all go's well and stay safe bro

for sure, i have a trekking gps, my pocket knife with the saw, swiss army folding shovel, garden gloves, tick spray and rose clippers for cutting down vegetation to get to the soil. still have to locate the right pick. was also thinking i could collect samples of earth at each potential spot and maybe do a ph test just like i'd test the ph of coco coir. mind you having it analyzed might be even better to know what you need to make it perfect.

so true, in the end it's all about getting the plants to harvest, the yield is secondary to getting to the finish line and of course the quality.

we are having a very rainy day today, it's incredible i still haven't needed to do any watering since i got my water bag. but i do hope we get back to sunny weather soon, now is the time they are gonna determine what kind of buds they will make, whole days or half days of rain can't be good for those that have begun flowering.


Hey G your plants are looking great! Someone found your plants and didn't kill them? how'd you know someone found them?
good vibes and happy growing :)


Hey G your plants are looking great! Someone found your plants and didn't kill them? how'd you know someone found them?
good vibes and happy growing :)

hey Snypette,

nice of you to drop by, i have 5 different spots. the last spot i put some plants out to, had a dead tree branch sticking in the soil at the base of the plant, when i went back to check on them last. this spot has 2 plants close together. so possibly a ripper found them who will come back at harvest time. or maybe a good natured forest worker, who doesn't care. if it was some one with bad intentions towards me, they would not have left the tree branch stuck in the lose soil right next to one of the 2 plant in that spot.



oh so someone else stuck the branch in the dirt? Hm, if that's the case then it doesn't seem like a bad sign, but ya like you said maybe someone will be trying to steal your finished product. But if that's what they were trying to do then i doubt they would leave you a sign telling you they were there.. hm.. very curious. Sounds like a fellow grower maybe, hopefully:wave: take care G


those surrounding trees were just too old to be chopped down for a few cannabis plants to get more light. also i imagine that would annoy the forester more then the plants. so far i have grown without causing any damage to the land. i will just look for better spot to replace spot 1 and 3 next year.

Ah. Plus for not cutting down the old trees. I love trees, but you probably know that.......:D Put the plants in the trees for christs sake.:D

Old trees can be pruned, but do it in the summertime. Deadwood can be removed whenever, but the tree has a much better chance of healing well if it is done when it is warm.

for sure, i have a trekking gps, my pocket knife with the saw, swiss army folding shovel, garden gloves, tick spray and rose clippers


Now I know who you are.:laughing:

Sorry. Been testing that Diesel this saturday night, and its making me a little :kos:

:plant grow:


Looking forward to more updates. Have a good one.


Gaius, I've gotta imagine that your plants at the semi-compromised site are safe.

The way I see it, you have 4 kinds of stumble-upon-ers.

1) The ripper. He wouldn't have left any trace that he knew of your plants until they were quite literally and tragically ripped.

2) Babylon. Cops wouldn't leave a trace either. They would set up game cameras, or try to nail you at harvest when they can add possession to cultivation. Or they'd just tear up the plants and leave a business card tucked neatly into one of the stems (if they didn't care enough or have the resources to bust you).

3) The dickhead hiker/hunter/farmer/whatever who is mad at you for growing drugs where he likes to hike/hunt/farm/whatever. He'd either fuck up your plants, call the authorities, or fume a while until he did one of the two previous options.

4) The nice hiker/hunter/farmer/whatever. He notices your op, and leaves a sign so you know he knows, and know that people have been there. If you're nice, you want them to know there may be a security breach, and why. When I stumbled on an outdoor op, it was because they left bright white handles to buckets of fertilizer sitting out in the open, and they were visible through the bush. So I tore off the handles and buried them.

Long story short, I wouldn't trip about it.


oh so someone else stuck the branch in the dirt? Hm, if that's the case then it doesn't seem like a bad sign, but ya like you said maybe someone will be trying to steal your finished product. But if that's what they were trying to do then i doubt they would leave you a sign telling you they were there.. hm.. very curious. Sounds like a fellow grower maybe, hopefully take care G

you know i was thinking the same thing in the last days. maybe the guy has his own plants some where close by, lol.

Ah. Plus for not cutting down the old trees. I love trees, but you probably know that....... Put the plants in the trees for christs sake.

Old trees can be pruned, but do it in the summertime. Deadwood can be removed whenever, but the tree has a much better chance of healing well if it is done when it is warm.

Now I know who you are.

Sorry. Been testing that Diesel this saturday night, and its making me a little

Looking forward to more updates. Have a good one.

these trees were not very old, but still about 15 years old, still a bit sad to chop it down just for some ganjah plants. specially as there are other places which i don't need to chop down any trees.

wish i had macgyver skills, lol.

Gaius, I've gotta imagine that your plants at the semi-compromised site are safe.

The way I see it, you have 4 kinds of stumble-upon-ers.

1) The ripper. He wouldn't have left any trace that he knew of your plants until they were quite literally and tragically ripped.

2) Babylon. Cops wouldn't leave a trace either. They would set up game cameras, or try to nail you at harvest when they can add possession to cultivation. Or they'd just tear up the plants and leave a business card tucked neatly into one of the stems (if they didn't care enough or have the resources to bust you).

3) The dickhead hiker/hunter/farmer/whatever who is mad at you for growing drugs where he likes to hike/hunt/farm/whatever. He'd either fuck up your plants, call the authorities, or fume a while until he did one of the two previous options.

4) The nice hiker/hunter/farmer/whatever. He notices your op, and leaves a sign so you know he knows, and know that people have been there. If you're nice, you want them to know there may be a security breach, and why. When I stumbled on an outdoor op, it was because they left bright white handles to buckets of fertilizer sitting out in the open, and they were visible through the bush. So I tore off the handles and buried them.

Long story short, I wouldn't trip about it.

yeah i think that sums it up well, i'm not tripping about it, either they will make it or not, lol. there are only 2 choices. i didn't put much effort in to those last 2 spots anyway, so what ever they do will be a bonus. we shall see what happens :)

Anyway here are some pics from Tuesdays check up on spot 1 and 2

i gave them all a nice dose of guano...

update spot 1

plant 1:




see the deer got in and chewed off the lowest branches. had to fix the wire and add some more.



plant 2:








update spot 2

plant 1:




plant 2:







plants 3 and 4, these are the last ones planted here and they are growing in the coco/local soil mix experiment.



to be continued, had too many images, removed all you guys smileys to make room for my pics, lol.


overview of plants 2, 3 and 4 in spot 2



Spot 2, plants 3 and 4 in the coco/local soil mix:




here we see the stems of the coco mix plants. as you can see the coco seems to be very fertile, weeds are growing already.


spot 2 plant 1:


spot 2 plant 2 "Queeny":






Hi Gaius !!

Very nice guerrilla grow, your plants are healthy, they promise to give you a nice crop. Some are already giving you nice buds !
That "Queeny" should make a nice yield.

It's cool you did not have troubles with animals, they often make damages in a OD guerrilla grow, so, great job !

CYA dude !



Active member
lookin GREAT GM


what§( soil mix are these on? i like how those leaves look

seems all those plants together will yield nice

seems to me you had a better tactic then me :D

next time for me also much more but smaller and spread better


Queeny's looking amazing gaius! Is all of spot 2 in the local/coco mix?

I thought GGs used coco as a "soil base", kind of like peat. Just filler basically. So why mix it with local? Or does it also help with aeration and drainage kind of like perlite? If so, what is the advantage over perlite? Just lighter for carrying into the bush?

Have you thought at all about the feasibility of using 100% non-native soil "hole/pots" composed of coco and organic ammendments?


Hi Gaius !!

Very nice guerrilla grow, your plants are healthy, they promise to give you a nice crop. Some are already giving you nice buds !
That "Queeny" should make a nice yield.

It's cool you did not have troubles with animals, they often make damages in a OD guerrilla grow, so, great job !

CYA dude !


yeah i have great hopes for Queeny, lol. i lost 2 plants in one place to animals and had to build cages around the other 2 plants in that area. but spot 2 seems to have less deer accessibility, even for me with hands that can pull myself up steep slopes, it's hard to get there and i always arrive totally out of breath. so maybe that's why no deer trouble there yet. it also seems the deer have a lot of food sources at the moment.

anyway thanks for dropping in man.

lookin GREAT GM


what§( soil mix are these on? i like how those leaves look

seems all those plants together will yield nice

seems to me you had a better tactic then me :D

next time for me also much more but smaller and spread better

those 2 plants are growing in the coco/local soil mixture with added beneficials, all round npk fert, some other stuff called vinasse and just on the last visit i added some guano for the flowering phase. i also quite like the look of them, specially when you consider that they have only been there for a few weeks. i think it bodes well as a method to use my old coco from indoor grows. makes me regret the 5 garbage bags full i dumped in the woods a few months back. when it gets dried a bit it's very light to carry.

as for the better tactic, i can only laugh. my update just looks like a lot of plants because of all the pics i took of each, lol. in truth the only one that is looking to yield a fair bit is queeny, the rest were either put out too late or put in too little direct sun light. next year i will make much more use of queeny's spot. this spot is the safest one as far as i can tell, it's hell getting to it every time, spot 1 is a close second when it comes to how hard it is to get to.


Queeny's looking amazing gaius! Is all of spot 2 in the local/coco mix?

I thought GGs used coco as a "soil base", kind of like peat. Just filler basically. So why mix it with local? Or does it also help with aeration and drainage kind of like perlite? If so, what is the advantage over perlite? Just lighter for carrying into the bush?

Have you thought at all about the feasibility of using 100% non-native soil "hole/pots" composed of coco and organic ammendments?

seems we posted nearlyat the same time...

no queeny and plant 1 in spot 2 are both growing in soil i brought to the site. only those 2 plants growing next to queeny are growing in the coco/local soil mix. forgot to mention above this mix also had some chalk added.

some of my plants are grown that way, with holes dug and store bought soil filled in the hole. queeny is growing in about 20 lt of typical growing earth mix, with perlit, earth worm castings and other goodies, was expensive for a bag of earth. will mix my own mixtures next year, just transport all the soil, perlit coco and earthworm castings in one night with a car as close as we can get and then hide everything, or start getting it up to the site with torches, but that would be a bit dangerous i guess, so better hide everything and go back during the day and get that shit up the slope and to the spot where queeny is doing her thing. i'm thinking i could put at least 5 plants there maybe 7 or even 10. we will see though, just the thought of making that climb with a bag of earth on my shoulder seems crazy, let alone doing it 5 times. i'll have to get a big back pack that can fit a bag of earth, just thinking about it makes me sweat. wow long stoned ramble of a post...

btw coco has a similar effect like perlit even if it doesn't look like it. also i just happened to have old coco around so decided to give it a go. the reason not to go full on coco, is cause it will dry up much too fast. coco needs water every day in the hot weather, so that would be a pain, also pure coco is inert you'd have to add food for the plants. maybe with a bunch of water crystals to help store water it would work with pure coco.


Yes, carrying soil is a gigantic bitch. And unfortunately it's a gigantic bitch I've learned a lot about this summer.

If I might give some advice for next year....

1) Get a camo'd tarp to hide your soil in if you're planning on leaving it anywhere in the woods for any amount of time. Much more difficult for helicopters/passersby/whatever to spot.

2) Get a gigantic backpack. You can likely carry more than you can fit in a bag. We would stuff our bags (we had pretty big backpacks), and then carry a bag in each arm. Carrying it in your arms is far more tiring. Thus, a bigger bag is a great help.

3) Get trekking poles. They make the uphill climb much easier, especially when weighed down by a big pack.

4) Use coco as much as possible. If you're going to be mixing your own, use coco as a filler. I can't stress what a bitch it is moving lots of soil, and any tricks for cutting down on weight help. Water crystals is a nice idea. Also native soil (although we don't really have any native soil to work with, that seems to work for you).

5) It seems to me that a "plot" paradigm would make better use of soil than a "pot" paradigm. If the plants share soil, then ones that need more rootspace can take it from other, less vigorous plants. And if growing from unfem'd seed, you can cull the males and still use their soil. This thinking may have flaws.

6) Allot more time than you think you'll need. You'll need it.

Hehe, speaking of long stoned rambles, eh?
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Active member
GM your getting there . When doe`s the bad weather hit you in your lat ? Is it a wet autumn or cool & dry , & when are frosts expected ?

Stay green .


in the last years the weather has not been very stable, some times we have nice autumns, other times not, but the frost normally doesn't come before November. my plants should all be done well before it gets too cold at night. what remains to be seen is how wet it is in September, that will be the critical end flowering phase for me i guess. would you give them a one off watering with pk 13/14 at some point like with indoor plants? or just do it if they look like they need it? we had a very nice sunny day today and it's supposed to stay hot in the next days, lets hope they pump out some buds.


Active member
the nice thing bout nthe frisian is you don't have to worry bout rain,

some phenos will get mold but still yield good , but some phenos are almost immune to mold , the 5 pounder from last year had cellphone sized nuggets and 1/3 stayed out in the rain till the end of october , even though it was ready to harvest october 10th

so the nugs kept on swelling and it kept raining but no mold and the buds where very compact

that pheno was purple and smelled like forestfruits with an earthy undertone