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dispensaries are selling oz's for CHEAP


Active member
im going to be really nice.

first of all.

the years of the goldrush.

despite high prices, i dont have a problem with dealers and growers.

not a single problem (apart from knowing most wanted the drugwar to go on forever..)

practically hero´s.

fighting corrupt government, getting medicine to sick people, entertainment to everyone else.

so they getting alil more money to make up for the paranoia and fear and trouble.

ok, fine and dandy.

ya all was ignorant, cant blame for not knowing how it helped people, cannabis.

but now, we know how beneficial cannabis is and the government is bending its knee to sanity. (without cannabis, you would Not be talking to Me right now, id be dead, period.)

so anyone complaining about the end of the drugwar is a bit of an asshole.


its wanting suffering to go on , on a massive scale.

its wanting a war to go on, for fucking profit.

that means, you dont give a shit about the suffering of anyone, as long as you have a buck or 2.

thats a bit more than just plain asshole.

unless we talking really ignorant and stupid (cant help it, poor fool.)

so which is it?

caring about nothing except money.


a poor fool whom we should pity and forgive? :)


Just wait for the prices after farms out in eastern Colorado start pumping out a rec supply, although they might be more interested in hemp than bud. Same thing goes for Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska....granted who knows how long it'll be till any of those states start up, but once it happens it's game over for any small grower looking to make a living. And I have no problem with any of this.

With legalization, the competition for people wanting to make money has just increased exponentially. It's like everyone's saying, adapt or get out. It's an horticultural product. Who ever can produce the most at the lowest cost will generally always win. That's not saying there isn't a small exception for niche growers. IMO if someone can't make money at 2-2400 a lb now, with an inflated black market, than I doubt there gonna hold up in the future when the price will being going down even less. I am interested to see what happens to the actual price once taxes start being incorporated. That is the only saving grace for keeping prices up I think, but thats just because your adding whatever taxes are on to the base price of 2-2400. Typical profits for a single proprietorship, is around 30% tops. Anything over that and the feds come knocking wondering how your nearly doubling your money annually. Before it was because your selling drugs or growing them. Now that growing is legal, expect to make around the same.

Lmao I'm so baked this morning, none of what I said probably made any sense. Just my :2cents:



Active member

i think there´s going to be a market for topshelf homeproduce, as long as its sold at reasonable prices according to its quality and what else is on the market.

i think the market in general is going to change, because of the financial crisis lately, i think people are gonna do more of that home farming.

also, the drugwar is probably not going to end fully for another 10 years. though im hoping for 0 of course. :)

so anyone inclined could just follow the illegality.


^he means people with disorders. Like I have chrons, and when I lived in Texas I either grew my own or paid 400 an ounce. It is cheaper now, but you see how that can be a problem. It is ten times worse for cancer patients that have done research and know that thc and cbd's stop cancer, and not being able to get it. It's like the government wants them to die. Oh wait they do.
Anybody having any doubts about that should watch the film Genetic Roulette.


Active member
im going to be really nice.

first of all.

the years of the goldrush.

despite high prices, i dont have a problem with dealers and growers.

not a single problem (apart from knowing most wanted the drugwar to go on forever..)

practically hero´s.

fighting corrupt government, getting medicine to sick people, entertainment to everyone else.

so they getting alil more money to make up for the paranoia and fear and trouble.

ok, fine and dandy.

ya all was ignorant, cant blame for not knowing how it helped people, cannabis.

but now, we know how beneficial cannabis is and the government is bending its knee to sanity. (without cannabis, you would Not be talking to Me right now, id be dead, period.)

so anyone complaining about the end of the drugwar is a bit of an asshole.


its wanting suffering to go on , on a massive scale.

its wanting a war to go on, for fucking profit.

that means, you dont give a shit about the suffering of anyone, as long as you have a buck or 2.

thats a bit more than just plain asshole.

unless we talking really ignorant and stupid (cant help it, poor fool.)

so which is it?

caring about nothing except money.


a poor fool whom we should pity and forgive? :)[/quote)

The world isnt black and white... And I can care about the suffering of others without wanting to lose my livelihood to some giant corporation...
also, youre inferences need some work.. you are making giant leaps in your reasoning that just dont water.
you do have some points tho.

My response would be; there are always going to be those poor folks suffering without needed medication... if u think legalizing cannabis will end this, im sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

secondly; there are many more important issues in the u.s. to me: child hunger, poverty, homelessness, rampant drug addiction, violent crime, our prison population..
making sure joe cancer patient has cannabis whether he can afford it or not, isnt at the top of the list for me...
there is ALOT of suffering in this world...

I cant take on all of it... and in the end im just an asshole with an opinion who doenst vote.. my two cents is worth nothing... the oil and flowers I give away or worth something but my opinion is not.

The universe will unfold however it is going to, I have enough humility to know, that I dont matter one iota... I have zero impact on government policy.. what I want and hope for just doesnt matter.. bottom line.
so think im an asshole.. perhaps Iam one.. iam open to that possibility
The world isnt black and white... And I can care about the suffering of others without wanting to lose my livelihood to some giant corporation...

The universe will unfold however it is going to, I have enough humility to know, that I dont matter one iota... I have zero impact on government policy.. what I want and hope for just doesnt matter.. bottom line.

see, this is your problem in a nutshell. you are against big corporations taking over yadda yadda etc. yet what action do you take to stop it? nothing. do you form your own corporation so you can fight to help people and make society better? no. you just resign yourself to your fate. here we stand on the precipice of history, at a point where cannabis has just been (partially) legalized and nothing is determined or set in stone yet, no big corporations have taken over anything, etc. you could totally rush in and secure yourself a place in the market. instead you bellyache on icmag because your free ride is up and youre actually going to have to work and compete with others in an open market.

do you not see how selfish and just plain stupid this is?

55% of colorado just voted to legalize marijuana, and youre sitting here saying your voice doesnt count and your efforts are all for naught?

if you dont want to be left on the sidelines, step up and play ball. otherwise STFU. nothing is free in life. if you want things to go how you want, then you have to work for it. throwing your hands up in the and complaining about the futility of it all is absolutely guaranteed to accomplish nothing.


There is no long money in the small time growing game. If you thought there was you are an idiot. Greed has been the problem. Now that this thing can turn into a legit business the small time growers are going to have a hard time running an actual business.

That's all this is. there is still money, but it will take a business mind to make the money. Spider mite, floramite, outdoor early harvest won't cut it anymore. You are actually going to have to know what the fuck you are doing to make a living. You will not be bale to lose a crop to spider mites. You will not be bale to lose a crop to power outages. You are going to have to have a very tight game to make it work.

However if you look at the beer industry you will see that you can make it work. Craft beer is big. They are small time producers making a product that is much higher quality than your standard American watered down shit, and they turn a profit.

The lazy stoner free ride is over guys. You can bitch all you want, but it won't change the direction things are going. I feel a lot of you will be 70 in your lazy boy bitching to your great grand kids about all of the great weed you use to grow. When in reality if it were so great you would be passing down your knowledge to the very same kids.


Active member
ok im gonna answer this with Bolded text inbetween your paragraphs.

The world isnt black and white... And I can care about the suffering of others without wanting to lose my livelihood to some giant corporation...

actually it is "black and white", its just that with survival at stakes, people dont always know anything better to do than "black."

however we should always strive towards having a "white" world, rise above survival of the fittest, unite and make light where there was darkness.

but, what is done in survival, cant really be held against you.

knowing you had better means at your disposal but went "black" anyways, well...

also, youre inferences need some work.. you are making giant leaps in your reasoning that just dont water.
you do have some points tho.

thanks, and you are right, maybe im talking too big without explaining enough.

My response would be; there are always going to be those poor folks suffering without needed medication... if u think legalizing cannabis will end this, im sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

i wouldnt say always, mankind is taking great strides towards becoming greater than their own gods.

legalizing cannabis, will be a great step forward. but its only a step, thats right.

secondly; there are many more important issues in the u.s. to me: child hunger, poverty, homelessness, rampant drug addiction, violent crime, our prison population..
making sure joe cancer patient has cannabis whether he can afford it or not, isnt at the top of the list for me...
there is ALOT of suffering in this world...

child hunger poverty and what you mention,

all stem from man´s ignorance and pursuit of the wrong things.

abusing and making war against cannabis users is the same, but easily gotten rid of.

with a fucking penstroke.

why shouldnt we take care of the easy things first?

its an unjust war.

there are few higher priorities than stopping it.

i cant see us doing much about the other things, since its a matter of intelligence.

and we cant raise that so easily.

I cant take on all of it... and in the end im just an asshole with an opinion who doenst vote.. my two cents is worth nothing... the oil and flowers I give away or worth something but my opinion is not.

you dont have to take on any of it.

just say what you want and do what you want.

with you being a nice guy, im sure that at least some of the things you want are a better world.

and there are things you and everyone can do.

each within their own limit, dont worry about things you cant do shit about but talk.

great things come from small beginnings.

a kind word here, a good deed there, a helping hand there

and it all comes round.

but if all you can is talk,

just talk then.

a voice is something. a something that can bring down mountains.

The universe will unfold however it is going to, I have enough humility to know, that I dont matter one iota... I have zero impact on government policy.. what I want and hope for just doesnt matter.. bottom line.
so think im an asshole.. perhaps Iam one.. iam open to that possibility


from the highest to the lowest.

to someone, even if its only to them selves.

and in a true world, all beings would be family.

so stop beating up on yourself and be happy.

go do something fun anyway.

do something you enjoy.

this was just a discussion and


the highest of intentions can have the most horrible of conclusions.

working on small level is not a bad thing, its very sensible.

even for the high and mighty.


Haha I cant believe how much negative rep I got for simply saying I think cannabis should be free.


Never seen so many money hungry drug dealers so angry.

I already said I don't have a problem if you want to pretend that you are "Care taking" and make shitloads of money off of the unfortunate people who cant grow.

That's your choice.

And, who exactly are you "taking care of" by selling $300-$400 ounces of "medicine"?

Seems reaaaaal helpful.


To Have More ... Desire Less
if this remains getting heated over BS.... it will get binned.... so play nice...or DON'T PLAY
There is no long money in the small time growing game. If you thought there was you are an idiot. Greed has been the problem. Now that this thing can turn into a legit business the small time growers are going to have a hard time running an actual business.

That's all this is. there is still money, but it will take a business mind to make the money. Spider mite, floramite, outdoor early harvest won't cut it anymore. You are actually going to have to know what the fuck you are doing to make a living. You will not be bale to lose a crop to spider mites. You will not be bale to lose a crop to power outages. You are going to have to have a very tight game to make it work.

However if you look at the beer industry you will see that you can make it work. Craft beer is big. They are small time producers making a product that is much higher quality than your standard American watered down shit, and they turn a profit.

The lazy stoner free ride is over guys. You can bitch all you want, but it won't change the direction things are going. I feel a lot of you will be 70 in your lazy boy bitching to your great grand kids about all of the great weed you use to grow. When in reality if it were so great you would be passing down your knowledge to the very same kids.

I think you nailed it bro. Hammer hittin right on the head.
But of course there is minor problem, which i have seen on the local Boob Tube: when one gets to the point of being big time and prosperous, THAT'S when the FEDS step in and say Hi! Gimmie all your money! We STILL gotta get this Fed law changed to go Large and Legit.

i was voting against the law strictly because of the 5 nanogram Dui law that went with it. i started this thread bitching about prices cause i really like this growing thing, got bit by the bug hard, but gotta LONG way to go to grow the likes of most of the pictures i see on this website. If prices where a little bit higher, i would still feel like i would have the motivation i need to keep trying to get better and better. and have the prospect of making the money to pay for the extra equipment i would need, or just like to have. what these low prices are doing to me, is destroying my desire to try to get better, i mean what's the point? so really, with me only bein able to just barely make a dime, it's not that far of a stretch that i just give it up altogether.

Like you, Ozark, and others have said is pretty much true, Go Large or Go Home.


Active member
Weed is 30% less in California, now.:thank you: WA ^ CO! :blowbubbles: Collectives have been selling good medicinal grade weed for $59 .

Who said it oughta be free...:ying: Support your local PD. jpt


Weed is 30% less in California, now.:thank you: WA ^ CO! :blowbubbles: Collectives have been selling good medicinal grade weed for $59 .

Who said it oughta be free...:ying: Support your local PD. jpt

hahaha dont blame washington or colorado for ur prices in cali...We still gettin $10-12 a g in the dispensaries in Wa

...................Prices are still the same


Active member
Vaped G13; You are absolutely correct. There has been a "pot rush" that makes the Gold Rush Days. look like nursery school. In California, There are so many collectives/dispensaries..it is like the old "Gas Wars"

If you are an active member. of the collective. Many offer at least ONE top shelf medicinal grade meds for $150. or less; generally on one day only and while quantities last. Usually it doesn't go too fast.

Sativas, are well below $200. and even one, I saw for $55 an ounce.

I purchased a great Indica Strain, I love, for $70. an ounce. I love the stuff and it scratches my itch!

Collectives make their money from the low gram sales...So, they can offer an ounce for less, at times. I've spent time in a collective and more patients drop by daily (on their way home from work) for 20 or 40 $ worth--that is where the money is. And that is what allows patients, of that collective to receive free rso for proper ailments. Generally, at the lower quantity, they can make as much as $480 an oz. Many are no longer selling an oz. However,we have the popular ones that sell quarter pounds and more. jpt


I've never been to a dispensary but here is the menu from (maybe) one of the better ones in Seattle metro (found on leafly):





Ha...I almost posted a page just like this from a dispensary in the Sacramento area, but thought better of it. No breaks on quantity I see... These prices are on par or slightly more expensive than NorCal's cheaper dispensaries. Meaning this is likely cheaper than some CA prices. It is also interesting how similar a lot of these dispensary menu's are....very similar. The place I am thinking of has pretty good smoke...you get purps if you buy purps...you get DJ's Blueberry if that's what they say they have, you get Green Ribbon, etc.


heres one from Washington...just the herb


  • Blackberry Kush
  • 10g

  • It's er 20 percent thc
  • Nuken
  • 10g

  • Nuken, Exclusive to the Cure
  • G-13
  • 10g

  • A.t.f
  • 10g

  • Afghani Thunder F**k
  • Ogre
  • 10g

  • L.a. Confidential
  • 8g

  • averages
  • 9.7

< embed >


  • Tangerine Dream
  • 10g

  • very tasty and strong best 9 dollar nuggs u will find and its got purple hues thru it
  • Nyc Diesel
  • 10g

  • Nice strong sativa
  • Super Silver Haze
  • 10g

  • averages
  • 10.0


  • Blueberry
  • 10g

  • Pineapple Express
  • 10g

  • Og Kush
  • 10g

  • Ak-47
  • 10g

  • Dutch Treat
  • 10g

  • Jack The Ripper
  • 10g

  • Blue Dragon
  • 10g

  • Purple Sour Diesel
  • 10g

  • White Lady
  • 10g

  • White Rhino x White Widow
  • Girl Scout Cookies
  • 10g

  • OG Kush x Durban Poison x Cherry Kush
  • Vortex
  • 10g

  • Super Skunk
  • 10g

  • Skunk
  • Super Sour Ape
  • 10g

  • Super Sour D x Grape Ape
  • Stardust
  • 10g

  • Snoops Treat
  • 10g

  • Purple Permafrost
  • 10g

  • Mask
  • 10g

  • Erkle
  • 10g

  • Original Happy Hour
  • 8g

  • A mix of our top shelf
  • Original Last Call
  • 6g

  • A mix of our 8 to 10 a gram


Active member
well thats quite a narrow minded view no offense but firstly politics doesnt quite work like that, the usa has legalised firearms but still have not anywhere else. and thats not the only exapmple i can think of.

if your stupid enough to spend most of your ''monthly income'' on weed then thats your own problem. i did it for years im not gonna go moaning about it. its their look out not mine or anybody elses.

there is already top shelf shit all over the world but same as beer or vodka or tobacco, the better the quality the more it costs..
and why shouldnt growers get paid for the work they put in along with the breeding and whatever else?
its like this, you have a choice you dont wanna buy, grow your own as you say, most people are not capable of it or cant be bothered etc, if they wanna buy, the product is their at a price.

while the moneys there, theres a profit to be made. thats business mate. unfortuately thats how the world works you dont like it? nothing you can do anyway.

we´ll see. :)

and yes, hash zep was right.

i was talking about disabled people, people with chronic illnesses.

which i am.

its not very fun, being a gold rush, for other people´s pleasure.