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Do other smokers regularly think about this?



So, i think partly because of movies, real life interactions, the awesomeness factor and the no work/all play lifestyle is really attractive..

And, one of the thoughts that crosses my mind frequently, is picturing myself growin weed, startin small...makin some starter cash, grow more, and create my own operation...just outright buy a place in cali, chill out, get medical for my back, grow a ton of good weed, have pimp cars, crazy ass size lcd tv's everywhere.....shit like that. Just imagining that makes me want to do it..really, really bad. On one hand i say legalities, risk, prison, all make me reconsider VERY quickly. But then i think about it a 3rd time, I say - It's a fucking plant. Hundreds of thouands of people grow it and sell it, in different countries too, why the FUCK not? I hate my job, my life is boring...and im living paycheck to paycheck.

Anyone else ever think about attempting a bigass move like this (or even, have you COMPLETED the task already? haha, just kidding..dont answer that question)


I figure on a site like this the answer is probally......
HELL YA!!!!!!

I figure if i was to get into commercial growing the main thing is be safe and don't get greedy....I also figure if i had a shit load of weed I would try n help out some med folks, for free or real cheap depending on the situation.....why not would be good for ones karma :)

I think the scene in california is pretty decent maybe you ougfhtta follow your dream why not???



pimp cars... crazy LCD's everywhere??

Not really... how old are you bro? I thought you were a bit older for some reason. Sure i'd be nice to have all the bills paid and take a vacation 2x a year... but i hardly thinks its an "easy" life. I have a friend that does this full time w/6k and its hardly "free money".... once u got it down, easy money for sure and its hella enjoyable imo. But i dont think you're gonna get rich


It depends on your definition of "rich" and how long/much you grow.I quit my regular electrical job years ago after discovering OG.If you are single,have your own home,no kids,not near a school,possess no firearms or scales on site and you're not growing for fun and profit,you've got a screw loose lol.Yes you can make large amounts of money pretty quickly.Its important to have 1 or 2 people at the most that buys up all your erb.Its a rough life but somebody has to live it lol


Active member
You won't have a problem in cali getting rid of it. It's getting started and keeping it coming in. Soil is possible but in an apartment is just so messy. You aren't going to be medical because you aren't going to stay in guide lines. So already you need to make a plan on paper, add up all the costs, and double it. That way you will have more than enough money to get started. 2 bedroom apartment, bedroom 1 flowering room, bedroom 2 veg. The rooms are so 'hidden', they don't even exist, comprende' ? You sleep in the living room with no friends. Best done alone as you will be the fall guy if something goes down. Maybe if anything have somebody you trust and set him up to do all the deals for you. Worth a cut to keep you from getting rolled. I think if you get rolled with a lb that's enough to get your house searched. Don't want anything in your name. The rooms are sealed, carbon scrubbed and done perfectly. It would be better if you were a jack of all trades...electrician, hydro grower, ect.

The more you grow, the more your costs go up. Having an apartment with 200 illegal plants isn't a settling thought know what I mean? think it through, you are on the right site.

ps- you're thinking hollywood and not reality. It's not going to que the music once you get into cali let me tell ya. There is shitty things about that place.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
Of course ive thought about this, i mean who wouldnt wanna do this? and a couple people i know have done this and are doing great!!
No doubt cali is the mecca for weed lovers, probably #2 next to amsterdam(altho i dont know right now i think id rather go to southern california for a weed vacation, since its cheaper). Yea i would love to do what you mentioned above but it seems so unrealistic especially in my position. The amount of start up cash would exceed what i have or can come up with for the move and if im gonna do something as drastic as that i wanna do it right, i always said to myself id be true to myself and follow my heart and if that means growing weed in california well thats what im gonna do(havent gotten to taht point jsut yet)...but youd be lying if you said tha thought hasnt crossed the brain after a few bowls... ahah


Active member
Look at it like this....most tokers never grow because they spend all there dough on smoke.

bad idea.

you want to be successful?

keep your day job, for side income.

Instead of buying an 1/8th for 60$ go buy some lights or supplies and just keep building. 60$ for weed doesn't last to long but a strong investment will. buy supplies every time you think of buying weed, do this for a year and you'll have a setup that will remind you of icmag's big boys.

even if you buy a shop light a week, set it up in the spare bedroom and make sure there is 8 dixie cups being started every week..bam there ya go...save your money!! trust me...oh no scales in hizzzie, or guns but if ya have to have the gat, keep it locked up. with the permit inside. never be holdin while ur holdin ok

im living check to check but then again I haven't taken my own advice yet.
I would be surprised if more people didn't start growing weed for sale to keep their homes. If you are already losing the house, or about to; might as well grow weed in it. I would think the bank would get their money back out of the sheriff sale but I dunno.

6k is a lot to me, but seriously; the real money makers use way more lights than that. Or major outdoor operations,.........there are so many corn fields around me, just playing the GPS hunt for your ganja plants could reap so many pounds. It really comes down to how much you can harvest in your window with the man power you have. Putting the clones out and marking down the GPS to store in an encrypted partition is about all it takes........other than harvest and some care between......perhaps some organic deer replant and maybe some ferts.

I never think about the large amounts of cash to live a fancy life, that is a great way to get busted. But it is a nice drawback, if you were going to lose a house; or the economy gets worse. I don't think the mob did to bad during the depression. But if your into money, learn chemistry; that is a very quick and easy source of income. I have never known anyone to grow coca indoors, so I have no idea how much crystal you can get from say 6k of coca.......but ganja would make more money I think. I do know coca lives for a very long time and you only harvest the fresh leaves. Not that IC would appreciate talking about that, but seriously the mark up on importing is just huge. And our product would be better than most imports, people talk about cutting; well a lot of the import wasn't even extracted/oxidized well.
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Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
One you start growing for money it becomes a job.
So there goes your all play and no work.

Even if you were able to make the right contacts you'd need to grease pockets and have people in the system on the take. Unless you were extremely smart about your business.


Active member
Pimp cars and large LCD tv's, lol.

Sure, I hope to be filthy rich one day, but emulating some of the retarded asshats on MTV cribs is not my idea of people that I look up to. The funny thing is, many of those people are still lowlife, even with their pimp cars and their large LCD tv's and their bling bling. Some people just have no style and they will always be ghetto no matter how much money they have.


Money isn't life. If you think you need all that expensive bullshit to be happy, you got issues to sort out man...i've never known anybody to be happy just because of money and expensive shit. Prime example, dude I know has just about every tangible object he could ever want, but he has no friends because he's so damn negative and socially inept.

imo, if you're dreaming about expensive cars and TV's, you should take a long hard look at your life and find out what's REALLY missing. don't get me wrong, a nice tv and a nice car are great, but there's wayyy more important stuff in life.


The Mad Monk
Like others have said, the idea of not having a square job and being able to grow trees is obviously something cats around here think of. But I gotta add to the chorus about the cars and TV's. I don't care about that stuff now, nevermind if I was financially secure and 'detached' from the typical work environment of most people. If growing allowed me to be financially independent to the point I did not need a job-job (as someone pointed out, growing like this would be a job in and of itself) I wouldn't be spending that money on fancy cars or LCD tv's. I'd be securing my property and, hopefully given this fantasy scenario, enjoying life quietly and peacefully with family and friends, away from the hustle and bustle of the rat race.

Isn't that the idea, after all? Not to join in the race we all seem to generally despise but to free ourselves of it?


Active member
yeah I forgot to add...if you are into the fast life, with all the flashy shit, you are in the wrong game.

You are looking to get into the white...not a great life btw...those fools have to do stuff you don't want to do. To get money in this world you always have to take it from someone else. I don't think you should do this but if you had a chemistry degree and learned how to synth a bunch of psychedelics, that would help but don't do it for the money, the money is a plus to get you out of the material bullshit not to put you face deep in it.
Well.... I've got class and i've always hated kitsch and ostentatious displays of wealth, but if i'm gonna be filty stinking rich, i might as well have the house of my dreams with 52 inch screens in every room, including the bathroom... in fact, mainly the bathroom... that's the most free time i get lately, haha.

And BigTex, i sorto plan to do that... only i plan to retire, have a nice large house and buy locally, sell internationally. Or move to Spain... but i'd have to be rich for that. And dammit, i don't get spanish citizenship because of only one goddamn generation(the spanish have a new law that says if your grandpa was a citizen, you can apply for citizenship).


Active member
If you have half a brain you can come up with some idea that is as marketable as weed and not the risk of going to jail.

yeah, sell weed to help you get to that point..don't have it be the destination...you don't want to sling weed forever.. but it can help a lot when you are young, but think of other stuff too.

Look at the 420 cleaner for bongs...those guys made out really well...all it is alcohol/rock salt and a pretty bottle/label with some orange smell...come on..those fools made out well....there is tons of stuff...fucking energy drinks, all this stupid shit people buy...look into starting an LLC - Limited Liability Company, it's cheap and you get tax breaks. Don't even have to own a store, but you can register your business name...most people don't do this because they don't know how but its simple...just read some more and hit me back up


it's just like opening a small business. only the risks are a tad bit higher. better stick to wishing you win the lottery.