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Do Any Of You Hash Headies Have Lung Problems?



exactly, every one of your posts couldnt be more on point. I use my bong 10 times a day, the secret is i dont put a flame to my herb.

Thanks a lot, I really needed 1 person to know wtf I was talking about haha! Much love.
Yo Sour Deez, if you don't use a flame what are you using? one of those glass wands?

I know ur not asking me. But even with a glass wand you can combust material, even on a nail dome, or a curve.

When the glass wand, or Ti metal is heated to hot it will combust the material the same as a flame will, its the temperature that really qualifies vaporization over "smoking"

Now, when you say wand you may be referring to a vaporizer with a wand / whip attachment, some of these vaporizers have temperature control, and this is the only way your going to control weather you vape or combust consistently.


I've been exclusively vaping BHO for around 4 years. For sure havn't combusted a bowl/bong in 4 years now. I do smoke the occasional joint...like one a month.

The initial transition was pretty uncomfortable...crap tons of tar to be coughed out of my beaten up lungs. I still consistently cough up black crap, which is kinda strange to me after 4 years of relative abstinence...though not nearly as much. I've seen a few doctors about it just for the peace of mind, no one can find anything wrong.

I do know that if i was consuming the ounce of pot per week my oil habit translates to, I'd be in wayyyy worse condition than I am now.

Besides the need to cough up black crap in the mornings my lungs feel to be in great condition. Regularly outlasting non-smoking friends in physical activity.

Sour Deez

Yo Sour Deez, if you don't use a flame what are you using? one of those glass wands?

I use a Silver Surfer Vaporizer(SSV), which is a whip style vape, hooked up to my bong. I havent cleaned my bong in over 6 months, i change the water once a week. Can u imagine how nasty that bong would look if i combusted? Its got a honey oil film similar to whats left when u constantly vape oil. Like was said, even with the wands, curves and nails you can still combust.

I see people using hash with their nails thinking they are "vaporizing", when the nail is super red hot, and the hash is glowing red from all the waxes and any left over contaminants. That is combustion.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
i do.....

i cough shit up like a cig smoker, i taste my bong when i do.....

i have been smoking out of a bong only for more then a year and usually dab some oil on my bowl. but started vaping a lot more oil recently, its really the only thing i can attribute to my lung problems.....

Putting things in perspective, while sounding like heresy, I smoked cigarettes and cigars part of my life, so please keep that in mind.

You can't inhale particulate, without having it deposit solids in your lungs. I improved that greatly by vaporizing, but 100% when I use a sublingual instead.

Actually combusting cannabis material, is the worst from a deposits standpoint, and if you overheat (burn) oil in a meth pipe, you can see first hand the black crap that deposits in your lungs.

Vaporized concentrate probably deposits the least, but if you smoke or vaporize, expect deposits.

In my dotage, I mostly use sublinguals, which produce no cough, because my lungs just wouldn't takes it no more!


Active member
I use a Silver Surfer Vaporizer(SSV), which is a whip style vape, hooked up to my bong. I havent cleaned my bong in over 6 months, i change the water once a week. Can u imagine how nasty that bong would look if i combusted? Its got a honey oil film similar to whats left when u constantly vape oil. Like was said, even with the wands, curves and nails you can still combust.

I see people using hash with their nails thinking they are "vaporizing", when the nail is super red hot, and the hash is glowing red from all the waxes and any left over contaminants. That is combustion.

I do the same thing, i have my ssv with bong attachment hooked up to various bongs but I find i get through tons of weed trying to get a hit that comes near to one real smoke rip. It really is a different hit.

One thing i get from bong rips is tar all over my lips, i have to wipe after every bong or if i lick my lips it's disgusting.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I smoked cigs off and on for over 30 years and herb for as long.

It seems like herb makes me cough more than cigs ever did, but I always figured it was because after I smoke herb, I'm high and usually not extremely motivated to get up and outside and exercise to get my lungs and cardio working.

In the summer when I can get out and exercise more it doesn't seem to make me congested nearly as bad as winter when I'm more house locked.

This winter I think I'll probably get a vaporizer and use it more than a pipe or bong.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Cannabis is listed as an expectorant, which might be a thought provoking clue.


opposite for me.

ever since i started strictly vaping bho off of ti, my lungs have never been better since i started smoking. in fact the first couple weeks, i was coughing up all sorts of nasty shit and then after that i am perfectly fine!

maybe youre going through this stage?

i suggest just switching to strictly bho. weed and hash have a ton of tar that is much more irritating on the lungs long term than oil.


Active member
Wow did you even read my posts? Your foolish, if your using a flame to COMBUST the material it can cause cancer.... like I said, it surprises me that people don't know that, especially here.

I wasnt sure how else to word the info I was throwing out there, I guess you dont undertstand, I am not on a high horse, I am just really high and like to help people.

LOL! Its not like they give a joint to a patient with a tumor and watch it go away! They have suppository or even more advanced ways to use the medicine that has little or NO negative effects.

Its not that "smoking" cannabis doesn't cause cancer, its that cannabis has attributes that can fight cancer... AKA cancer patients aren't all lighting up and smoking haha, quite the contrary.

Is there really not one other person here who KNOWS that its the act of SMOKING that creates carcinogens, not the material that you are smoking necessarily, lol.... weed when burned produces MORE resiny tar then tobacco.

Its obvious your closed off, so you took my posts negative, afraid of new knowledge maybe? If anyone has info oposite to what I am saying, please I would love to see the info that say "SMOKING" or "Com-busting" cannabis does not produce TAR or cancerous material.

Once again, you could vape your entire life and if you did it right no lung problems from it, however you could BURN or com-bust or SMOKE half the time and see major issues.

Wow, do you have a hard time reading? I said I agree that smoke causes cancer, any kind of combustion breathed in. Now let that sink in........ Then I said that cannabis can fight cancer. Let that sink in......... Where did all your BS come from? You say cancer patients don't smoke pot to help.........but you are wrong. That is very much what some people do and more people don't because it is illegal. You think if regular doctors started to prescribe cannabis people wouldn't use it? Are you trying to say cannabis has no medical uses? That is just retarded man. I am done with this. I hope you read and understand my post this time.


Active member
Here is a link to a cancer fighting hash oil. Not the best link but if you google Rick Simpson then you will get a better idea. http://phoenixtears.ca/ Just one of many studies that have shown the anti cancer fighting ability of cannabis.

So my overall all point if you are still having troubles understanding my posts are:

#1 Combustion will cause carcinogens, period.

#2 Cannabis helps fight cancer.

Get it?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
opposite for me.

ever since i started strictly vaping bho off of ti, my lungs have never been better since i started smoking. in fact the first couple weeks, i was coughing up all sorts of nasty shit and then after that i am perfectly fine!

maybe youre going through this stage?

i suggest just switching to strictly bho. weed and hash have a ton of tar that is much more irritating on the lungs long term than oil.

May I put things more in perspective? My lungs are old and have not only been exposed to cigars and cigarettes, they have been exposed to strong acids and bases like HF and KOH during my professional career before retirement. I also grew up in an oil refinery town, that often smelled of hydrogen sulfides.

They may therefore be either more or less sensitive than most old lungs, but many of my old fart friends will tell you the same thing.

Burning herb irritates my bronchial tubes and gives me asthma.

Strictly vaporized BHO tickles my lungs as an expectorant, and makes me cough as well, for an entirely different reason.

That doesn't mean that I have given up on either, just that I am more circumspect when and how often I savor them, besides mostly relying on sublingual and topical cannabis medications for pain.

Sour Deez

I do the same thing, i have my ssv with bong attachment hooked up to various bongs but I find i get through tons of weed trying to get a hit that comes near to one real smoke rip. It really is a different hit.

One thing i get from bong rips is tar all over my lips, i have to wipe after every bong or if i lick my lips it's disgusting.

I found when using a vaporizer the key is to slowly work the temp up, not just blast it with high heat right away. I will pack .1 and get 10 solid hits.

I start my SSV at noon on the temp knob, 3-4 hits, adjust knob to 1, 3-4 hits, adjust knob to 2, 3-4 hits. Stirring between hits and crushing it up as i go. When the bud comes out its the color of chocolate and texture of sand.

I cant believe how medicated i get from this .1, when i combusted a full bong pack of .4 didnt get me as medicated. :dance013:


Have you ever taken a rip from your bong and blow it through a white towel? And then try it with a Vap...

ive done this with a kleenex before. youd be surprised at how much collects. then consider that the majority is left in your lungs..... ughh

i smoke the occasional doobie, but for the most part i smoke drysift or bubble over a a SS screen in my bowl. def not the healthiest way to do it. i notice significantly less issues when i use my bubbler over my dry pipe though. dont own a bong.

some days i can feel a heaviness in my lungs. some days im hacking up a ton of lung butter, but its never brown or black.


I haven't read everyone's posts but I can tell some people know facts and some are going of here say or personal experience, which in most cases like growing are great but in this one not relevant. There are various factors of why your breath sounds are abnormal and although continued smoke isn't helping lung tissue it isn't the end all be all. Environmental factors are bigger than most think and that could be mold in areas you don't even know of yet. Kinda going off on a tangent, but you catch my drift.

I am a lot like you Kruch; Bong with Ice almost always for years now, Volcano when I'm not lazy enough to bust it out, HATE TOBACCO (don't smoke blunts). I even stray from most concentrates (especially butane) and am one of the pickiest and quick to turn down a hit from anyone, but my friends who I know grow clean. Lately I've had no need for outsourced weed, and it's fortunate because I know how many are doing it for monetary reasons. The love goes out the window in many grows and the heavy fertz and borderline illegal pesticides get brought in. Anyways I'm just ranting now, but yeah those are a couple of my pennies for what ever it's worth.

A sabbatical is always an option too.


Active member
Glycerin + Cleaned up oil (-waxes) + 8 weeks + few drops alcohol = you can get major pain relief and a fairly quick onsetting effect....all in a few drops to your gums.

Oils if they have heat, they go from a steam to losing that energy quickly on contact. Latent heat?


Active member
Juicepuddle, thanks for the conversation. Hope you had a good weekend and you made some great points. Take care.


Take a coffee filter, put it over a bong and hit it.

Almost instantly after smoke comes in contact with the coffee filter it gets clogged and you can barley suck any smoke through. Take it off and have a look.

My jaw dropped, utterly disgusting.