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Do other smokers regularly think about this?


My ambitions are not to become a successful dealer, I would not have much pride if this was what I had achieved in life. I would like to involve myself in a career that benefits society, money is only of some importance, I want enough to support myself but I don't think material wealth is of much importance. I think I would measure the career path I take less by the amount of money I make and more about how I have benefitted other people.
I think it is the dream to live off of weed, however... the other stuff is just greed. Times of herb and no money will carry you better than times of money and no herb.

I think the farmer lifestyle seems glamorous until your working your ass off all day on farming bud... it's a lot of stress if it's not medical. gotta worry about johnny law.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I love working my ass off all day on weed grows and harvest. It is the most ideal job I can think of.

Out here in the fields, I dont have to fight, to prove I'm right. I put back into my living... ya ya ya yaaaaaa.


id be to paranoid, and i just have too much to loose. i grow my legal limit, and I'm happy with that.... besides, a couple hundred plants is a lot of work... kinda turns into a job after awhile. but if they ever legalize it, its on!


Go for it. Keep the veg side all jammed up with plants, indoors and out. C'mon Big Bux, Big bux, Big bux, no whammies aaaaaannnnnnddd........ STOP!


Active member
So, i think partly because of movies, real life interactions, the awesomeness factor and the no work/all play lifestyle is really attractive..

And, one of the thoughts that crosses my mind frequently, is picturing myself growin weed, startin small...makin some starter cash, grow more, and create my own operation...just outright buy a place in cali, chill out, get medical for my back, grow a ton of good weed, have pimp cars, crazy ass size lcd tv's everywhere.....shit like that.

Dude what the $*%# are you talking about?

No work?? Are you smoking crack? Since when is running a grow up "no work".

You are thinking about the end result and not the work it takes to get their.

"Pimp cars and LCDs"--im sure people have already harped on you enough for that. Yea, a bunch of nice cars will only make LEO more aware of your activities. I know a grower whos stupid enough to ride around in a benz with chrome rims, while his brother bought a brand new 750il cash. i tell him its not a good idea because you should keep your profile low. Well as of lately i hear the FEDs are watching him because they purchased a house with cash, plus they got european whips in the driveway, and this is IN CALI where supposedly "Everyone can grow a 5k and make hella bank yo" right??

Some of you kids are seriously dreaming. Thinking you can become some tony montana drug kingpin in california.

If you havent run a 5k somewhere else what makes you think its gonna survive in Cali. You can still go to jail here for being a commercial grower, in fact thats what the DEA is focusing on now instead of clubs, they want the underground commercial grows.

Shit im running 1500 and i think its alot of fucking work, i spend about an hour a day in there mixing the res, taking measurements, trimming, cloning etc.. if had 5k id imagine i would be working 4 hours a day in the grow room.

Btw, i got a "crazy big LCD", i barely even watch the damn thing because it uses 1000 watts and i need to keep my power use low for the grow. Im beginning to hate TV and am cotemplating cutting off my cable.


Active member
Buy some fuckin seeds off seedbay and do it... wtf are you waiting for?????????????????


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get on the crack game, if you're just looking for $ to buy shit ya don't need.
I would hate to derail this thread, some interesting points for sure, but this is really capitalism at its best, albeit illegal, form. how can we turn such a wonderful plant into some money making machine to meet all of our stupid, insignificant ends... sad really

h^2 O

i just want to do one big grow and sell the whole thing to one person for a like a million dollars. That's all.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^trailer park boys style. operation freedom 35. They go to jail at the end of each season


I think its the height of hypocrisy to come to a cannabis site and basically say that people providing a service for a segment of their community are somehow wrong or off base.And for those that dont think a 40-50 plant soil grow isnt a whole lot of work obviously havent done it themselves.There are plenty of people with 3-5K grows that take a chance and surely arent getting rich,and I'm sure though they're incognito they are extremely appreciated.These are the people growing quality for fair prices of course.I say they are not the devil lol


Pull my finger
Yep, tought about it. Lived it. Smoked the whole crop. If you really wanna do it. You already messed up by brining it up. Shit like that has to be CIA secret. I mean, you have to plan for a long time and be tightlipped like a mofo. To the point of never even having a joint to smoke with friends. Never know much about growing. Always throw out the big "myths" while conversating about growing. Never look like an expert. You gotta seem ignorant so no suspicion rests on you.

That would be a solo mission. Not many people have folks they can completely trust.

One more thing. An old saying that holds true for this scenario....

Always deal with people who have something to lose. Never deal with those that have nothing to lose because, they have nothing to lose. Does that make sense??

Good luck!:)


I know people that run 5-6 grow houses at a time all with 10kw+. You can get caregivers licenses and sell to med clubs (he unloads p's for $4200/ea wholesale !). This is in Cali obviously. Anyways, if you cover your tracks legally you don't have much to worry about, and it's very doable.


Farming something illegal is stressful its just evidence that sits there, is very fragile, and hard to get rid of. But then again some people can be in the middle of a war calm cool and collected.

Do you want to live in fear of a bad, possibly violent outcome resulting in capture, knowing the whole time the laws against what you are doing are stupid. Or do you wanna live a peaceful life as an actuarian with an obsessive compulsive wife and 2.4 kids and an audi SUV with 18 passenger and side airbags.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
So, i think partly because of movies, real life interactions, the awesomeness factor and the no work/all play lifestyle is really attractive..

And, one of the thoughts that crosses my mind frequently, is picturing myself growin weed, startin small...makin some starter cash, grow more, and create my own operation...just outright buy a place in cali, chill out, get medical for my back, grow a ton of good weed, have pimp cars, crazy ass size lcd tv's everywhere.....shit like that. Just imagining that makes me want to do it..really, really bad. On one hand i say legalities, risk, prison, all make me reconsider VERY quickly. But then i think about it a 3rd time, I say - It's a fucking plant. Hundreds of thouands of people grow it and sell it, in different countries too, why the FUCK not? I hate my job, my life is boring...and im living paycheck to paycheck.

Anyone else ever think about attempting a bigass move like this (or even, have you COMPLETED the task already? haha, just kidding..dont answer that question)

I would say control that urge to chase a bunch of material things....I've watched someone I love start to ignore everyone and everything over growing. His quest for money and possessions cost him a good woman of many years, relationships with friends and family and it made him a f-cking monster...because a lot of times, shit doesn't work out the way you imagine it will. There are setbacks after setbacks when you grow big buddy...not to mention the more you grow, the more you will be isolating yourself, making excuses to friends and family and straight up having to lie about things to cover yourself. It starts to rule your whole god damn life...trust me.

Grow enough to be happy...anymore is just greed if you ask me.

Yeah, growing cost me the love of my life for a year, I left him. I see moments when that monster is just raging over the lifestyle he chose....don't go there. Don't drag the ones you love through shit to do it...if you do it too long, they won't forgive very easily...if at all.

That's what happens to a lot of big growers...they start to miss the point completely.

It's tempting, I know....