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pictures from the great bookof hashish


ICMag Donor
someone pm me a while back asking if i could put some pics up but my camera batery went on a missing 1
ive got a new 1 so heres some pics from the book

it is a great book and anyone who loves hash will love this book

i sat there and read it cover to cover thats how good it is

anyway heres some pics for now il add more later

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OJD, i thought you had forgot all about me asking. i have been dying to see some pictures from this book since i first saw it in the background of one of your photos. those pics are absolutly mindblowing. it's amazing to see how little hashish has changed over the years yet how different it really has become. though there have been some improvements in the extraction process and the purification process , we still make hashish in almost the same way as people did thousands of years ago. it's a piece of human tradition that is often overlooked by many historians but hashish has been used by people all over the world for thousands and thousands of years. much thanks for giving us a glimpse at an age old technique.

side note: i would like to know a little more about the "fire and water" method they describe in some of the captions. it seems very interesting. in one photo, it shows water being poured over a pile of kif powder and says something along the lines of "water being added to afghani powder starts the hash making process". seems very interesting.
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lover of all things hashlike
they add water to stubborn resin powders to aid in pressing them... you can sometimes see this type of hash as if it is improperly dried the surface will be covered in a fine white mold.

this is somewhat similiar to using steam on sacks of resin then pressing the sacks with a jackpress.


Where are the round pellets that are on top of the book from? Do you get those frequently?


Looks like a really good book Ojd,
does it mention in there what the arrows on the top of the hash means?, possibly the region it's from?,
all the different hashes look so good, mouthwatering stuff man

peace :joint:
i would imagine the marks are some sort of brand. often bricks of heroin, cocaine, opium, and hashish are branded with markings to indicate the region of origin.
The arrows signify that those are the real deal Royal Nepalese Temple Balls.

This, and Hashish! are my two favorite bathroom readings. Hashish, by RC clarke has a bit more updated information as well as a ton of good history and updated methods.

Buy them. You wont regret it.

Does anyone have any of Cherniak's other "Great books"?

I'm curious because in his great book of hashish he alluded to a method to salvage a lump of moldy hashish, but i have not been able to locate where he outlined this procedure. Anyone got the goods?


I also love this book. When first released in 79 we used to use it as a guide to the types of hash we used to get (stuff just like in the book).

Its a shame that the "abridged" version is not the same as the original. It has that awful "photoshop" look and is missing some pages.

Sadly getting the original is hard & expensive, but all of the text is there and like the OP said i often read this from cover to cover.

I also have the second book (its more about weed & opium than hash) and will try get some of it scanned. DON'T get the 3rd book though, its disappointing.

As previously mentioned "hashish" by rob clark is also an amazing piece of work (not many photos though).

Oh and lastly, those caramelo's sure look good.



Indeed, a great book. I gotta give it a proper read next time wardy :joint:


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I am working with Laurence ... and am

Very happy to say Laurence Cherniak is re-printing his book " The Great Book of Hashish " Book I

50,000 copies will soon be available in 4 different languages: English, Spanish, German, Scandinavian

The launch party is October 24, 2009 Toronto, Canada

After the release of TGBOH Book I ... We will be working on the reprint Book II , and III as well

Laurence currently has a book out with Alan Dronkers of Sensi Seeds titled " Hashish: The Joy of Making and Curing " ... a really nice little book ... and is working on another book and additional canna related ideas as well

Laurence, along with a partner have been collecting genetics for 25+ years - has also launched a seed company ... LC Seeds ... Look for grows to slowly rise up, and for seeds to find its way to the market

Great stuff
Great times ahead
Great vibes

Keep it concentrated



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The Hashish Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Great Book of Hashish

Great Book of Hashish

¨50,000 copies will soon be available in 4 different languages: English, Spanish, German, Scandinavian

The launch party is October 24, 2009 Toronto, Canada¨

I will believe it when it happens. We have been waiting for this release for almost 3 years with paid advertisement.

Aqua Lab Tech


..wouldn't mind it on my coffee table either..how or where to get a signed copy??


I will believe it when it happens. We have been waiting for this release for almost 3 years with paid advertisement.
Aqua Lab Tech

I hear ya - this last year and and a half + ... has been quite a horrid time for the world and its economies ... many have suffered very badly

All anyone can do is their very best .. have their heart in the right place .. and keep moving forward on the right, correct path

Great ready for some fun

I got your back

Please let me know if, and/or how I can help



..wouldn't mind it on my coffee table either..how or where to get a signed copy??

Lets get closer to the Launch - and then I will update the thread, and let everyone know where to purchase

We " Love " our Sponsors, and the people we work with ... all GREAT companies, that are loved and respected in the canna community ... I want, need to be fair

Its a small list - these guys will have the books

Heck - Aqua Lab Technologies ( a sponsor of IC Mag ) - an icon in hash .. and someone we all love and respect ... is with us .. and will have the book for resale

Again - to be fair .. I will a provide a small list of resellers or direct to this list as we get closer and the book becomes available

Its an awesome book !



Be careful what you pay guys, HUGE mark-ups are being put on these books by GREEDY people.

Non of these books should cost more than £20 to £40 (30 to 60 bucks i think)

but get this.

I recently wrote to the contact email address on Mr Cherniaks website to inquire about a new copy of the 2nd book in normal soft-cover version (they also have hard cover copies). When i originally purchased it it was £20 in about 1990.

I almost spat my tea out when i got a reply quoting me $395 !!! What a complete rip off. Yea they are great books, especially the 1st, but come on, that's like £200 for something that should be £30.

There are other places to get these books though at the right price. In the uk grow-shops and seed company's often keep a stock from what i've seen as well as quite a few on-line book stores.
