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Distinguished and Nurtured Kind


Masochist Educator
Microbes and fungi are not controlled by the roots, the roots simply influence them intermittently with exudates depending on what is lacking in the soil solution. The insoluble elements contained in the medium are constantly being made available in soil solution to the plant even when not needed, this can cause nutrient toxicities and deficiencies due to how elements antagonize uptake but may not be perceivable to the eye immediately. Slownickel has explained this is why heavy metals will be taken up by plants outside of the PH availability range and why he advises not using Azomite.







ICMag Donor
@Ibechillin - Thank you for posting that and making it easier for me to read. I also like the content being in the thread, so the information is immediately available for further review and discussions.


This was posted prior and was a double post and then got deleted - so here is the previous post:

@White Beard - I felt like I just read a NYT book review. "Passionately human" - might literally be the very best thing ever said about my posts and I'm sincerely glad it comes off that way. While this thread has had many detours and pauses, it continues to be a direct reflection of my life and experience with cannabis. Thank you.

The Mars Hydro SP3000 are doing a stellar job at this point. I do notice that I have to thin the leaves out a bit more - aka - defoliation - which is not something I generally practice. However, I do know from my prior experience with HGLED XB200 that it is necessary. LED simply does not have the canopy penetration that a HID lamp does. I'm not really sure how this will impact everything later in flower, I just know I'm trying to get light into the full canopy.

Your statement about soil tests is very relevant as P is NOT a mobile element and tends to get bound in soil systems, becoming unavailable. That is the entire purpose of products like Mammoth P - to free up some of that bound P. Soil tests I've taken - not for cannabis production - but mixed produce - have certainly shown a need to reapply P not only at the end of the growing cycle but also during.

Here is the question I am left with, however - with the claim of P toxicity being an issue - I suppose there has to be pictures of plants suffering from this condition. I'd like to see what it looks like in it's initial stages and the more advanced stages. It's not something I've ever experienced, at least not knowingly.

@Prodigygrower - We've certainly gotten to know each other better. Something about parallel realities and walking the same path - it's been interesting. I'm not usually so open/exposed - but 2020 has left me a bit raw in some ways. Why I decided to really start exploring relationships in the onset of a pandemic - my kind of luck - but I've learned more than I imagined possible. I've learned my strengths and my weaknesses. I've learned what I'll tolerate and what I won't. I've learned what my expectations are and where some of those are a bit misguided, even if not intentional. It's definitely been a year of growth - even if not in the garden. But - I'm making that right too.

I hope a simple "thank you" resonates with the sincerity it is intended.

Stank Bros 2.0. No doubt.

@GMT - you do have access to a soil test if you utilize the resources available to you via university outlets. I understand cost factor can be prohibitive, but it's not like you live in some magic bubble where such tools aren't available. If you want proper data - get a proper test. Don't try some (if they even exist - I don't know of one) hack method and then claim you have a proper data point upon which to make a conclusion. Thanks for providing the link and the conversation. It's something I'm certainly going to be exploring further.

I need to put a bit of funding into the research column, but once I do so, I'll put it to good use. My local soil lab has a love hate relationship with me - I look at dirt completely differently than they do - which is I'm sure infuriating on their end. Those with a PHd don't take kindly to being given instructions when they are used to their own bloated projections. Ultimately, they are used to just taking my money and giving me data - even if they find it pointless, I'm still able to utilize it.

@Ibechillin - that link won't allow me to access it over TOR apparently. I'll have to search your links. It seems like you might have brought this up previously in my thread as well, in thinking about it. If you'd like to provide a summary of your research and experience regarding this matter, it's more than welcome. If I can reduce volume of inputs, and thus directly cost of production, without reducing quality or performance, that is a valid pursuit.

@Genetic Freaked - Let's just be honest. You've kept the Stank Bros dream alive more than I have. Simple words just can't express...I wish it wasn't so hard to keep the fire lit...but you've been my biggest cheerleader and supporter for many years. Nothing but love for you, good sir. I'm studying crosses that are similar to Snomoji and it's very clear how the mother breeds in that line. I'm looking forward to seeing how much better these are than their distant relatives made by others. However, seeing how many breeders have traveled down this sort of path, it certainly gives an opportunity to see if what we are working with is indeed, worth it's salt. I'm always a skeptic, until I'm not.

I do have some plans up my sleeve. Harvest. Build the expansion. Pursue. LFG! (I had to google that...lol.)

@heady blunts - What it do, F.A.M.?!!! You know I'm a sucker for a Chem Sis cross. I might be the single source of having encouraged the cannabis world over, to give her more consideration as a base line breeder. Always glad to see you drop in. You should send a PM. You always seem to be running gear in the same spectrum as me. I have a feeling, I'm going to need to spread some of what is currently in flower. It came freely from F.A.M. - it'll be treated in kind.

@Moses Wellfleet - You're picking up what I'm putting down for sure. Just seems like a smart move for me, especially given the odd ball runty Afghan pheno that surfaced. I really see it pairing brilliantly with a g13/hp leaning male that has the OG stretch. Fat leaves on a "stretch indica" - with burnt rubber and that musky perfume vanilla tobacco note. If it has any copper/metallic note to the back end, then it's going to be an epic line to hunt through.

@Bmac1 - Thanks, brother. It's been a rocky road but I'm beyond stoked to have something in flower. It's not really fun trying to save cannabis for special moments when the reality is all moments could be...more...special...LOL. I'm really wanting to get back to some blueberry. Not blueberry - but Digi. It really is Digi. I've smoked a lot of shit blueberry over the years - it simply does not compete with the Digi lines. I'm not even going to address the terps - it's about the cannabinoids. She smells fire, sure - but it's the effects - that are true medicine for me - and I'm a fool for not having jars full of her and her infused offspring.

My life would be 1,000x better with more blueberry to set my mind right. And....noted. Let's hope these LED's blow it up.


To update things - I did soak 12 Dabney x Bluebubble from Chili and the 5 GSC/OG Bx from Melty. They are in paper towels currently.

Depending on germ rates, I'll either sort these or end up dropping some of those BT F2's from Moses. I'm still in the market for a good indica "knock you dick in the dirt" type of keeper.

I'm fairly sure I'll find that in the TK x '88 G13HP F2 line. And...I really would like a nice male to pair with these Fam95 to put some beans in the vault for a rainy day exploration.

Flower room is looking on point. I still need to set up a screen. I've not done so yet, but then again, these plants aren't really getting leggy yet. I expect their colas will make them flop, but, It'll be fat and thick over long and skinny, I think. I expect to be on budrot patrol later in flower...

Much love to everyone contributing and keeping this thread moving forward. Very thankful for all of you and the distraction you provide. Sometimes, especially when you are a reclusive grower - returning to your reclusive roots - the conversation in these pages are the only ones you have. I'll be honest though. I'm very much liking a life where I type more than I have to talk.

It really only took one calendar year to remind me of the "why" behind all my previous decisions and the lifestyle that resulted in. I miss peace and quiet. I miss the security and steadfastness that comes with obscurity. I'm finding my way back though. Life is ebb n flow - I'm just taking it day by day. 200 pages. Damn. Way to go ICmag.



Active member
Is there digi seeds for sale anywhere ?

Im really shocked more people don't grow bubba does it really get more "dick in the dirt "than the pre98 or katsu done right ?

My newest seeds i popped are f2s of old school hash plant i hope u can check them out once I get some more leaves going! I hope u find a queen in the tk x 88g13hp u popped


The Tri Guy
I don't know how things work over there, but here, universities don't offer services to Joe public sadly. Perhaps if I had a company and wanted to fund a research project, it would be different, but as an individual, wanting a uni to do chemical analysis for me, isn't something that's done.
It seems a moot point now anyway. The issue would seem to arise more in a non organic medium with a recirculating reservoir. In soil, as has been said, P seems to bind to other "stuff" and become unavailable to the root system. So even though the levels are constantly building in a no drain situation, fresh solutions containing P will always be necessary. It seems, from my limited understanding, that for P to become toxic in compost, you would have to feed it at toxic levels.


Well-known member
I've used those cheap store bought soil tests in the past for no other reason than to have a slight idea of what is left in the soil after a run.
Theyre cheap, I can't say they're very accurate or not. Literally just shake and soak a set amount of soil in a set amount of water. Let settle, mix settled water into little container like a hottub ph kit with powder for said test. Then read after set time.
Like a hottub ph test, it's by colour, so it isn't very accurate.

Now in saying all that, what did those cheap tests tell me? They said my N and K were depleted and P was still "in range".
Which fits with ibechillins info, but of course doesn't tell me if its usable or bound and just present.
Scientifoc/accurate? Hardly. But it does give a hint of info when you have no other choices.

Like you are saying, Frank, I wonder what could cut out/cut back from the recipe and still provide all the needed inputs. I wonder if bonemeal could be cut back, and rock phosphate could be kept to keep a steady supply to the soil as it breaks down. Hmm


The Tri Guy
Fitz, are you in the UK? I've never seen any off the shelf options, and I have been to the only garden centre in 20 miles here.


Well-known member
Fitz, are you in the UK? I've never seen any off the shelf options, and I have been to the only garden centre in 20 miles here.

No, sorry, the great white north of Canada. Between local stores, small online fairly local specialty stores and then the rest through big box stores covers most bases for me here.

moses wellfleet

Well-known member
This thread should come with a warning label or disclaimer or something. I got all inspired and popped WAAAAAY more beans than I have space for. :jump:

Some will go to the 19 year old son of a friend who grew last season and really enjoyed it and got a great result with bag seed. Once I have taken clones I will give him the females from this pop. In a quasi legal environment so I'm not leading the young lad down the path of criminality neither. :skiiing:


ICMag Donor
I've typed out a response to this thread twice and each time I've lost it. My own fault but I will respond to the prior posts...

First, I want to post a few pictures though. Not enough pictures here.

Plants are right about 15 days into flower. Things are starting to stack and show where to put the focus. They are in a screen. I have defoliated 2x. I have thinned branches out that weren't keeping up with the canopy 2x. I expect I'll be due for another defoliation or 2 before I'm content leaving it alone for flower. I know I'll likely cull a few more branches as well.

All in all - these plants are really looking on point. The #2 really might be the stand out in the group. I can't wait to see what kind of chem/og flowers these produce. The plants certainly have that classic chem reek. This is going to be raunchy east coast loud stank and I can't wait.

12-2 - before and after the last round of defoliation:



12-4 - filling back in


12-7 at lights off. 2wks into flower. We are in a screen and I think we will certainly need another. The tape line is about 34" above soil level. Plants aren't quite 3' tall yet. They are indeed compact - but these are not going to be small yielding plants. They are bushes an they are stacking very nicely.


I don't see anything in this garden really limiting the 2 x Mars Hydro SP3000 rig from putting it's max potential on display. I'm expecting nothing less than 1# for the lights to even be relevant. 3oz per plant is a worthy goal. 21 on the run? That's right at the 1gpw mark. We shall see.

I'm digging the rig I made for hanging both though.


Last edited:


Registered Med User
Love how plants bounce back after defoliation. 600w if led should create a lb off top, maybe 1 1/2. Especially in a bed. Lookin forward to seein how they do!


ICMag Donor
16 days into flower and after another defoliation - 2nd screen is in place - this is going to be a killer run. Everything on coast at this point:



Something interesting from the Snomoji project - this odd ball. Hasn't sexed yet but smells like the material left over in a BHO rig after blasting. Very chemical - gassy - with a very mild hint of sweet mixed berry. This plant was alternating internodes since germination. Now, it's first secondary branch has auto-topped after an internode had a fan leaf on all 4 sides of the stem.

It's a bit of a stinky odd smelling freak. Hope it's a female. I expect it will be purple as well.



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