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Disorderly conduct, BS charge by cops?


Active member
Two points.

I saw a COPS rerun on court tv the other day. A cop pulls a guy over with a passenger for reckless driving. So he give the driver a field sobriety test, also the dude blew over a .08
So he gets cuffed.

The passenger is mildly upset wanting to know how he is going to get home.
It is apperant that he is drunk. I remind you he was NOT the driver. The cop promptly cuffs him for public intoxication.

Was this cop just showing off for the cameras? It's a shame the driver was drunk, but every weekend responsible drinkers give their keys to a designated driver. So if one becomes drunk at location 1 and they have to get to location 2. They get a sober person to drive them. They are drunk, in a car,(not driving ) that car is in public.
How is a drunk person to get home?

Also is disorderly conduct just a BS charge that cops can drop on someone that fails to "Respect their authoritah!"


For whom ?

The driver or the passenger ?

I meant in general, but I consider drunk driving to be a "violent crime" because the person is taking other people's lives into their hands.

For the passenger fuck that cop, I've been slapped with little bullshit like that a few times. It sucks. My brother was getting arrested and then I got arrested for not keeping my mouth shut.



A huge portion of people that cops arrest end up being released and not charged by the DA's office. Cops are so often ingrained with the mentality that they are there only to enforce the law, not make judgment calls about individual cases.

Of course, this is what is wrong with most cops. They are not afforded the luxury to think and use good sense. Of course, given the type of people that are usually hired as cops, this should not really be a surprise. :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Not everyone has a f*cking wad of cash readily available for a taxi. Its like 4$ a mile here. :yoinks:
really??? but you'd have enough jing to go out & get wasted but driving home drunk is OK to save a few bux? that's a VERY VERY f*cked up argument.......



Lack of cash is no argument, around here there's rideshare programs that pick up drunks and take them home for free. If there's not one in your area I suggest starting one, major kudos in the kommunity and I'm pretty sure it's a tax writeoff.


Active member
Has anyone here been charged with disorderly conduct? If so, what did you do, or not do?

Did you use profanity towards the cop? If so, shouldn't that be protected speech? Did you get locked up because of a smirk or smile, or rolling your eyes?What about flicking the bird? that's non-verbal, it may piss off the cop, but how can a hand gesture be illegal? can I get locked up for showing the peace sign?
It seems like the most ambiguous charge on the books.
really??? but you'd have enough jing to go out & get wasted but driving home drunk is OK to save a few bux? that's a VERY VERY f*cked up argument.......

maybe he meant not everyone can afford taxis and some have to be drunk passengers? which the op points out that you put urself at risk for drunk in public

if the driver was sober and had an unknown bench warrant this could happen


ICMag Donor
Here's the deffinition for disorderly conduct for New York. Some States also add being drunk in a vehicle and public intoxication. Police also use this charge to protect people that are drunk from themselves, although they may not be a harm to themselves or the public. It's kind of a catch all crime, with wide discretion on what a cop feels is disorderly. Usually just raising your voice when they're pissed will do it....

A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when, with intent to cause
public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk
1. He engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening
behavior; or
2. He makes unreasonable noise; or
3. In a public place, he uses abusive or obscene language, or makes an
obscene gesture; or
4. Without lawful authority, he disturbs any lawful assembly or
meeting of persons; or
5. He obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or
6. He congregates with other persons in a public place and refuses to
comply with a lawful order of the police to disperse; or
7. He creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act
which serves no legitimate purpose.
Disorderly conduct is a violation.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Here's the deffinition for disorderly conduct for New York. Some States also add being drunk in a vehicle and public intoxication. Police also use this charge to protect people that are drunk from themselves, although they may not be a harm to themselves or the public. It's kind of a catch all crime, with wide discretion on what a cop feels is disorderly. Usually just raising your voice when they're pissed will do it....

A person is guilty of disorderly conduct when, with intent to cause
public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creating a risk
1. He engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous or threatening
behavior; or
2. He makes unreasonable noise; or
3. In a public place, he uses abusive or obscene language, or makes an
obscene gesture; or
4. Without lawful authority, he disturbs any lawful assembly or
meeting of persons; or
5. He obstructs vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or
6. He congregates with other persons in a public place and refuses to
comply with a lawful order of the police to disperse; or
7. He creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act
which serves no legitimate purpose.
Disorderly conduct is a violation.

It's fairly much the same here in Georgia and other southern states. I've been arrested & charged with disorderly conduct twice. Not both times in GA.

1st time I told some cops to fuck off, I wasn't doing anything to concern them.
2nd time I told some retired / has been cop now a security guard to get his fucking hands off me and pushed him out of my personal space.

Too many bullshit laws. But don't say that in public. :D Best to keep your mouth shut around power hungry pricks with badges.

The American legal system is just as capitalist as the economy.
i got cuffed for disorderly intox

cop faked a 2 page report that was near illegible stating i was drunk beyond belief n could smell liquor on my breath n body.

a day in jail. over 12 hours went by before i even got my papers. they told me i was being arrested for trespassing and 14-15+ hours later i get handed papers saying that i was arrested for being drunk n disorderly

i was 100% sober. nothing to drink or smoke in days.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Yep all they want is money.

If they want to put me on probation plus fines and fees for this misdemeanor charge I'm out on bail now for, I'm gonna opt for jail time.

Stress free life, just no herb but wtf ever I'll have plenty when I get out.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Since when did being a capitalist become a bad thing ? Shit, half of the folks on this board are capitalists in their own right :laughing:


Patient Grower
It is bullshit that because there are abusive and corrupt people that it indicts the system under which they operate. There hasn't been a governmental system invented where these people haven't found a niche. But under a capitalist system you have the realistic option of raising capital and changing the world, or at least your little part of it. Money talks, bullshit walks.