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DIY - Build a Carbon Scrubber For Dummies!


Active member
Does it really make a big difference to use the window screen before the panty hose? Built one the other night, but did not fill it yet and did not put the window screen on. Need to get anothe pair of panty hose, but will take core apart real quick and use window screen if it helps. Was kinda affraid it would slow the fan down alot. Thanks!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Depends on where you put it. Hose will keep carbon inside the filter but, open weave as machine cloth is, wont keep all of it inside the machine cloth. Some gets trapped between cloth and hose will could lead to air channels allowing escaping smells. Screening inside the core would keep carbon inside as well. I don't know that screen outside the core would do anything.


Active member
Will put it on the core part atleast, kinda afraid all of that will reduce airflow alot. Needs to be done right, did you use the screen door and hose Freezer? Thanks!! BTW using the same carbon as you.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Will put it on the core part

We need to be careful with the word "on." While you'd put the screen "on" the inner core, you'll want it "in" the outer core. From inside to outside: Machine cloth/screen/hose/carbon/screen/machine cloth/hose. I'm not using the screen, yet. It wasn't until after I rebuilt it that I noticed the seepage.


Active member
Will do it that way Freezer, no big deal because it is not filled yet. How much carbon do you usually use? Seems like it will take alot, especially since it will be packed down. Hopefully it works, thanks!! Wonder if it will be hard to put the screen on the inside of the outer core? Might have to tape it on first or something, dont think that will hold its shape? It is not really stiff screen. Will try it 2morrow. Thanks.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
While it's an extra level of protection, it hasn't been required in my case. It's not as though you manhandle it everyday. How much carbon has so many variables: circumference of core, length of core, thickness of core ... I used maybe 3 pounds but, mines a stubby with a 1/2" of carbon rather than the conventional 1"


Slap-A-Ho tribe
What I do now is put aluminum window screen on the "inside" of the outer hardware cloth. Hardware cloth is just for rigidity. Putting the screen on the outside of the hardware cloth allows too much carbon to seep out and for bulges. Just made another one for a new micro grow.

Dr.Doe if you have about a 1" space between the core and the outside of the scrubber, it should work.


Active member
Bought a new Lasko Blower on sale at Lowes for 30 bucks! Had an older version, plugged this one in and it is way more powerful than the old one. Here are the specs

Speed 1: 318 CFM
Speed 2: 395 CFM
Speed 3: 455 CFM

Just like the Stanley, they are two sided. So when figuring out what size carbon filter to make, what kind of CFM would you use? Since it pulls from both sides, not sure how big of a filter to make. Filter will be on the inside of cab, pulling. Any suggestions or anyone make a filter that works 100 percent that has used this fan? Thanks!


Slap-A-Ho tribe
for 318 cfm I wiuld make it 8" dia and about 4' long. You could probably get by with 3.5' if you have to. How big is your room? Figure exchanging the air in the room 3x per min


Active member
Chief, Flowerside 24w x14d x5ft veg side 17w x 14d x 20" Fan is outside cab, and it is a very small NGB style. There is no way it is pulling 318cfm from just one side. Just like the Stanley, they are two sided. One side pulls from the grow area, and the other side pulls from the room itself, the holes by the plugs. So when figuring out what size carbon filter to make, what kind of CFM would you use? Since it pulls from both sides, not sure how big of a filter to make. Filter will be on the inside of cab, 4 foot, what? That is almost as tall as the cab. That is way overkill for 140 watts hps and some cfls.

Made a new filter last night. 8 and 6 inch cores, inside core 16 inches long...the whole thing fits snuggly in the flower side. Seems to be pulling good, but not tested...have a problem. Those Darkroom Louvers are nice, but they restrict the flow way too much. Have to add a few intakes, it is not letting enough air into the cab. That is the problem for sure, prolly do some pvc intakes. Shall see if it works soon.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
It gets complicated when you have a blower like yours. Right off the bat you would take the rated CFM of the blower and divide it by half because only half will be pulling from the filter side. Do you even have a way to connect a flange to that blower? I think I know the one you are talking about.
how many pounds of carbon will i need for the original design of the filter? i followed durbans design to the t i have same cfm.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
A scrubber cuts down your airflow. 2 will cut it even more. Is your fan so overkill for your cab that it requires double restriction?


i was thinking of useing one like yours im reaaly concerned about odor i wanna grow some stinky strains


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Here's what you'll need:

D = Diamter of Filter Inner Core (Inches)
H = Filter's Height (Inches)
I = Inner Core Surface Area Square Inch

150 4 9 113
200 4 12 151
275 6 12 226
375 6 16 302
400 6 24 603
550 8 24 603
650 10 24 754

See the relation there?
Just take the CFM of your fan and choose the diamater of core you want and divide it accordingly. For example: I have 175 CFM and intend to use a 4" Diameter core. So I can look at the list above and figure;
150(CFM) divide 9(H) = 16.6 (Approximately)
Then I can take my 175(CFM Fan) and divide it by 16.6 to get 10.5". Therefore, my 175 cfm fan with a 4" Diameter would need a core height of 10.5".

So a couple of questions:

1. Has anyone ever built this for a grow ROOM, not a cabinet? How well does it work?

2. I have read a couple of time that you need to replace the air 3 times every minute in this thread. Do you mean a time every 3 minutes??? Or is this a cabinet thing as opposed to a room? I thought that once every 3-5 minutes was fine?

3. So, just to double check (because the formula above doesn't actually have any legitimate formula).... For a 538 cfm fan, I just find the closest cfm number (550, and I want an 8" core ayway) and divide by 24 to wind up with 22.917. Then I divide my actual fan number by 22.917, which equal 23.476. So then I should add .5" to account for a 1/4 inch of batting on each end and wind up with about 24"

4. I do not see where it says how to find outer diameter. I was thinking of going with 10" to make life easy, but one post did reference 2" of carbon on each side which would mean that I would have to go with a 12" outer diameter (PITA). Any suggestions?
