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Feminized seeds


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
My question still stands unless Im missing something FB. How can the feminization process *(forcing reliable strains to produce male flowers) effect its progenies dna that controls its likliness to produce male flowers?

it doesnt - really it's all about selection of the parents whether you are making regular seeds or fem. proper selection processes take time and this is a corner that often gets cut in the drive to get a strain onto the market and make money from it.

i suspect one reason why fems have the reputation for herms might be that they are often understandably the choice for new growers who havent got their growing environment properly dialed in and stabilized.

NFR - my best mother plant is 2 years old now (DP Blueberry) and is fine. if you are having problems with mums trying to flower it may be that your lights arent very strong - my regular powerplant mum trys to flower under week flouro lights. also when plants get rootbound this can trigger flowering. check out the 'bonsai mums' thread to see how to root prune and renovate mother plants.




it doesnt - really it's all about selection of the parents whether you are making regular seeds or fem. proper selection processes take time and this is a corner that often gets cut in the drive to get a strain onto the market and make money from it.

i suspect one reason why fems have the reputation for herms might be that they are often understandably the choice for new growers who havent got their growing environment properly dialed in and stabilized.

NFR - my best mother plant is 2 years old now (DP Blueberry) and is fine. if you are having problems with mums trying to flower it may be that your lights arent very strong - my regular powerplant mum trys to flower under week flouro lights. also when plants get rootbound this can trigger flowering. check out the 'bonsai mums' thread to see how to root prune and renovate mother plants.



Totally agree.. was mostly trying to make a point that as far as i know there is no way to effect the dna or the progeny(other than sex) from current feminization processes (forced male flower production). That atleast is my understanding unless someone can indicate otherwise. The collodial silver *sp used by most breeders will make any plant produce male flowers. My understanding is it makes the plant think it went through max stress(chemical signals). I dont see how that could effect the progenies dna. Would love to see any solid info the contrary because I certainly dont know it all.
Tex my meaning was if more than one plant was treated with the stressing agent it may so happpen the one which is most genetically sensitive to herming would do so first thereby pollinating the largest number of seeds and passing that disposition onto the offspring.


Active member
Basically, to self pollenate a plant and understand it's issues isn't a genius affair.

It's pure a photocopy wich avoid the necessity to engage a very long process : Bx, Inbred ... anything using breeding technics. It's pure genetic overflow wich "stack" a reccurent information as the only diversity, wich permit stability (any trait, sexual or not).
So you're able to propagate what you prefer as phenotype in place of the traditionnal genotype option (with diversity in sex, traits.. whatever).

The process itself isn't hard in needs, even technical (this ask you only a full control of your climate, at the degree). You just need a good equipment mounted in a well thinked installation for it, profesionnals do it "key-in-hand" for all prices.

The chems are now stable, largely available, more effiscient than the ten past years.

So now i have eliminated all fake difficulties, i let to everyone make his own end of the story.


it doesnt - really it's all about selection of the parents whether you are making regular seeds or fem. proper selection processes take time and this is a corner that often gets cut in the drive to get a strain onto the market and make money from it.

i suspect one reason why fems have the reputation for herms might be that they are often understandably the choice for new growers who havent got their growing environment properly dialed in and stabilized.

NFR - my best mother plant is 2 years old now (DP Blueberry) and is fine. if you are having problems with mums trying to flower it may be that your lights arent very strong - my regular powerplant mum trys to flower under week flouro lights. also when plants get rootbound this can trigger flowering. check out the 'bonsai mums' thread to see how to root prune and renovate mother plants.



I don't understand what you mean about lights no being very strong possibly? Could you give me an example of what you mean? I use 400w MH and T5 -8 tube banks for my mothers. In my bud rooms I use twice the wattage per square foot thatn a typical grower(1000w hps less than every 2 feet).

I obviously have had poor luck with Fems if there are people out there who have never had a isolated problem. I havent tried the seeds that people are mentioning to me but how does it make sense that I'm making mistakes that seems only to effect the fem stock? If only the fem stock is problematic, even if it's my techniques doing this...it still supports my observations. So really, enviroment and what ever else I may be doing only exposes those weaknesses????:thank you:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
fuel - selfing a plant (making fem seeds from it in the case of cannabis) will not produce carbon copies of that pheno through the seeds - only the true breeding traits of the plant - (which often arent many) will be the same in all the seeds.

NFR - your lights sound fine :) some strains will start to flower if they are kept for a long time under week lights but this isnt your problem by the sound of it.


Its not much of a problem anyways. They don't last as long as mothers and I keep an eye open for hermies/nanners. All varieties like that are not what I sell anyways. It's all about appetite and facination and I can do that with standards when I feel like trying something new.