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DJ Short Blueberry Using Rezipe w/Drippers/Hand Water Side by Side Grow


Active member
This is my first coco grow. I was tired of the mess and slow growth of soil. I was going to go hydro, when I came across the Rezipe. I read all 30+ pages and decided coco was the way to go!

So, I am going to do a side by side grow. 1 table hand watered the other table with drippers. lets see which one will do better!


Dj Short Blueberry
Speed Queen

I bought 4 DJ Short Blueberry clones from a club with verified clones. According to multiple sources they only sell clones they have flowered out themselves.

The clones were bug free and had slight nute burn, but other than that they looked great!

The Speed Queen I was gifted by a friend. It came in a dixie cup. He took a cutting, wrapped a wet paper towel around the stem. then wrapped it with a USED American Cheese wrapper!!! It actually rooted, and I transplanted it into coco. It has a HUGE PINK stem, so for the grow, I will use pink color to make this an easy read.

2 400w CMH. 1 per table.

I will be following rez's rezipe to the "t"
GH Micro
GH Bloom
GH Kool Bloom POWDER

I made 2 tables. Made a drainage hole, and lined it with black and white poly.

Each table can fit 8 8inch square coco pots. The kind with a lot more drainage holes, and slits up along the sides of them.

1 table will be HAND WATERED. The other will be a DRIPPER setup.

Here are the tables.. 4 Blueberry's on the left, and the 1 Speed Queen on the right. This is the day I picked up the Blueberry s. They are still in soda cups in this picture.



Active member
Still in cups.. They don't look so happy

Almost root bound!

Rinsed off as much soil as I could.

Transplanted, and fed @ 1/2 Strength. With 15%+ run off.


Active member
1 Day after transplant:4/05/2010

Clone time:
Taken right before

After I cut off 20 clones

Speed Queen's fat pink stem. This plant is going to be a monster!!

Day After Clone. 4/09/2010
They look sooo happy. It wasn't even 12 hours since I cut off all those clones.


I took off the humidity done to spray and snap a quick pic.

Well thats all i got for now! :plant grow:


Active member
Other Info:
I mixed up a 10 gallon res. first couple days it went from 5.5 to 6 so i had to keep adding ph down. As of now, for the last 3 days its at a steady 5.6. I am feeding at normal strength. 6/9

Ph 5.6
ppm 450 ec x 500
CF 9
Ec .9
Run off 6.2 (I think this sunshine coco is crap :/ ) I rinsed it for what seemed like hours!


GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Nice looking plants...

Nice looking plants...

I've always been a fan of the blueberry. Never grown DJ's, but had Capt Crips. rocking my garden for a few grows. Loved it.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
I've always been a fan of the blueberry. Never grown DJ's, but had Capt Crips. rocking my garden for a few grows. Loved it.

GreatLakes THC :joint:

Thanks for stopping by.

and yeah , i smoked some random blueberry strain before, and loved it! I got my fingers crossed that these are legit.


Good stuff man, welcome to coco and good choice by the way you'll soon be happy.

The first time i smoked DJ's Blueberry I was playing a game of chess for money,yeah, don't do that.


Active member
I'm not sure, as I'm not growing in coco, but Isn't mixing coco and rockwool a nono?


^^^You can start cuts in rockwool and transplant in to coco as soon as roots pop. Did it for a while, no probs ever. I prefer to take really big cuts straight into beer cups of coco.

Cool thread Benzo, i'll be watching for sure!!!!!


Active member
Work2much: Thanks man.. i am already beyond impressed!

HeD333: It probably isn't the best idea to use the rock wool cubes, but thats how I got em. And I'm cloning in them, as I know for sure I can get them to root. I will learn how to clone in coco asap! :)

ZenArcade: Thanks! and yeah.. imma try rooting them in small plugs, with just straight coco.

UPDATE 4/10/2010:
Plants are doing great! I cut off some lower leafs that had nute burn from when they were in soil.

Fed with 5.67 ph.. run off was 6.2


My buddy alamony is not updating so I figured I snap a pic of what he's got going on right next to me

Here is a link to his thread..even tho its not currently up to date it will be soon: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=157514


Active member
Dripper Help.

Dripper Help.

I have the 1 gph drippers setup with a maxijet1000 pump. How long, and how many times per day should i set it on for?

Obviously , as the plants grow and get larger, I will need to adjust. But once my clones root, I'm setting up the dripper table and would like to know a baseline of where to start.


you shouldnt even worry about your dripper right now, just hand water them. when the time come for the plants to be fed everyday in flower, or when there harder to reach you can play with the drip settings as it will be more consistent.

how are the clones coming along?


Active member
you shouldnt even worry about your dripper right now, just hand water them. when the time come for the plants to be fed everyday in flower, or when there harder to reach you can play with the drip settings as it will be more consistent.

how are the clones coming along?

sup bro thanks for coming thru..

Yeah, I dont want to set it up for the table on the right.. I just want it set up before all the clones root. So I can work out any kinks.

Clones are doing good. Still no roots yet, but its only been like 4 days.


My temps got a little high due to the 1000w right next to me.
That was fixed, since alamony got a 745 cfm centrifugal fan to cool it off.Which brought down the temps a lot.

Could the heat have caused this? Or because I had a fan RIGHT on it,or maybe over watering?
The outter ridge of the leaf is folding in.. It was only on the two plants right next to the fan.. so im thinking it was transpiring more than it could handle and hence the leaf curl..?


Either way, I don't see it happening to any new growth. I moved back the fan. Fixed the temps and did NOT water yesterday.

I'm going to take more clones today.. I'm planning on doing a SOG with clones.. veg for 4-7 days then straight to flower.

UPDATE 04/13/2010

Did some lst'ing.. trying to get as many clones as possible.





I would say your guess of high temps would be almost spot on. Or possibly a touch of low humidity...it seems plants do that in super dry or super hot environments. I believe it is to try to preserve it's moisture longer.

Since you fixed it so fast, I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless it persists.

Tagged to compare with my grow :)

Good luck.



breathe deep
I have to agree that the sunshine coco is crap. I was finding marble sized stones in mine regularly. And the runoff was in the thousands. Cheaper than most others but, hows it go, you get what you...

Good luck with this grow. Awesome you got bug free clones from a club...doesnt happen everyday


Active member
I would say your guess of high temps would be almost spot on. Or possibly a touch of low humidity...it seems plants do that in super dry or super hot environments. I believe it is to try to preserve it's moisture longer.

Since you fixed it so fast, I wouldn't worry too much about it, unless it persists.

Tagged to compare with my grow :)

Good luck.

thanks yo :)

and i have yours tagged as well.


Active member
I have to agree that the sunshine coco is crap. I was finding marble sized stones in mine regularly. And the runoff was in the thousands. Cheaper than most others but, hows it go, you get what you...

Good luck with this grow. Awesome you got bug free clones from a club...doesnt happen everyday

haha... i found a crap load of perlite in mine!!!


Active member
looks good man

Update 4/16/2010
Still no roots on clones... but they all are still perky. I got faith in em.

Once my clones root, imma take a crap load more.

canopy is coming along nicely. I lst'ed em to get more cuttings.


Speed Queen clones are looking the worse.. but no problemo cause she is growing FAST!


Well nothing else interesting is going on.. ill be back in a few days! later all