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Oneshot Hempy Grow #2 - Peyote Purple & TGA Qush - 330W LED


Active member
Trimmed up Qush #4 tonight. Didn't do weigh yet. Going to wait a few more days until some more moisture comes out of the stem. I also have to trim the nugs from the stems after the primary curing is done.

The jars are all measuring out to 52-54% RH steady. I cannot thank Simon enough for his amazing cure thread.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Dude. I can't even finish a single bowl of this stuff before I am off in space.


So happy right now man. I wouldn't have been ANYWHERE near this stage if it honestly wasn't for all of your hard work and research you put into these threads. You have done awesome things for this forum.

thanks so much for the kind words... i just love the herb and want to help others appreciate how sweet home grown is... :tiphat::tiphat:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/


Active member
Been a long time coming but here are a few pics of some popcorn nugs of Peyote Purple curing. This was my first time growing PP and I think I will always have it in my garden. Now that I know how to groom her and get the most out of her, she will always be in my heart.

Thanks again CBG for creating a resin monster and such a beautiful plant during flowering.

Now to try PCK!



Active member
504g of total weighed bud. I did the final de-stemming and manicure of the buds.

With a total of 495W during flowering, this equates to a 1.02gpw result.

I am so happy. GP37LC if you want to tag this thread in your GPW thread it would be great


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
you're tagged !!!

very nice yield, congrats :tiphat: :respect:

but you figured it wrong. that cali light works array only draws 165w instead of 200. so the .95 gpw of yours should be 504g/495w = 1.02 GPW !!! :woohoo:




Active member
Thanks guys!

I am getting ready for round 2. The test light should be here soon. As you guys know I dealt with root aphids last grow. I want to try to make sure this grow is fine. What are some steps I can take before I get started to clean everything and take some preventative measures?

I have already gotten new coco from growershouse on the way. I don't trust any local shops unfortunately.

Going to use new buckets as well. Also a new carbon filter.

I am not sure what else I should do? Bleach down the inside of the tent? What about the carpet in the closet?


Wow man, that all looks super tasty and great yield to boot (esp. considering PP is known to often yield somewhat modestly). Nicely done.


Active member
congrats! looking forward to the next one, same strains?

These are the strains I have selected for the grow. I only have room for 5 plants so I think I am going to run all Jack The Ripper or Jack Skellingtons. I can't make up my mind and I am thinking of doing a video about it.

Jack The Ripper
Jack Skellington
Pakistan Chitral Kush


Active member
I got a new video camera and I uploaded a video of the finished buds and some oil I ran.



Active member
New LED test lamp is being assembled and will be shipped to me in the next couple days. Will take awhile to arrive as it's coming from Sweden.

Will also be upgrading to a 4x4 tent.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
New LED test lamp is being assembled and will be shipped to me in the next couple days. Will take awhile to arrive as it's coming from Sweden.

Will also be upgrading to a 4x4 tent.

excited to see the new changes brother

keepin it locked down as usual



Active member
Rendering of the new light I just received:


Active member
I have the biggest boner right now. I cannot wait to get this light. Some snaps I snipped of the manual showing the software adjusting of the spectrum at specific times of day and such. Don't want to show too much shit right now.

You real LED fuckers will know EXACTLY how amazing this is going to be :x
NIce Work!

Might have to give some LEDs a go sometime.....

Where is the best place to buy them and what is the good brands yo use?

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