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Darwin's 2010-2011 Guerrilla Grow


awesome job mate, you got the girls just where you want them :) they are looking real healthy, i'm really looking forward to seeing what they can do in that long season of yours.

keep up the great job, planning something on a similar scale for next year myself.



Doing what we do because we are who we are
cant wait for the update on these mate :) if they are looking this good so soon in they are gonna be super great :)

P.s good catching up with you :D


Landrace Lover
hehe that's what i want to hear mate :D now just rain once or twice a week and weather like this would be great all through summer!

EDIT: haha as i posted that i hear the light pitter patter on the roof of descending raindrops with today's cool change :D win!


Landrace Lover
hey cheers klint :D hehe yeah was talking to shroomy about that this week actually and setting up a low sitting chicken wire sheet i guess and seeing if you could scrog it all outdoors hehe would be sick! keep me posted when you do i'll be keen to watch mate!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Just don't put out nice little square SCROGS everywhere, kind of looks a bit obvious. Be careful.