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DIY 4 buckets R-DWC Grapefruit - NYCDxBB - Kushage

Hey NR, indeed looking like a jungle in there - beautiful :tiphat:

I agree with your thoughts about more light though!

Only realised myself that a femaleseeds strain I grew out was grapefruit, thought it was blueberry for ages - who knows how.. anyhow I was chopping up the other night and ohh my ...the grapefruit smell is soo nice, I bet you can't wait to get a 'tokin! TTK :gday:


I love my life
I do keep grow in the mix for the whole run.

If my plants are eating down the PPM then I'll add in some extra Bcuzz bloom to bring the PPM back up.



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Hey NR, indeed looking like a jungle in there - beautiful :tiphat:

I agree with your thoughts about more light though!

Only realised myself that a femaleseeds strain I grew out was grapefruit, thought it was blueberry for ages - who knows how.. anyhow I was chopping up the other night and ohh my ...the grapefruit smell is soo nice, I bet you can't wait to get a 'tokin! TTK :gday:

we're tokin' all around...you need to take into account stuff like this :D

Next run I promise myself to improve light! but the real thing is that the plants overgrow the space.Me and my girl,when starting this run,were saying '' little vegetative and small plants.No trees this time'' and....... this is the result.
When they're vegetating are so small so you say...c'mon let'em some more days....never learned to say no! :wallbash:

I do keep grow in the mix for the whole run.

If my plants are eating down the PPM then I'll add in some extra Bcuzz bloom to bring the PPM back up.


Got it mate.Thanks for sharing your infos,they're precious to me :)

A bonus shot for you all




Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
40 days 12\12

Parameters :

Air temp : 24 - 26°
Water temp : 21 - 24°
RH : 70 - 75%
Ec : 1,1 mS\cm
pH : 5.3 -5.6
co2: 450 - 500 ppm (last week the co2 tank finished and I was ill,so no extra co2 at now)

All the plants are not stretching anymore after 40 days
They are a fucking jungle and yesterday I started to bend heavy branches.

The water temp is always over 20° and I need to use ice to keep a decent temperature.However pH drop very little,and no bad smell at now.I think everything is ok with roots.

Yesterday I added some cfl lamp here and there to light some shaded branches...but I would have one more 400w :D





Lot of branches in small space....need a lot of air circulation to avoid rot and co2 lacks

Grapefruit #1 (the super sativa one)

This plant has still few thricomes and the smell is something like pepper.Flowers are not so big,but they are a ton.The biggest plant of the group.If everything will be ok I think this plant will bring a nice harvest.







Grapefruit #2

This one is faster to make flowers and she already has several good colas.Bubblegum aroma from its thricomes.Nice and sweet smell.




Kushage has very few thricomes.Buds are fatten up and no smell at now.




As I wrote some post back, this plant is very slow forming flowers.However it's growing very nice and little by little flowers are fatten up.



ChemDD (soil)

The little chem rocks. It's little but the flowers are promising good.
Nice thricomes production and no nanners at now.
@JARE wich period of the flowering is more risky about nanners?late flowering?




Just removed from the others because yesterday night I found a nanner.I need to take a closer look tonight.
As you can see this plant has stretched a lot,but it's ok,because ti was in search of light in between that ganja jungle.






That's all folks, thanks for following and support me and my work :wave:


Smile Vs Cry
nice progress dude, the c99 looks good also with this single cola style... wich breeder made it?? i have 5x c99 fem. now just few inch high at 6day life and can't wait untill see what happen....
so buddy your grow gonna be lush green healthy , already trik's production that promise really good...keep it up nor...


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
nice progress dude, the c99 looks good also with this single cola style... wich breeder made it?? i have 5x c99 fem. now just few inch high at 6day life and can't wait untill see what happen....
so buddy your grow gonna be lush green healthy , already trik's production that promise really good...keep it up nor...

ehi killer :wave:
that C99 is from mosca seeds, regular not female seed.Gave me from tanito.Check out his thread too ;)

Keep following buddy :wave:


Genetics' hunter
Top class my friend :D

For the Chem, the late bloomin' nanners are harmless, they will be steril if appear, so if you haven't problem in the first weeks you can go straight with no problems ;)
Anyway, i really like how she is goin', the trichomes galore is normal both in ChemD leaning and SourD leaning phenos... I hope you can get some SourD dominant hybrid, i definitely prefer it, more taste, more particular, strongest high and you never will tired of...

Keep it dank bro ;)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Top class my friend :D

For the Chem, the late bloomin' nanners are harmless, they will be steril if appear, so if you haven't problem in the first weeks you can go straight with no problems ;)
Anyway, i really like how she is goin', the trichomes galore is normal both in ChemD leaning and SourD leaning phenos... I hope you can get some SourD dominant hybrid, i definitely prefer it, more taste, more particular, strongest high and you never will tired of...

Keep it dank bro ;)

Got it buddy ;) At now I can't see any nanner and I'm pretty sure because the plant is short and flowers are not so many.
I took a clone of this chem,if it will be something I really like the genetic will be safe ;)



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmmh that ChemDD looks good though but i hate them MOFO nanners.....but still hope too score the real Chem D soon....if Luck is on my side that is :D


Hey bud your garden looks great. The only thing I would be doing different, is that after 2 weeks of flower I would cut all N out of your ferts and have more P+K. that way you stop the strech as fast as possible. With this said, all of my experiance is soil based, and with that your plant starts to use it's own stored neutriants. Another is that I would clear out the underbrush, the leafs that are their are not serving any purpose. This way it keeps it cleaner, and easyer to keep an eye on things. But if you are still adding N to your plants I would stop it, also adding Molasis to your ress will help with tricrom development since it's a sugar base, and MJ loves its sugars. Keep it green buddy



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
mmmmh that ChemDD looks good though but i hate them MOFO nanners.....but still hope too score the real Chem D soon....if Luck is on my side that is :D

Finger crossed bro! nanners are a pain in the ars but few of them should not be a real issue
Best luck with yours :wave:

Hey bud your garden looks great. The only thing I would be doing different, is that after 2 weeks of flower I would cut all N out of your ferts and have more P+K. that way you stop the strech as fast as possible. With this said, all of my experiance is soil based, and with that your plant starts to use it's own stored neutriants. Another is that I would clear out the underbrush, the leafs that are their are not serving any purpose. This way it keeps it cleaner, and easyer to keep an eye on things. But if you are still adding N to your plants I would stop it, also adding Molasis to your ress will help with tricrom development since it's a sugar base, and MJ loves its sugars. Keep it green buddy


Thank you for stopping here Mr :)
I use 3 parts nutes (grow-bloom-micro) and I never run the suggested dosage.I add very little grow since the start and before the switch to 12\12 I use only bloom and micro.No more grow part till the end.
Now dosage is 3 parts bloom and 1 part micro.Not much N in them but especially the grapefruit #1 is showing some N over.Very sensible to it.The others are pretty fine,stretch is over and leaves are falling down as they should.

I have molasses but I use it in the soil,not in hydro.For this purpose I have some bloei from Atami and some bloombastic free samples.

I cut a lot of shaded branches,the lower ones.Believe me I did it hard,very hard.
Some flowers are still there, but it's not an issue to me....I use'em to make my own hash,and I really don't like to take off leaves.When a leaf has grown around 30% of its final dimension,it become a resource and not a sucker,also if it's not directly exposed to light.

Finally I have to admit that several factors lead to this insane stretch,not only due to nutrients but also because there are a lot of plants in a small place,shading each other.This increase stretch, along with high co2 level and temperatures.Cooltubes glass could be a factor too,but the real mistake I did is to cut underbrush when the plants was stretching.I'm pretty sure this increase stretching.Next time I'll cut the under canopy before the switch to 12\12 or after stretch is finished.

And now some new shots from tonight,taken with my new 60mm macro lens :bump: good to let me play like a kid :D




Grapefruit #1

Notice the droopy leaves and burned tips.This plant hates N


Only few buds show N over.The others are ok




Insanely slow....



A little lower flower of kushage.Unfortunately I'm not able to take good shots of other buds in that jungle :D especially for the Grapefruit #2


And now let's make a fat and smelly one with this bluecheese hash.





alrighty, well you deff answered and cleard up all the issues i had :p and btw that bluecheese, looooooooks AAAAMMMAAAZZZIIINNNGGG!!! I hate the real stuff (actual bluecheese) but would smoke the hell out of that :>)


Hola....che dire...sei un artista :artist:
È Un onore averti dato quel seme :tiphat:
Ps: Scusa ho scritto in italiano.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Hola....che dire...sei un artista :artist:
È Un onore averti dato quel seme :tiphat:
Ps: Scusa ho scritto in italiano.

You're more than welcome bro :)

Un onore per me fratello e non preoccuparti...italiano,inglese....tutto il mondo è paese :D



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Don't want to start one more thread so I post here some autoflowering pictures.
This plant is grown outdoor,and it's almost ripe.Few buds,nothing special but a strong smell and a good amount of resin.












Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
great shot nor...
also the caterpillar look so cool up the leaves!!!

These AF are just plenty of any kind of insects bro :D


Indoor plants are now at 63 days from the switch to 12\12

No one is ready to cut,at least 2 weeks more for the grapfruits and kushage.NYCDxBG is the slowest but it seems to be huge,with so many branches and colas to fatten up.

Some shots....not the best ones because it's hard to take good pictures in the growroom and time is less and less





Notice in the next pics how much stretch from the tips!I guess it's high temp issue,but I don't think it's a really issue ;)


Grapefruit #1


A couple of shots from the front.The nycdxbg has covered the other plants,so you can't see all the buds there are.Next time I'll take some overall buds pictures ;)



Btw....the little chemDD has been moved outdoor to ripen,because I found some nanners and they pollinated other plants....fuck! but I don't care really much...if too many seed in the buds....water extraction for them along trimmed leaves ;)
I found a couple of male flowers on C99 too... no lucky this round for me!

Have a nice sunday people :wave: I'm going to have a nice one too :D



Active member
ive missed this one out, just read it all, very nice, if it wasnt for the stretch it would be perfect, ill keep following till the harvest mate!!

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