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questions on training and flowering.


New member
Here are some shrubs, started May 1st, kept on a heavy diet of 20-20-20 - current. The holes prepped with added peat moss and perlite. Water has never been ph'd.
Branches have recently been bent over and tied down to encourage more growth and it's worked quite well.
The strain is a indica cross that flowers out very small tight buds, but end of season rains can bring the rot..so thats why they are being fed with Phos and Potas earlier.

1. Should all the inside(shaded) veg growth be stripped, it's suspected that it will not flower out properly and just be stealing energy from the plant during finishing.

2. Should branches be bent over, topped, etc some more or will they be to crowded by end of season? *sept-oct

Most are already growing into each other, 8 plants in 8x12 bed, branches are having to be bent toward the ouside of the bed because its getting crowded. ...with 2-3 months left...currently on 15-30-15 @ 2000+/-ppm.

Opinions on what to do would be appretiated. It would suck to have history repeat itself (alot of undergrowth with no bud, and early rot)



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Try another strain.......

More managable true indicas!!
Got any pics?


Hey dallas boy

Depending on the strain and whether or not it was topped, 8x12 is the size plot you need for 1 or 2 plants. Anything other than a single cola indica as Lou said, is going to be too much.,

but given your situation, i would probably leave all branches pointing to the outside and some youll just have to cut. I wouldnt top any of them as that will make your problem worse. I wouldnt feed much either until flower. You might stagger the harvest, taking tops and then allowing the interior buds to mature. You just really have too many plants in too small of an area.


New member
silverback said:
Hey dallas boy

Depending on the strain and whether or not it was topped, 8x12 is the size plot you need for 1 or 2 plants. Anything other than a single cola indica as Lou said, is going to be too much.,

I wish trying another strain was possible..to late now.

At the time I said 4 plants for a 8x12 Maximum...but the choice wasn't mine..so it is what it is.
They've just dropped into flowering and i'm going to try to keep up with a high ppm flower nute because previously they didn't get much for flowering, just very dillute 300+/-ppm...and they were fair size.

I need a few more posts before I can post pictures, so ill edit my first post with pictures once i'm there.



New member
Ok, so I'll let it bush but only to the outside of the bed and let everything inbetween grow up or cut it back.

Few are topped here and there, some are not, most are not because I had a feeling this would happen. I really needed that second opinion.

Here is what they looked like on June 28


Here is I beleive the same plant(all very similar size) to current date after lots of sun, bending branches, and high ppm feeding,

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A picture's worth a thousand words dallas boy. I had a completely different picture in my mind. I visualized 8 of these in that 8x12"

Buddy your plants look fine to me. I dont see that your'e going to have any real problems. You might have to prune a little but not much. I wouldnt strip anything. Keep tying some of the branches that border the outside toward the outside, and then harvest any light blocking or troublesome buds early to open up the inside so the hidden ones can mature. You're headed toward the harvest man.

good luck
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