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def. or heat?


What STRAIN are you growing? random bag seed
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) seed
What is the age of your plants? 14 days today
How Tall are the plants? 4-5 inches
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? 18/6
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) ?
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 3in at the moment 1 subject each pot
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) cheap 1.97 soil and perlite 50/50
What Nutrient's are you using?How much of each with how much water? How Often? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* n/a
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? n/a
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? 6.7
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? strips
How often are you watering? water 2-3 days 1.5 gal total between 29 plants
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? n/a
What size bulb are you using? 400W hps
What is the distance to the canopy? 28inches
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) 48%
What is the canopy temperature? 78-80
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) 78-80/ 70-72
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 1 8in fan
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? across tops
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? no
Is your water HARD or SOFT? soft
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap leaving set out 24 hours prior to use
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? n/a
Are plant's infected with pest's? no

not sure if its a def. heat or both any help would be appreciated..

group pic not all have the def.

close ups as close as i can get without making it blurry "shitty camera"

thanx in advance

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Domesticator of Cannabis
They look like they'd like some N. The one with the flipped leaves looks like it may have gotten some heat too. Looks like the ones in the larger pots are doing the best? What do you plan on using for Veg nutes? I'd crop the tat.
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i am probably going with shultz 15-30-15 all i can find that has good N without buying from online .. remember these are bagseeds.. not great feminized lol ...

what do you recommend on feeding the 15-30-15 1/4 stre 1/2 stre 3/4 stre full stree?

thanx this is also my first grow so im learning as i grow.. read alot of articles and books and trying it now :) thanx for the quick response



yes i wait till the soil is dry before watering usually takes about 2 days to be completely dry

and yes i seen fish emultion here so i will go pick some up ty



Domesticator of Cannabis
That's great. Now I don't measure myself which is testament to how hard it is to mess up if you keep it simple. In those small containers lets say they're getting a reg glass of water I'd want to dip my index finger up to the 1st knuckle 1" into the fish swish it & stir it around in the glass of water. That's about all I'd feed each plant with the fish. Progress as you see underdevelopment/yellowing or the green becoming too dark. Take notes & measurements. Shake the nutrients very well before each usage.
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Dr. Doolittle
You use fish emulsion it will only fix the nitrogen problem, but if the plants are showing N problems now, you will show other problems since fish emulsion lacks in P and K.

I would not use it and get a full fert, fish emulsion is his answer to all problems.
If you get a fert from the hardware store, for your first feeding use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. After they get bigger around 3 weeks of age, use 1/2 teaspoon.

Never go by the directions on the back of bottle, always go by the size of the plant.


MynameStitch said:
You use fish emulsion it will only fix the nitrogen problem, but if the plants are showing N problems now, you will show other problems since fish emulsion lacks in P and K.

I would not use it and get a full fert, fish emulsion is his answer to all problems.
If you get a fert from the hardware store, for your first feeding use 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water. After they get bigger around 3 weeks of age, use 1/2 teaspoon.

Never go by the directions on the back of bottle, always go by the size of the plant.

so will the 15-30-15 be ok to use stitch? i read your sick plant post and looks like N and zink to me plus a lil heat .. thanx


Dr. Doolittle
Cheap soil you are using is bad, you get what you pay for...... yes you have both nitrogen and zinc starting out, since the soil is cheap I am betting there is hardly any of it in there.

Are you using tap water? Does the 10-15-10 have zinc in it? if so you have your problem fixed.
I am sure you will end up having other micronutrient defiicients as well very soon, so make sure if you can get your hands on a complete micronutrient feed.
That is if your food you are using now does not have many micros in it.

WHat brand is it schultz? MG?
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Domesticator of Cannabis
To the above poster, my answers didn't injury a seedling like yours. I'd really watch all advice being passed out around here especially by unbalanced individuals. (Although I do understand the sirgrassalot fixation you have) Caveat people. I have a grow & take my own medicine. Others here can't say that nor have they tried mine. You'd need to have a Cannabis garden to do that. :rasta: :wave:
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sirgrassalot said:
My answers didn't injury a seedling like yours. I'd really watch all advice being passed out around here especially by unbalanced individuals. Caveat people. I have a grow & take my own medicine. Others here can't say that nor have they tried mine. You'd need to have a Cannabis garden to do that. :rasta: :wave:

My answers didn't injury a seedling like yours: i never said they did dude.. i take all advice


Domesticator of Cannabis
That is for the poster above my post, sorry for the confusion. You have a garden they don't. Caveat
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Dr. Doolittle
That is fine to use herb, just make sure you use small amounts of it, 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water to start out for it's first feeding.

Sirgrassalot dude, for a grower to sit there and make a comment, especially a snotty little way you did, who cares if I am not growing dude, do I have to grow to be here? No I don't. I come here to help, because I love the plant so much; I spend my time away from my family to help out here and I spend my free time to help out and it's people like you who make my time work more, because of all the bullshit advice you give I have to go clean up every shit mess you make and all your posts are shit and I am not the only one who has said this; your posts are few words, only around 50 posts you have made out of the 245 posts have some kind of decent information, the rest are one liners just to get your post count up. Which is also a bannable offense.

So before you mouth off to another grower I would think about what comes out of that trap of yours, because one of these days with that mouth you got you will end up getting busted, and I don't care how much I hate someone, I would never wish for someone to get busted; because no one should ever have to go through what I and others have went through; with your attitude and cockiness, you are very bound to get caught, so I advise you to clean up your act before you do one of these days, then when you do, you can blame yourself.
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Domesticator of Cannabis
You're not a grower a grower grows you've grown in the past. You don't need to be so rude dear. I mean is that suppose to hurt me or something. blah blah blah

Indica-420 that's correct, I should just let her rant. I don't read her posts these days, I glance them. Filled with hate & emotion. She likes to flame & instigate. There's no call for the flaming in any forum & detracts from any worthy info they might share. She'll add to her post count with a one liner or two, watch.
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fellas fellas lets keep in mind i have sick plants :joint:

they need advice not fellas arguing :bashhead:

all advice is appreciated and considered moreadvice please


BTW the 15-30-15 has micro ingreds too :)


Dr. Doolittle
I am a grower and will always BE a grower, just because I am not growing right now does not mean I am no longer a grower, just like when you become a DR or a president you will always have the status of being a Dr or a president.