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Disorderly conduct, BS charge by cops?

Sometimes they are cool and sometimes I think they'd be better as ground meat. It's just a cat verses mouse game, having bars and rules about being intoxicated. They thrive on paranoia, well you can taunt them if you know the law. Did that once and one cop said sorry while the other kicked the dirt......feeling ashamed in front of his wife and kids for being a jerk.

h^2 O

The passenger is mildly upset wanting to know how he is going to get home.
It is apperant that he is drunk. I remind you he was NOT the driver. The cop promptly cuffs him for public intoxication.
Also is disorderly conduct just a BS charge that cops can drop on someone that fails to "Respect their authoritah!"
I think yeah it's for shit they dont have names for...like there's prob no official code for guy crapping in the middle of the street, so they call it disorderly conduct or disturbing the peace. It sounds like the passenger got arrested for public intoxication? OR disorderly conduct? Or the charge is disorderly conduct? I'm confused.
I once got got pissing mid-stream in the high beams of a cruiser and I think the pieces of shit arrested me for indecent exposure!!! The judge/city whatever took it down to disorderly conduct and i did probation (all juvenile stuff, like 14) and that was the end of that. Fockin slimey to do something like that
If I'm ever on cops I'll talk circles of shit around them and not swear so it doesn't get edited....be like "where was I? I just came from your mother's house."