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Disorderly conduct, BS charge by cops?


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ICMag Donor
Capitalism is a wonderful thing, and has been what has kept free men free.
It is only when the abuse and corruptness take part that it seems to be a bad thing. Like all things, actually. There isn't one system or group that doesn't have corruption and abuse at some level.

I've experienced cops being dicks. Most of us have. There are dicks in all walks of life. If the truth be told, most of us that have had cuffs thrown on for PI or DC damn well deserved to be cuffed. I have been, and I did. I knew I was the one who fucked up with the click of the cuffs.

I have also had copes give me the breaks of lifetimes! I have been in the situation where the driver was too drunk to be driving, and the cop let me drive us home...even when he knew I was the lesser of two drunks. My life could have been really fucked up that day, but he gave us a break.
I also was pulled over by a Statie once as my buds and I were toking a fatty. Young cop with the smokey bear hat pulled down low said; "I smell some funky stuff!" "Y'all got any more of that left?"
"Yes sir...I have this fat roach here...." as I pull out a thumb sized roll from the tray...
The young statie takes the roach and rolls the dope out of it onto the ground.
"I bet that hurts don't it?" "Hell yes it does"
"You boys go on now, and I don't want to see you all back out here again tonight!"

That cop was not a dick, and my life could have been changed that day. He would have had lots of charges had he actually arrested us and searched us and my ride.

If I were a cop, I would pop someone if he smarted off...especially if I was giving them a break, like letting them find their own way home, when I knew I could pop the guy without even questioning it.

Yeah, most copes are dicks...but why fuck with them when we know this? I say keep you mouth shut and act like you respect the guy, even if you don't. That is all they really want anyway.


dude, this gate dudes a smuck
im sure , i mean im sure he wasnt arrested caUSE he was black, he was arrested cause he acted like a fucking prick to the cop being loud , not doing what the cop said, im so proud of that cop saying there is deffinately no apology coming from him, all this racism is bullshit, its on every damn chanel, if you act a fool here they lock ya up quick
gates had a reason to be upset but dont go acting like a fool, disrespecting law officers, i thought id never side with a cop but i do on this, i can see the reverse racism in gates eyes, he looks full of hate to whitey, lets put him on the racist meter tester see where he rates, cop was just doing his yob,lol peace


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ICMag Donor
You are spot on, bagseed. I loathe those who perpetuate this race thing. And it is usually those who want you to believe they are on the side of righteousness that are the true racists and can't let it go.

And what is even more scary, is the jump-to-conclusion comments made by the US President. What a fucking moron to make a snap judgment and voice his ignorant opinion to the world, without having even one bit of evidence of how the thing went down.
We are fucked people.


Cop wont let the passenger go for liabilty reasons. Cop in Cal. hooked up the driver, let the passenger go to later get killed by falling in front of a car, got sued and lost. Generally the passenger will talk shit and the cop will hook them up for d&d. Most times ,if the pass. wasnt a dickhead they wont charge and release in the am. Makes it easier on everyone.

Wanna drink in public? Get a des. driver. Cheaper than a 3K dui. and more fun than a night in a drunk tank.

As for Mr. Harvard wiseass; Hardy har har. "Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah, another asshole on his way to the station."

Obama wants em to "have a beer" at the White House. I'd tell em "No thanks, I dont drink with assholes , I work with them all day."
according to Judge Napolitano it is if you are on your property

like the prof that got narced on by his "neihbors" friend and he LIVED THERE!

he choose to alegedly act a dick & got cuffed & arrested.now the "president" wants to sit down with a beer & work it out

how about it not being about "race" but the law, he should not have been arrested and his rights were violated

oh yeah, never let them in...


wait. So you're telling me if a grumpy looking motorcycle cop pulls me over for going 95 in a 55 MPH zone, I should not crank up the volume on my iPod while listening to Fuck Tha Police?? :D


wait. So you're telling me if a grumpy looking motorcycle cop pulls me over for going 95 in a 55 MPH zone, I should not crank up the volume on my iPod while listening to Fuck Tha Police?? :D
Say you were only doing 75, don't talk shit about his mama, don't flip any birds, smile a lot, say yessir nosir and he'll let you off with a warning. Probably won't even ask you to step out of the vehicle. LOL


My little pony.. my little pony
Yes sir, no sir, and may I talk to my lawyer sir. These are the only things you should ever say. Anything else like " I know my rights " or " You cant do that " and you are going to be slapped with whats commonly known as Failure to Grovel. Exactly what happened to that professor having beer with Obama. He failed to grovel around leo so leo decided to show him how things work. Sad but true, unless you have unlimited lawyer funds to fight civil rights cases and dont want to get on the local cops top ten shitlist youre better off playing the game and just grovel along.


disorderly conduct is a fucking joke, it's basically a write-off for the pig to do whatever the fuck he wants.

Luckily I live in Cali and I'm a white male, so I don't have to deal with this shit in general, unless I'm REALLY drunk....

":Failure to Grovel. :"

This is a synopis for how cops work. Kiss their ass, whether you're a rebel-baller or not, and you'll get off. Do otherwise and they'll fuck you if they're having a bad day.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
I'm sorry, but sometimes the police don't give you a chance to comply. Along with the fact that they breathe the same air as us and bleed the same blood as us, it makes it so damn hard to lie down like a dog. Especially when they're yelling at you in your face just for being alive.

But yeah, OBEY... And you'll live to see the next day.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yes sir, no sir, and may I talk to my lawyer sir. These are the only things you should ever say. Anything else like " I know my rights " or " You cant do that " and you are going to be slapped with whats commonly known as Failure to Grovel. Exactly what happened to that professor having beer with Obama. He failed to grovel around leo so leo decided to show him how things work.
THat may be a general way to feel about things...but in that particular instance, it is painfully clear that the supposed educated and learned professor threw the race card out for all to smell the stench of. He was apparently upset that leo didn't recognize his importantness and decided to jump on him with both racially motivated feet.
For anyone who actually watched those events unfold, there can't be any way other to see this thing, than that professor showing his true racist colors.
When folks see that thing as "failure to grovel" it pains me.
What it REALLY is, is failure to call these folks on this racial shit, and stop backing up the wrong side of things.
Al Sharpton? On the wrong side of things....Jesse Jackson..on the wrong side of things...Barack Obama...obviously also on the wrong side of things.
Sad we had to find out that way too.
(don't think our enemies didn't see the guy make a jump-to-conclusion without facts move....)

I could point out where the majority of racism exists in the US, but it would only cause a firestorm from those with their rose colored glasses on....


My little pony.. my little pony
Yeah but how naive/stupid do you need to be to follow the cop outside of your house? Seems every black man but him knows thats what you do when your asking to be hauled off to jail.
Damn cops

Damn cops

Cops just plain piss me off. When I'm approached by an officer, they have about a minute before I pass judgement on them. Just because they have a semi dangerous job supposedly protecting us, doesn't give them the right to treat people like shit.
There are many cops, not the majority but many, who are respectful and I treat them the same. But if a cop starts treating me shitty, I'll be all in their face, but only up to a point because I know the dumbasses can just claim disorderly, or anything they want for that matter.
Cops work on intimadation and demand respect, but most far from deserve respect.

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