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Dakines NEW Fresh Start-Multiple Strains


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stop the cigs guys haha... nassssty... smoke more erb
#2 looks hungry... can you take pics in normal daylight? looking at the plants and then the clones looks deff like a ph problem.. the clones have a fuller green.. plants are pale...
yeah im more and more thinking ph is too low... your soil is prob rich and full of nutes.. so cant be that.. lockout going on
im inclined to say only use your soil mix as top dress, very sparingly ...its safer.. less that can go wrong.. or mix your soil mix with all the bags you have there and use that for the soil beds, it will thin it out for sure.. but deff dont use it as it is for anything...
In Liters.. how many bags of soil, perlite etc you got?
pls list em up

Slury is always with distilled... you can use the waste water from your ac if you have one..

and yes scraping clones gives the best results as the plant starts to heal itself and when the area is dark and moist, automatically roots are formed

So each big bag of Fox Farms Ocean Forest is 1.5Cubic Feet, So 11.22 Gallons,42.3 Liters if im doing it right..
So I have 3 Brand new bags,4.5Cubic Feet 33.66 Gallons, Or 126.9Liters Total of Fox Farms Ocean Forest..

I have 1 1/2 Bags of Fox Farms Light Warrior. So I have 2.25 Cubic Feet,16.83Gallons,and 63.45Liters Total of Light Warrior..

and 1 1/2 Bags of Perlite. Each Bag is 40 Dry Quarts. So about 60 Dry Quarts, or 66 Liters total of Perlite. Its a Mix of small but not super small, and medium size pieces..

Also the #1-Bushy Girl is turning to a lighter green. Her Newest and Newer Growth are all noticeably different from older growth.. During Veg I could put the Small Skywalker and SSSDH I had flowering outside next to the 2-Big SSSDH girls and the Big Girls almost looked Black/A Nice Lush Dark Green compared to the Skywalker or other SSSDH.

Yeah I was thinking about doing that! Mixing the other bags with the Semi-Hot FFOF mix, and using that for the soil beds.. I have Fresh castings coming with the worms I ordered, so I might add that to the bed mix as well..

I guess from now on when I use FFOF for veg and flower transplants, I wont add any organic nutrients to them, But I will put the bags in A Bin and water with Black Strap Molasses.. I would still like to amend some soil to learn, but ill use Light Warrior for that? Also want to learn how to re amend old rootbound stuff , wont hurt or cost $$ since I have materials and organic nutes...

IDK WDF is going on, it has to be my new pen or something even though I just re calibrated again today.. The 1-Gallon of Plain Tap Water Left out for 34-36 hours, mixed with 1/2 Tsp of Black Strap Molasses and A Little less then 1/16tsp of Great white that I aerated for A Couple hours. Had A Ph reading of 8.0-8.2... I just checked Plain Tap water left out for same amount of time and the pen is saying 8.5 lol.. Idk whats going on, Screw this pen.


Active member
there is enough food in your soil.. just plants cant get it
are you using some sort of ph down?
if so leave it away.. could be that your tap is 8.. but unlikely.. more 7.2-7.6
try checking online with your water supplier
get lime.. soil always has a natural buffer...
but cause you have been dumping nutes into a hot soil mix ph has dropped.. most likely
just do your great white tea for now, and try and get that slury test done..
or better yet a soil ph spike


Active member
tbh i dont think you will have enough soil...
you have about 300 L of soil.. how many plants?
you want to raise the bed, no.. so you would need about double what you have there..
perlite can be around 15-20% of your mix..
so maybe another 3 bags of FFOF and a bag of Light Warrior together with what you already have there will be good
6 bags of FFOF
2.5 bags of LW
1.5 bags of perlite
+ EWC and your hot mix sound ok...
that should be fine till mid flowering where you then can start top dressing and adding bloom nutes...
good luck my man...


Active member
Alright, So I wont add any more organic nutes to any soil I have/Buy for A few months lol! Only Top dress if needed, and plants are showing they need it.. Yeah im going to look up the lime tonight and call around tomorrow to see which shops have it.. No im not using any Ph down. You said to not use that stuff and use Citric Acid if i needed it.. Wouldnt lemon work?

Yeah I was kinda thinking I needed more soil and perlite, but was hoping I didnt since I already had those bags. I had those just for pots, I wasnt thinking about the Soil Bed until I germinated your strains to be honest..

The bed is 3ft long x 2ft wide x 2ft tall I think lol, gotta look at notes or other thread with the measurements.

EDIT- Small Update on SSSDH Small Girl Flowering outside. If im not mistaken she has 2-3weeks left? Or until Trichomes are all cloudy.. They dont looks frosty cause it was just storming outside and they are Soaked.. I brought them into safety, and waited for the critters to come bk out onto the leaves, then I sprayed with molasses,neem oil,and a little dish soap..

SSSDH-Outside Flowering, 2 1/2 months from seed. About 2-3 weeks left.

One Side Small Cola

Other Side Small Cola lol

Small Larf- Should FKIN vegged after topping!

The Storm Did Her Dirty and Bent Her Over.. No Protection



Looks like she'll be some tasty smoke dude, those side colas should fatten up a bit over the next few weeks too. Reminds me of the stuff I chopped a couple of weeks back except the leaf tips were less rounded.


Active member
Yeah man, this SSSDH girl smells so fricken good.. It wouldn't matter what her yield is even if she was bigger like her sisters that just started flowering inside. The smell of this girl is the same exact smell of either ssh x train wreck, or a train wreck strain I was smoking on 10years ago.. I have never had anything with the same smell since then, until now with the sssdh I have outside..

I didn't take any clones of her so I HAVE to try and reveg. UNLESS 1 of the SSSDH girls from seed I have flowering inside has the same exact smell..


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My Personal Notes.

My Personal Notes.

So for the past 3-4 hours ive been researching A BUNCH of stuff, even went to look for old college botany notes but couldnt even find 1 comp book haha.. I Looked up 2-3 hours worth of information and saved the ones I thought where most important to our grows.. Now im re reading all 20something Web pages/documents, and putting the notes here so I cant lose them or forget what I might need to know later in my grows...

ALOT of this is probably on these forums scattered everywhere! This is mainly for my own personal notes and anyone interested. Alot of it are my opinions based MOSTLY on Scientific Facts and how I comprehended them HAHA

-Suns Colors/Spectrum/Wave Lengths, When the Sun is putting out certain colors, Invisible colors.
-Plant/Marijuana Anatomy/Physiology ie,PhotoSyn,carotenoids,Chlorophylls,Accessory Pigments,Stomata, Etc..
-Artificial Light(s),Bulbs,Spectrums,Etc..,&Specifically what Spectrums&Wavelengths trigger/get absorbed/used by different pigments to do what..
-What main nutrients do plants use, and for what..

I could make A MUCH longer list, but instead ill start writing my opinions on what I think would do better/what I should do/change.

-MJ uses Blue light(Short Wavelength,Best/440-490nm) to basically grow/veg. Role in Photosynthesis&chlorophyllb(yellow color) functions.. Short Night/Summer 16/8 cycle
Orange-Reddish light(Long Wavelengths,Best/630-690nm) To Fruit or Flower,Tells the plant its closer to 12/12cycle, ALOT more orange/red near evening.. Role in Photosynthesis & Chlorophylla (Green color)

^ MH Bulb(Bluer Spectrum) Better for veg (which alot of people say) . Triggers the plant to Grow its self strong. Strong branching(Tight Nodes),Root Growth, basically prepare for flower(Photosynthesis).

^HPS Bulb Yellow-Red Spectrum (Flowering) Tells the plant its time to produce flowers and stem growth(Stretch) in order to support itself..12/12 outdoors or near 12/12 is really the only time you will see the sunset(Red/Orange) for a long time.

^^Short Conclusion- MH for Veg but HPS for first 2 weeks flower, then add MH Bulb(s). Plant might get confused/stressed if MH is mixed with HPS because its thinking to veg&flower because of the colors. Probably have to use A huge pot to let her reach full potential with both lighs in flower...

Stomata-Basically Suckers/Super Small Vacuum tubes on the plant..Mostly Underneath leaves Main function-Absorb Co2, Absorb&Release water/oxygen.. Strong light makes stomata open up bigger to suck up alot of Co2. Too Much Co2 makes Stomata smaller,overheating the leaf...Strong light also decreases internal Co2..

^ Dehydrated plant/roots will make the Stomata Close to save Water. Plants cant cool themselves (kinda like sweating).. Plant/Leaves get Hot so now any water/leaking water/moisture will evaporate which will drop the humidty :(.

^^Short Conclusion- Stomata close at night time. No photosynthesis so there wouldnt be a use for any Co2.. So Foliar Feeding right before lights off is actually pointless. Foliar spray in good conditions in daytime.Most important is it Foliar Feed/Spray bottom of the leaves more then the tops of them...

1st page, way to tired to finish.. its 4am and i got physical therapy in the morning haha.. Ill write the stuff about nutrient intake,effects nutrients have on each other if theres a deficiency or toxicity issue..


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ICMag Donor
Looking through all your pics I saw the same thing over and over. Kept thinking, he has a water problem. Yes, you do. If your pH is that high it is full of bicarbonates. Bicarbonates rob the Ca from the soil and make them unavailable to the plant. You need to keep applying gypsum over and over. That will take care of your problem. Get some fish amino acids, use that as your N source. There are amino acids in fish that will grab the Ca and hold it available.

Bone meal or lime is taking your pH in the wrong direction. I have heard lots of problems with the foxhill stuff.

Get a lab analysis of where you are and let's fix it.

Send in a water sample too. spectrumanalytic.com I have no financial nor economic ties to this lab. They just do a good job, they are fast and they do what I ask them to do.... plus I send in more than a 1,000 samples per year.. haha..

Lay off the Mg and apply what ever you have for Ca that is not alkaline.... you can always use milk 1:6 water


Active member
When he did run off ph check he did not use distiled water . i belive the water he used was a ph of 7 or higher and came out at 6.8 . that would make me think his soil mix is acidic . slownickel are you sure on his ph direction?


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ICMag Donor
When he did run off ph check he did not use distiled water . i belive the water he used was a ph of 7 or higher and came out at 6.8 . that would make me think his soil mix is acidic . slownickel are you sure on his ph direction?

He mentioned earlier 8 and even 8 point something... no idea with a pen... better off with pH paper.

He still needs Ca and I would argue gypsum and milk.... I think he is drowning in nitrates too. The Mg is killing him.


Active member
I Only have about 1-Bag left of the Mix I made with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil.. The other 3 bags I have of Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil Are New and Unopened.. So im not to sure sending in a soil sample would help that much since I have so little of the amended mix lol..

I do want to get A Water test though.. But I do know that my Tap water is probably some of the best/cleanest out there... Idk about all the other stuff thats in there though.. I DID NOT use RO or Distilled Water.. I only have Tap Water,Filtered Water, and Bottled Water to currently use from..

Slow, what are the most obvious symptoms of Ca Deficiency my 2-SSSDH girls are showing in the pics? I dont have gypsum right now, BUT I do have Vitamin D whole milk (I think) lol. The jug with the red cap!


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ICMag Donor
I Only have about 1-Bag left of the Mix I made with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil.. The other 3 bags I have of Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil Are New and Unopened.. So im not to sure sending in a soil sample would help that much since I have so little of the amended mix lol..

I do want to get A Water test though.. But I do know that my Tap water is probably some of the best/cleanest out there... Idk about all the other stuff thats in there though.. I DID NOT use RO or Distilled Water.. I only have Tap Water,Filtered Water, and Bottled Water to currently use from..

Slow, what are the most obvious symptoms of Ca Deficiency my 2-SSSDH girls are showing in the pics? I dont have gypsum right now, BUT I do have Vitamin D whole milk (I think) lol. The jug with the red cap!

When there is any excesses, Ca is the answer. When you are building a soil, Ca is the answer. You have carbonate forms and are reporting alkaline and neutral pH's. That Ca will not be available in the near future, or very little of it.

You need to sample your mix and you need to sample the new stuff so you can figure out what to do...

If you read through a bunch of my posts, you will see all kinds of growers that got HUGE response from applying gypsum and milk! Milk is an amazing amino acid,full of Calcium and Phos! Both of which you need!

You can over do it though. Not with the milk so much but with the gypsum. This is why an analysis is so important. You are going to spend $50 on a sample to understand how to dial it in and to learn.

In the meantime, I can guarantee a light dosage of gypsum, barely painting the soil whitish and you will be a happy camper.

And to answer your question, everything is deficient when Ca is deficient.

And one last point, all that Mg is why you are making that water retentive mud. You can recuperate all that material and mix it with gypsum and something to physically hold it open, perlite, etc.. Gypsum will hold open the soil and let it breath. Realize roots need more air than the leaves do!


Active member
nice to have you here slow!
a test is best yes... even for his small grow its worth it as he wants to grow veg too..
but till then he should do "quick" tests himself to get to the root of the problem quickly

slow knows his stuff.. he is a proper farmer.. take his advice!
so basically no real point in us guessing.. sure ph is too high or too low.. i thought too low, but slow is most prob right...
again, like mentioned do a slury test and a poor through test.. distilled water cost about a $1 for 2-3 Gallons and you wont need all of it anyhow... dont have a ac.. the water that comes out will do just fine! and its free
test the ph with both methods to get a good idea of the ph and check ec too, even though it wont be very accurate it still will be a guide
without that we can be guessing all day long here
a quick google search says your water is good and more ~7.2 than 8.. like i thought, pls check with your water board.. but yeh carbonates will be a problem in the long run..
i doubt the water is your problem
you been using ph down all the time no? and nutes ontop of your soil mix... i still believe your soil to be acidic and that the problem, but i will stop guessing till you do them 2 tests


Active member
nice to have you here slow!
a test is best yes... even for his small grow its worth it as he wants to grow veg too..
but till then he should do "quick" tests himself to get to the root of the problem quickly

slow knows his stuff.. he is a proper farmer.. take his advice!
so basically no real point in us guessing.. sure ph is too high or too low.. i thought too low, but slow is most prob right...
again, like mentioned do a slury test and a poor through test.. distilled water cost about a $1 for 2-3 Gallons and you wont need all of it anyhow... dont have a ac.. the water that comes out will do just fine! and its free
test the ph with both methods to get a good idea of the ph and check ec too, even though it wont be very accurate it still will be a guide
without that we can be guessing all day long here
a quick google search says your water is good and more ~7.2 than 8.. like i thought, pls check with your water board.. but yeh carbonates will be a problem in the long run..
i doubt the water is your problem
you been using ph down all the time no? and nutes ontop of your soil mix... i still believe your soil to be acidic and that the problem, but i will stop guessing till you do them 2 tests

I second this ......


Active member
Watch out for waht you ask for Dakine you might just get a answer or 50 lol. Dont sweet it just take your time and dont forget to enjoy what you are doing . and only move as fast as you want to and only do what you see as necessary to meet your goal. We all could fix somthing in are garden's but some time its nice to take a break and just enjoy are progress.


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For now, my main goal is to get everything dialed in/how it should be and to be able to run with what I have.. Right now I rather have A Couple grams of bud near its highest potential, rather then A couple ounces of good bud that wasnt grown anywhere near its potential..

I called the local Water company,my Ph should be what it was reading the first time I used this new pen at around 6.8 at its lowest and 7.2-7.4 at high end. But im still going to do the slurry test right now.The water company said to pick up some ph testing papers and use that and my ph pen to compare to each other..

As long as A couple of those 50 answers could be what helps me, im fine with that! Cant expect to just get 1 answer that will fix my grow magically lol.. I've actually gotten alot of interest in plants/growing again. Probably because of the issues I have now with my grow, and I know once they get fixed ill be happy with the outcome and harvest :) lol


Active member
For now, my main goal is to get everything dialed in/how it should be and to be able to run with what I have.. Right now I rather have A Couple grams of bud near its highest potential, rather then A couple ounces of good bud that wasnt grown anywhere near its potential..

I called the local Water company,my Ph should be what it was reading the first time I used this new pen at around 6.8 at its lowest and 7.2-7.4 at high end. But im still going to do the slurry test right now.The water company said to pick up some ph testing papers and use that and my ph pen to compare to each other..

As long as A couple of those 50 answers could be what helps me, im fine with that! Cant expect to just get 1 answer that will fix my grow magically lol.. I've actually gotten alot of interest in plants/growing again. Probably because of the issues I have now with my grow, and I know once they get fixed ill be happy with the outcome and harvest :) lol

cool D, you are on the right track... its part of the process and you are doing a good job!
like i thought your water is about 7 then... can you check ec pls or ppm? but yeah your water shouldnt be a major problem.. we now know for sure you over fertilized, so it can only be too low ph in my book.. but we will see..
:thank you: