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Tutorial DIY STS Mixing/Using Guide for Feminized Pollen/Seeds R.C.Clarke Method as Base


Boreal Curing

Man who turned blue after taking silver for skin condition dies



You can drink your CS if you have a sore throat.
Never drank it myself but some claim health benefits, I wouldn't drink STS.

I remember years ago, maybe 20?
A guy on one of those old talk shows turned himself into a oversized Smurf by drinking CS.

Like totally legit blue. I remember a doctor (maybe Dr. Oz??) saying that he was blue all the way through. It wasn't just the surface of his skin!
Even his hair was blue. I'm going to see if I can find what he looks like today if he's living.


Boreal Curing
I sprayed too late and too much on that one. I ended up with about 300 seeds of which only about 175 were good. If I would have sprayed only twice, and lightly, and *before the flowers were too big, I would have had at least 700-1000 mature seeds. The upside is that I got a lots of pollen saved out of it for the next crop.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Still decent :)

This is also a good example of why I recommend flowering a cut specifically for collecting and storing the pollen. Dusting flowers at the perfect time is so much easier, when you have your pollen frozen and waiting. The difference in seed yield and viability can be significant.


Boreal Curing
Still decent :)

This is also a good example of why I recommend flowering a cut specifically for collecting and storing the pollen. Dusting flowers at the perfect time is so much easier, when you have your pollen frozen and waiting. The difference in seed yield and viability can be significant.

Nope. Big big fail. I'm eating crow today.
These are the plants. It a whole forest of hermies. Every single one. About 75 plants. :moon:


I don't know, but these seeds were mostly white when i popped them. Certainly not the dark brown you find in ripe seeds. Maybe that's it?

They smell good so i guess they're going for oil or hash.



Hey guys!
Are there certain cuts, that no matter how many tries, just won't produce a male flower?
Is it possible that it is a genetic trait?
Like if a female just doesn't have the gene that allows expression of male flowers.
Might be stupid question, but I'm too stupid to realize it, so I gotta ask to learn.


I guess another question would be how often does it happen that the offspring herm like Tycho?

Tycho, has the mother(/father) hermed on you before?
Damn, whole outside garden hermed. It's not like it was a light leak.

Cannabis interests me more and more everyday. Learning something new about Canna is like taking one step forward and four or five back!


Read back a couple of pages, I have successfully reversed a budsite using a single drop of STS and posted the progress and result into this thread. I think other members also have successfully done this experiment.

So watch out a bit with overspray.
shit, thanks CVH

Also big thaks to Douglas u da man, and Tycho.

Nutbush here. Just waiting on pollen. Dubble Baked= OGKB2.0 x Sour dubble

