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Day 3 no cigs

So as the title states im on my 3rd day without a cigarette. Its been hell, but i feel way better. suprisingly the first 2 days i could barely breath, but i geuss that was just my lungs cleaning out all the tar and resin. I was able to do it by swithching to chewing tobacco (which i eventualy hope to quit aswell), but this raises the question is dip better than smoking or is it worse? Its been very hard when im in situations where i would normally have a smoke.. like getting into the car or after a meal. Hopefully i can stick with it and make it thru the cravings, this is the first "quitting" attempt ive been serious about and i hope i can live the rest of my life smoke free!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

best of luck, there's a quit cigarettes support thread in the Den somewhere, if you need help you can also look there.......


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just carry a one-hitter around with you and whenever you feel like you have to smoke a cigarette...

Good luck!

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
I quit about 9 years ago. Before that, I had attempted quitting a shit load of times, probably 30 to 40 times. Used to get hypnotized, did that about 11 times. The rest were variations on cold turkey.

The most important thing when it comes to quitting cigs is this: Keep On Trying! You are bound to fail a few times, it happens to almost everybody. Some people give up after the first try and never try to quit again. Some people start smoking again and don't try to quit again until years later. The ones who have the best chance of kicking the habit are those who keep on trying to quit, when they start back up, they try quitting again only weeks later. The more often you quit, the better chance, its a numbers game like so many things.

I used to have friends who were also smokers look at me in disbelief...."why do you keep trying to quit, going through withdrawal sucks!" The way I look at it....every time I smoked a cig, about 20 minutes later I would start to feel the nicotine fit starting to happen, just a slight discomfort, but it would build until I would have to light up again. I was a very addicted smoker. So, I believe that I was feeling the pangs of withdrawal shortly after every cig I smoked. I betcha many smokers are going through the same thing, mini withdrawals 20 times a day. So, I figured if I was going through these withdrawals every day that I smoked, it was damn well worth it to just get on with it and try to quit for good.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
chew is really no better..

but good step trying to quit. it is a very bad thing.

I use to smoke and quit now for like 8 years. use anything to chew on, pen caps, sunflower seeds, chew on a straw.... the feeling will pass soon of craving, you just have to make it to that post marker.

ultimately, two things that can get you to quit is quitting for someone you love, or respecting yourself enough that you don't want to harm your body.

also, never hang around people who smoke.. it's really only pressure on you, and if they pressure you it's alot worse.. just don't do it, that easy. later in life you can choose who you want to hang around, but this is a key when first quitting

just be fully honest with yourself, in this situation. tell people your pissed because you quit smoking, tell people when you want a cigarette, say to yourself man this sucks. tell yourself why your quitting... always express yourself through this process.

everyone's rooting for you, but make sure and root for yourself.

good luck, keep going forward, don't look back. our time here is short, but we can accomplish some amazing things through a little effort and get to where you want to be. your the key and you can make anything happen you set your mind to.. no one said it's easy but what fun would be had if there was no challenge.. challenge shows us what were made of / capable of
^^^ sound andvice man, ill keep it in mind.

Its rough but i already feel like the worst is over, its been a few months of attempting to quit but never making it past a day... i already feel so much better. Altho im craving a cig like a mofo atm, i just gotta keep telling myself that when i was smoking it was all for nothing, i would smoke a cigarette beacuse there was nothing else to do.. not catching a buzz, just smoking to smoke. i hope i can stick with it, but damn does this ever suck... If u dont smoke please dont ever take it up, its not worth it.


Well-known member
It takes 21 days (3 weeks) to break a habit completely. Right now you are trying to reprogram your mind and body. Dipping keeps supplying your body with nicotine, contains fiberglass, and can lead to mouth cancer. If you are going to replace one habit with another then try chewing gum. What helped me greatly was daily exercise, looking at pictures of lifetime smoker's lungs, and reading information on all the deadly toxins in cigarettes. Basically, they are pure poison, death on a stick, which you pay for and can never get enough of. If you do not quit they will forever dominate your life. You will never be happier than after you have successfully quit. FWIW not a day goes by now that I don't thank God I don't smoke anymore. It's probably the hardest thing to do in your life, but it is definitely worth it. IMO the absolute key to quitting is loving yourself.



Just stockpile some herbs and toke that instead of any tobacco. As said above just keep trying ;)


The thing that got me to quit was to stop buying em. Id allow myself to bum off people whenever they were available but eventually even that subsided because going out for smoke breaks every hour got weird. Thats how buying ciggs are now for me, just feels weird to ask for a pack. Good luck, if you really need something to relax just keep taking a hit every hour or so. That helped also, but I feel as if I just replaced cigarettes with bud.


Well-known member
Good luck with the giving up mate...18 months here, first two weeks were herendous but I did have 25 years plus of smoking cigs under me belt. Easier said than done but I just didn't smoke and changed my habits.

Like already been said, smoke a one sheet of bud when you get the cravings.

Good luck again mate....Cigarettes are evil man, where the smoker pays to kill themselves???


I have dipped chewing tobacco for many years. Myadvice to you is to stop that shit asap! You dnt want another type of tobacco addiction to kick.

As others have said, keep trying and pretty soon your "quit" will stick. Once you are a quitter, don't go back not even for one cig or one dip ever!

Kicking the nicotene bitch is tough, good luck becoming "quitter"
You can do it



Lover of Life
someniferum, good luck on your quest to quit cigarettes. Cannabis helps tremendously, too. When you want a cig, light up some herb instead.

For me, after the fifth day without a cig, it got way easier. I quit on July 9th of this year and haven't looked back.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So as the title states im on my 3rd day without a cigarette. Its been hell, but i feel way better. suprisingly the first 2 days i could barely breath, but i geuss that was just my lungs cleaning out all the tar and resin. I was able to do it by swithching to chewing tobacco (which i eventualy hope to quit aswell), but this raises the question is dip better than smoking or is it worse? Its been very hard when im in situations where i would normally have a smoke.. like getting into the car or after a meal. Hopefully i can stick with it and make it thru the cravings, this is the first "quitting" attempt ive been serious about and i hope i can live the rest of my life smoke free!

Well I've never tried "Dip" but as I understand it, there is a considerable risk of developing mouth cancer using that. In my younger days I knew a kid in the neighborhood who chewed tobacco and he developed mouth cancer in his early 20's. He did chew quite a bit though. He was always walking around with a mouthful and holding an empty can or cup to spit into. So based on that I'd say dip is worse then smoking. Besides you're just replacing one source of nicotine with another. If you're going to go that route you might as well try using either nicotine gum or a nicotine patch if you can afford them. If not you should check with your state government as many states now are offering resources to assist their citizens in quitting cigarettes and many of those states have as part of those resources free or low cost gum and patches.

As for quitting cigarettes it's definately a good move, they don't really do anything for you. The relaxing quality many say cigarettes have is that it's just relaxing you from the anxieties caused by nicotine cravings. Not only that but now a days cigarettes cost and arm and a leg A pack a day habit is easily at least a $100 per month habit in the cheapest states and 2 or 3 times that in the more expensive ones. The good news is nicotine addiction, the physical addiction that is, is usually over in a week or two. The harder part is the psychological addiction and the associations (having a cigarette after eating, while on the phone, while driving, etc.) that is harder to beat and can continue to bother reformed smokers for months even years after they quit.
chewing tobacco is not a safe alternative to smoking
This. Smoking hurts your lungs, dipping hurts your mouth. I went to a high school where being a "redneck" was the cool thing. Everyone dipped, and everyone had nasty receding gums and yellow teeth. Thank god I never started that shit.


Active member
Good luck man, you can do it! I quit a two pack a day for 15 years habit last Memorial day weekend. Cold turkey. The first week is fucking HELL! I still actually dream of smoking and wake up all guilty.LOL. Sunflower seeds help out alot. Stick with it buddy!


Active member
all that spitting yuck. did ya try anything else. e cigs,patch,gum ect. 2 of my friends quit using chantix and it worked for them. good luck i need to quit too.
Thanks for the support guys, i sure hope i can stick with it. I just cant fathom going cold turkey (from nicoteen), i would probly end up hurting someone lol. Im just trying to use dip as like a nicorette gum, hopefully i can quit that aswell, beacuse it would suck just to go from one vice to another, as has been stated.
