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def. or heat?



Hey indica man I am sorry you are having to deal with sick plants, When ever the tips turn up like that its because they are getting to hot! I don't think your haveing deficiencies so early in the game, maybe just heat issues you may want to back the lights away a bit and take a pair of scissors and snip off the tips that are dead. peace bro. I hope things work out!
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Georgia Green said:
Hey indica man I am sorry you are having to deal with sick plants, When ever the tips turn up like that its because they are getting to hot! I don't think your haveing deficiencies so early in the game, maybe just heat issues you may want to back the lights away a bit and take a pair of scissors and snip off the tips that are dead. peace bro. I hope things work out!

thats what i thought to stop the trying to repair em.. so i will finish trimming them tonight thanx man


hey bro that 15-30 -15 is gonna be hot most fertilizers are nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium I would think that food you have is a double high dose of Bone ash in the fist stage you may want a little extra N like fish emulsion then in flower your gonna want more potassium=wood ash and bone ash you more like a 10-10-10


In the Sunshine State I know you like to Fish! you got a 55 gal drum? Mix 1 part fish waste to 2 parts water, fill the drum 1/3 full fish guts, heads and waste, then fill it with water let it rot and it will be stinking to high heaven but its some good stuff keep a lid on it or you'll have flys and magots peace man stay safe


Dr. Doolittle
Georgia Green said:
hey bro that 15-30 -15 is gonna be hot most fertilizers are nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium I would think that food you have is a double high dose of Bone ash in the fist stage you may want a little extra N like fish emulsion then in flower your gonna want more potassium=wood ash and bone ash you more like a 10-10-10

For my first grow I used mG products for veg I used tomato plant food and for bloom used al purpose.

If you use them correctly you can grow some amazing plants. THat is why I gave him the dosage 1/4 of a teaspoon and let him know not to listen to the directions.

My grows I grew with chem ferts, the first plant I grew out was over 6 feet tall and grew it under a 400 watt hps. NEver knew the plant could get that big after all it was my first grow and I did not know a whole lot, but knew enough to grow as I researched before putting beans into the soil.


if you want a smaller plant just put into flower earlier and yes, I have used M.G. all purpose and for tomatoes on all my plants including my tomatoes and pot plants but for flowering I used a big bloom water dis solvable food for flowers but now I do organic I even make my own clone juice


thanx all had a problem today my landlors told me she knew i was doing something wrong in my apt. and said i have 3 months to get "whatever" im doing out so i went ahead and gave em the 12/12 switcharoo after 24 of dark they are right at 6 inches tall and 7-8 nodes each so it should be ok ...



Dr. Doolittle
Dude, that is NOT good man, unless you are a med grower or something that would be different, but If I were you and she knew I would be ripping the shit down not taking her word for it, cause if she wanted to she could just go to the police.... not a good situation man.


Man thats why i bought a place I was in an apartment and i had a gun in my underwear drawer and the lady asked me when i came home from work why did i have it I told her to shoot people who go threw my shit why I'm at work.


MynameStitch said:
Dude, that is NOT good man, unless you are a med grower or something that would be different, but If I were you and she knew I would be ripping the shit down not taking her word for it, cause if she wanted to she could just go to the police.... not a good situation man.
and I would move quickly


final star result was heat and ph... i used a friends ph meter and it was 8.2 and the temp was 96 " my equip must be faulty" and they looklike they are starting to clear up.. thanx for all the help



Dr. Doolittle
Heat will cause the plants to transpire more and use more water and nutrients....
as for the pH, did you test the run off after watering? Good call on moving them to another location, if I were you I would rather be safe than sorry.
You don't want to end up like what happened to me, what happened to me and other growers should NEVER happen....... I would never wish any grower to get busted, no matter how much I disliked them. Having the cops come in and rip your grow and your home and try to degrade you is terrible thing, especially roughing you up cause you don't talk and lying to you and shit adds more crap to the pot.


yea stitch i took heed and moved em .... the runoff ph with my tester was saying 6's and his new tester was saying over8 so yea i got new tester and the temp was nearly 100 and my temp was saying 70's so again i got new batteries now it stays a constant 86 w/ lights on and 70-73 with the lights ouit i will be updating pics this weekend.. and they look 75% better already .... " i was killing with bad ph and deadly heat" now they are thanking me :)



Hey man, Its not just you and me who have had shit ph meters I have had a lot of people tell me theirs went bad or was not exact I quit tiring to get the ph perfect and use rain water or water out of the creek and I use my deep well water as a last resort but what works for me might not for you but i just thought i would put it out here I think if I was gonna put a lot of money into my grows I would buy a reverse osmosis system, as far a heat goes i don't use a thermometer I know I should but I can tell if my room is hot I'll start sweating lol as far a seedlings and small plants I just put the palm of my hand on top of the plants and if the top of my hand is hot I move the plants out away from the heat or raise the lamp depending on weather or not I have a even canopy this is all probably bad advice but it works for me peace and stay safe man
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yea georgia its hard cause i went from a 9sq feet closet grow to a 4 sw feet box for the moment working on building a bigger box cause i still have 26 ababies and 4 sq ft is not gunna work lol... this has been a ruff grow so far being " i dont have the money for these thousand dollar lights, fans soils and nutes" from the internet i did good just to swing the 150 for the 400W hps.. being im on disability and my wife just lost her job and feeding 5 kids lol... yea people dont realize not all of us have the unlimited funds to drop on MJ grows " im not growing to sell just for personal use" so i use bag seeds "have ordered seeds anfd got empty packs" so yea im trying to be as cheap as possible.. you and stitch has really helped me in my growing experience.. so for that i say thanx.. maybe one day i can help someone like yall have wityh me..



BTW i went and got the good old glass vial and solution for ph now and it tested out with my buddies 60 dollar pen :)



Dr. Doolittle
Which tester were you using before a pH meter or strips? what pH meter you using now to test it?

I would like to know this test the liquid vs the pH pen, I already know which is going to win, but I want to see how off each can be.......


well stitch he tested my left on counter 24 hour tap water and he got a reading of 7.3 when i tested same water with my vial and 3 drops of solution it was right at 7 seeing mine you jugehe as as a color chart so i think they are very close..
