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Do other smokers regularly think about this?


Of course you think about getting rich and having the fliest shit. Then reality hits you a couple months maybe even years down the line when you got people robbing you or Narcs giving you FED time. I say if your gonna grow for straight profit then grow, make enough money to start a real business and go from there. If you don't have a goal you want to reach before you get out then you might be heading down the wrong path. Oh yeah in this day and age you better have a good way to launder your money. Maybe there should be a forum about laundering money, just for informational purposes.


please, all of you, spare me the "I thought you were older", or the "grow up and quit thinking hollywood" posts, because you OBVIOUSLY didn't realize it was a fantasy, a stoned rant, and are taking the question way, way too seriously.

not to mention there are DOZENS of dudes here growing 5, 10, 20, 30 pounds of chronic every 3 months - and they aren't caregivers. i WONDER where all that weed is going? my my!

relax. it was a theoretical question. i know its practically impossible, and its work in its own, but working for the man as opposed to working for YOURSELF...


1.) i know that drugs, in any fashion, aren't a way to run your life (for the majority of people). BUT, as some of you have said - as a guy in his 20s, i've been fucked by the banks, credit card companies and the tax man, over and over, and am in DEBT. big time. my job barely pays the bills let alone my loans. its good for young people, it gets them on their feet sometimes - and hustlin' bud can make you big money when you think big money is anything other than living paycheck to paycheck.

2.) i never planned on doing any of which i mentioned. if anything, keep a close group of friends and be the supply. thats it. yeah it would be cool to have insane 108" LCD tv's like it's nothing, but thats a far far goal but it isnt UNREACHABLE...and bud may HELP me get there, and i think its pretty fucked up that a large portion of the ICMAG does what i reference on a daily basis yet i get criticized? please.


I think about all the time but in the end it just dilutes what I intentionally wanted to do which is to be happy and just live.


I just want a decent house with alot of land and some nice cars to go out to the track and race on the weekend. A place were no ones gonna fuck with me and I can grow my pot in peace and go skiing in the winter (skiing >any shrink or drugs). Have a job that I enjoy and not have to worry about bills. Thats all I want outta life.

I would like to move to cali and get my 215 since I have a few legit reasons for it to help decrease the paranoia. Have a nice indoor setup and grow outdoors in the summer. Prolly get into a collective so whatever surplus I have I can sell it to fellow 215'ers for dirt cheap maybe just enough to pay bills etc etc

Mainly I just want to be able to mind my own buisness and not have other people fuck with me and try to force their ideals apon me.


I just want a decent house with alot of land and some nice cars to go out to the track and race on the weekend. A place were no ones gonna fuck with me and I can grow my pot in peace and go skiing in the winter (skiing >any shrink or drugs). Have a job that I enjoy and not have to worry about bills. Thats all I want outta life.

I would like to move to cali and get my 215 since I have a few legit reasons for it to help decrease the paranoia. Have a nice indoor setup and grow outdoors in the summer. Prolly get into a collective so whatever surplus I have I can sell it to fellow 215'ers for dirt cheap maybe just enough to pay bills etc etc

Mainly I just want to be able to mind my own buisness and not have other people fuck with me and try to force their ideals apon me.
I "just" want to own my own massive property with expensive cars to fucking drag race on the weekend. I just want to not have a boss. I just want to live in the most expensive state in the one of the most expensive countries in the world. I just don't wanna have to worry about money.

Just. I'm meat and potatoes, bro.


If i had like 10K sitting around for start up cash still, I'd move to cally and do my thing. But unless you have around that much money in start up costs, you can't really pull it off.


I "just" want to own my own massive property with expensive cars to fucking drag race on the weekend. I just want to not have a boss. I just want to live in the most expensive state in the one of the most expensive countries in the world. I just don't wanna have to worry about money.

Just. I'm meat and potatoes, bro.

I just want you to pull the cock outta your ass and stop being so critical of others mister I wanna be a pot kingpin.

ever hear of wisful thinking douchebag?


I "just" want to own my own massive property with expensive cars to fucking drag race on the weekend. I just want to not have a boss. I just want to live in the most expensive state in the one of the most expensive countries in the world. I just don't wanna have to worry about money.

Just. I'm meat and potatoes, bro.

I never said I want to own massive property alot of property to me is 10 acres I never said I want expensive cars I like to build my own on the cheap. I never said I drag race... i never said I dont want a boss just a job that I enjoy were I make enough to not have to worry about the bills.

god forbid someone is willing to work hard for what they want and have some dreams

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I would love live lavishly, but unfortunately that will get you into trouble. You will end up in "pound me in the ass prison".

Showing off = get raped

Doing a little growing on the side to help with bills is o.k. as long as you don't spend "on record" more than you make. The IRS starts looking at your property, and spending habits at that point.

Use the pot cash to but food, and use it on vacation. never keep more than 5,000 dollars in your house, and never report more than 2,000 stolen if you get robbed. Bury everything else in airtight water proof containers.

You can save up enough to retire in Mexico, Spain or Portugal in 10 years. I say those places cause I like senoritas. (Spanish hotties)


I just want you to pull the cock outta your ass and stop being so critical of others mister I wanna be a pot kingpin.

ever hear of wisful thinking douchebag?

I never said I want to own massive property alot of property to me is 10 acres I never said I want expensive cars I like to build my own on the cheap. I never said I drag race... i never said I dont want a boss just a job that I enjoy were I make enough to not have to worry about the bills.

god forbid someone is willing to work hard for what they want and have some dreams

I was illustrating the fact that you implied a sort of humility or simpleton vibe by saying "just" prior to listing an extremely difficult goal for most growers. I wasn't implying you had retarded dreams.
i think about this constantly:joint: lol even tho i dont wna be filthy stinkn rich id like to live well and have a family n all my buds can cmeover and shit of course id probly half to buy one badass car haha i love cars:joint: but as fer tvs n wat not...i basicaly dnt watch much n if i do its movies tv is jst sum bullshit go out n do sumthn( hypocrit here tho cuz all i do is smoke weed and chill at home never do much of anythng and if i do im always fcked up hopefully i can take my own advice here tho haha) but yea i say 300- 500 gs a year would be nice:woohoo:dnt half to worry bout ppl askn fer all yr money er usin you and u got all the cash you need to be happy now thts my dream:joint:as well as own a coffee shop one day selln all my favs buds(now thtd be a job) but basically i use to think exactly like you wntin everythng n wat not but then i watched the movie blow CHANGED EVERYTHING...ill always remembr thm lines "money isnt real george only seems like it is" n at the end george fnally agrees i mean if you cnt take advice frm sum1 whos actualy done it who can you take it from??:yoinks:


The Hopeful Protagonist
Just like any other business start-up, plan on not making a dime the first year and still be able to pay ALL your bills.

This is the amount of start-up capital needed, to go big of course.

I have visions of granduer like everyone else.... :joint:


Lammen Gorthaur
Not me. I spend my free time praying for the souls of you people. I know you are all probably going to hell, so I am doing my part by setting an example that we all can appreciate... LOL.


material possession are one thing but happiness is different. IMO getting in to growing for just the money aspect (not saying you are but it does drive some) leads to greed and we all know where that leads to ,ending up in a cage and losing precious time you have on this planet that you can't buy back.

if you feel like your living pay check to pay check why not look for a better job? i know allot of people think growing could be there job but the way i see it once it becomes your job it can become a hassle and the risk increases with the cost of doing business with large weight, now ask yourself is it worth it just for the tvs and nice cars and the piece of mind it comes with.

i am fairly young and would like to be financially independent of my parents while i am in school (it does not take a lot of weight to make that happen) that is my main goal to lessen their burden while i am trying to educate myself. the cars ,tvs , big houses and all that other stuff is nice but that can all wait till i have a good job and make my money in a socially execpetable way.

why not go to school and use you hobby to pay for it so you can make your big money legit and keep the grow on the side for what other people said vacations and a little extra spending money along with all that free smoke for your friends and family ,not only that but you will also have a much better job or create your own business so you can be your own boss.

my real dream would be to own a dispensary close to where most of my family lives without having to move out to cali or another med state that allows them but thats not gonna happen for another 10-20 years for it to become leagalized hopefully sooner but you know how slow the processes are for that to happen.

If i had my own legit bud buisness i think it would be awesome cause not only do you help sick people but you give happiness to alot of folks who use it recreationally and i would keep my cost low as it wouldn't be my main money making job (of course i would expect compensation for my time) as i would already have a nice job from my education. that and i could probably retire earlier and just enjoy life while keeping the buisness of growing and passing along the harvest.
mpd wonder why you got so mch bad rep?? cmon man who are you to say were goin to hell half these people on these forums are great ppl n jst cuz we want stuff you say were all goin to hell?? cmon man wise up you cant pass a judgement like tht unless you kno thm personally n still thn i dnt thnk you can unless ther gangsters tht shoot ppl and battle fer turf thts not even thers rly...i thnk thts rly the only way...cuz i kno if i had money id help ppl as mch as i can dnt say sht like tht du other wise yer guna be the one in the flames...pce bro


Active member
mpd wonder why you got so mch bad rep?? cmon man who are you to say were goin to hell half these people on these forums are great ppl n jst cuz we want stuff you say were all goin to hell?? cmon man wise up you cant pass a judgement like tht unless you kno thm personally n still thn i dnt thnk you can unless ther gangsters tht shoot ppl and battle fer turf thts not even thers rly...i thnk thts rly the only way...cuz i kno if i had money id help ppl as mch as i can dnt say sht like tht du other wise yer guna be the one in the flames...pce bro

mpd has his rep disabled...bad rep is red


Active member
California has a lot of incarcerated people, crazy prisons, wouldn't want to end up there.


there is a saying

"He who works like a slave, eats like a king"

you could get used to the money fast, even if it's a lot of work, no doubt
you probably wouldnt feel like working anymore

me ? I would be too paranoidm couldn't sleep at night

the world needs growers

also another saying

they say girls and money are the #1 reasons a man makes mistakes

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