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Day 3 no cigs

Well I've never tried "Dip" but as I understand it, there is a considerable risk of developing mouth cancer using that. In my younger days I knew a kid in the neighborhood who chewed tobacco and he developed mouth cancer in his early 20's. He did chew quite a bit though. He was always walking around with a mouthful and holding an empty can or cup to spit into. So based on that I'd say dip is worse then smoking. Besides you're just replacing one source of nicotine with another. If you're going to go that route you might as well try using either nicotine gum or a nicotine patch if you can afford them. If not you should check with your state government as many states now are offering resources to assist their citizens in quitting cigarettes and many of those states have as part of those resources free or low cost gum and patches.

As for quitting cigarettes it's definately a good move, they don't really do anything for you. The relaxing quality many say cigarettes have is that it's just relaxing you from the anxieties caused by nicotine cravings. Not only that but now a days cigarettes cost and arm and a leg A pack a day habit is easily at least a $100 per month habit in the cheapest states and 2 or 3 times that in the more expensive ones. The good news is nicotine addiction, the physical addiction that is, is usually over in a week or two. The harder part is the psychological addiction and the associations (having a cigarette after eating, while on the phone, while driving, etc.) that is harder to beat and can continue to bother reformed smokers for months even years after they quit.

I will check that out. Unfortunantly it doesnt help that it only costs me $55 per carton for marlboro reds. Also the gas station sells single cigaretts for .25 cents... which makes it even harder, beacuse for weeks i would buy single cigs all day ang justify to myself that atleast i wasnt buying a pack.


Active member
Re: Day 3 no cigs

Try the patch. It worked great for me. I quit back in June, stopped the patches about 6weeks ago.

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Good luck.

I went through a week where I couldn't smoke (for various reasons) and resorted to using camel snus. I've dipped before, so I know what that's like (compared to cigs). If you want, you might want to try snus. They're pouches, that you shove in your upper gums. There's no need to spit. You just swallow it. I've talked to many people who've quit using snus.

The thing is there's no "real" buzz. One or two pouches merely takes the edge off. Kills that craving for a while. It's not the same as dipping or smoking. And needless to say after that week I couldn't wait for a cig.

The most important thing about quitting is you yourself have to truly want to quit (i.e. like stated: for a loved one/other reasons) otherwise your just kidding yourself.

Despite what the people/media say... I'm gonna go out there and say that dipping is far less harmful to you than smoking.

And if you wanna be a real man, switch to Levi Garrett and gut that shit. I had an old family friend say to me, "that's pussy shit" when I whipped out a can of Skoal Peach in front of him once, lol.
^^ yea bro thats actually what i mean by dip, so mabey its not dip at all. I've been getting the camel snus in the green tin. It certainy does take the edge off, I think i would rather get mouth cancer than lung cancer but thats just my opinion... i hope to ween myself off the snus... i started the first day with 3 pouches at a time, then 2 at a time the next day, and now im at one... so im making progress and trying to stick with it.


May your race always be in your favor
Here's my two cents, as a former long time smoker and just as long time Cope dipper. Both are nasty, smokers stink, dippers are well dippers. I quit smoking in 74 and started on Copenhagen when it was 3.50 for a roll. I dipped until the eighties when I was in the Army and was at the dentist and he asked me how long have you dipped. I said for 14 years, he said you can have a life with out a lower jaw but it ain't pretty. So I quit. went back to cigs, the problem with dipping, is a big old three finger pinch has more nicotine than 25 cigs, and your main lining it straight through the capillaries in your gums.
I say don't do either, when I quit, I smoked a doob every time I had the craving. After a while I didn't give a shit whether I smoked or not.
Regardless best of luck, hope you make it I haven't used nicotine in several years and feel way better for it.
NOW I JUST :smoweed:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
im almost 8 months clean.
2 packs a day for the past 5 years or so, smoked 17 years total.

i tried to quit last jan 1 for my NY resolution, lasted 8 days and gave in.
only other time i attempted to quit was when my son was born.
i didnt quit because i wanted to, i truly enjoyed smoking.
i did it because in the NYC metro area ciggs are almost $10/pack.
it was about the $$ and wanting to live long enough to enjoy sports with my growing kids.

the first 3 days were the worst for me personally.
after 2 weeks, i beat her completely.
after 8 weeks, all her poisons will leave you.
i havent felt this good for 1/2 my life.

i wish you luck, but fuck the chew.
flip a coin, would you rather have lung or mouth cancer?
pack the 1 hitter everytime u have an urge, you can do this homie :D


If it's camel snus, that's MUCH safer than either dip or cigarettes. The swedish have been doing it for decades with no ill effects (I think).

To me, snus bares little resemblance to dip. It's nothing like dipping actually. The flavor ain't the same. Pouches ain't the same as long/fine cut. Much easier to kick than dip/chew.

Using snus for a few months won't do shit to your health except maybe give you yellow teeth (which you already have from smoking...so). If it's helping, keep using it.

Sour Deez

my buddy quit smoking cigs by dipping instead. But his body is still getting the substance he is addicted to, nicotine.

Didnt make sense to me at all, now instead of lighting a cig, hes packing a lip.

Sour Deez

Good luck.

The thing is there's no "real" buzz. One or two pouches merely takes the edge off. Kills that craving for a while. It's not the same as dipping or smoking. And needless to say after that week I couldn't wait for a cig.

Maybe not a "real" buzz for someone who is used to the nicotine. After years of smoking cigs, does anyone catch a buzz off them anymore? I got a friend who maybe smoked a pack in total his whole life who tried one of these pouches.

It was one of the funniest things i ever seen, he was fucked up lol. And he keep saying it over and over and over.

Im sure i would definitely get a buzz off it.
Oh no doubt you can catch a buzz, i was suprised to find that i actually prefer the snus buzz to that of actuall cigaretts. I wikipedia'd "snus" and found that experts believe male smoking rates in sweden are lower beacuse many were able to quit using it.


If you want to replace cigarettes with another form of nicotine you may want to look into e-cigs.

I had tried to quit several times and never could no matter what I used. Then I bought an e-cig a couple years ago and haven't had a cigarette since.

Just be advised that it's not as simple as just lighting up a cig. There's some work to it when it comes to learning how to use it properly and maintenance. It's evolved into a hobby for me and honestly that kind of needs to happen for it to work. So it's obviously not for everyone.

Here's a good sight with a ton of info and a very helpful community. You should also know that the e-cigs you find at gas stations and at the mall are not a good choice. Most people will recommend an e-cig that doesn't look like a cigarette because it needs to have a bigger battery in it to give a satisfying vape.


i think that some people (prolly older people) can "dip" as a alternative ,that does'nt mean your not gonna die of cancer it means your gonna die a different way that's all, let me clarify ..i'm 37 ,ive been smoking for 25 yrs its definateley time for me to stop smoking, ive never really dip'd , i have MAYBE a good 20-30 yrs left in me,.. it will take 20 yrs for dip to kill me .........

turtle farmer

major props to anyone that can quit an addiction.....
one day at a time..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I will check that out. Unfortunantly it doesnt help that it only costs me $55 per carton for marlboro reds. Also the gas station sells single cigaretts for .25 cents... which makes it even harder, beacuse for weeks i would buy single cigs all day ang justify to myself that atleast i wasnt buying a pack.

Only $55? at a pack a day that's $165.00 per month. That's a considerable amount of money for something that has no pros and lots of cons. What's really the problem for most smokers in the US is that if you want to cave in to your cravings it's so easy to get your hands on a cigarette Gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, bars, convenience stores, etc. They're everywhere. Where I live cigarettes are available within a 5 minute walk in any direction.


I pay $45 for a 120ml bottle of 24mg/ml(nicotine) doublemint gum flavored e-cig juice.... it lasts me 3 months...


So as the title states im on my 3rd day without a cigarette. Its been hell, but i feel way better. suprisingly the first 2 days i could barely breath, but i geuss that was just my lungs cleaning out all the tar and resin. I was able to do it by swithching to chewing tobacco (which i eventualy hope to quit aswell), but this raises the question is dip better than smoking or is it worse? Its been very hard when im in situations where i would normally have a smoke.. like getting into the car or after a meal. Hopefully i can stick with it and make it thru the cravings, this is the first "quitting" attempt ive been serious about and i hope i can live the rest of my life smoke free!

Get yourself a pack of herbal ciggs or herbal rolling mix, for when the cravings get real bad and you get the urge to have a cigg in your hand
They taste like shit but they are better than cracking and hitting tobacco again.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my boss quit back in the early '80s, his secret was lemon drop hard candies, he picked up a couple of #s at first but walked that off on the golf course in time.

find something you love to do and do more of it, replace one addiction w/another less detrimental than the first.

still addicted to cocaine after 8.5 yrs of trying every method there was to quit I finally hit the road running from it. I loved the country, hunting, fishing and camping so I moved 1400 miles away from temptation and immersed myself in it in MN and forgot about freebasing.

I have NEVER touched the shit again since Aug of '88. This yr marked 23 yrs sober from the white lady.......

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor

still addicted to cocaine after 8.5 yrs of trying every method there was to quit I finally hit the road running from it. I loved the country, hunting, fishing and camping so I moved 1400 miles away from temptation and immersed myself in it in MN and forgot about freebasing.

I have NEVER touched the shit again since Aug of '88. This yr marked 23 yrs sober from the white lady.......

Good goin there S4L...glad ya made it out of the craziness.


Sorcerer's Apprentice

still addicted to cocaine after 8.5 yrs of trying every method there was to quit I finally hit the road running from it. I loved the country, hunting, fishing and camping so I moved 1400 miles away from temptation and immersed myself in it in MN and forgot about freebasing.

I have NEVER touched the shit again since Aug of '88. This yr marked 23 yrs sober from the white lady.......

Awesome that you did what you had to do to get away from it. Most people have trouble making life-changing decisions even if there's something positive that they really want.

I tried coke once. I did the same amount as all the "experienced" people in the room. My sinuses and my throat got a lil numb and ... that's it.

I figured that was just as well and I never bothered with it again.

Bud Light

Good luck,Ive been smokin 20 + years and hate it .Hard to quit ,Keep fighting the Good Fight