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Curious on how many switched back


Since when? Most of the people I know running vert run bare-bulb. Natural convection takes care of the heat.
Most vert growers I'd say run open air bare-bulb.

Have you ever seen any of the massive ops that go down in Canada? Shit tons of them run vertical bare-bulb... for a reason. If plants numbers are limited what so ever.. vertical is the obvious choice if there are no wattage restrictions. On top of all of the pros already obvious with vertical lighting, reflectors wear out physically. They wear out rather quickly. Just one more thing to replace.

That said.. I like to run both. Nothing really can compete yield wise to my vertical bare-bulb trees tic tac toe style. Donuts out yield my horizontal time and time again, but do require a bit more work I'd say.. (at least in my tight spaces I've worked).

Horizontal definitely has it's place. I love the simplicity of tossing some plants on a table, trellising it, and calling it practically done.

I don't think it's fair to have to choose. Hang more lights is my suggestion.

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Good post.

The HA basically invented vert bare bulb growing I think... most large ops in BC are indeed vertical bare bulb.


Active member
Good post.

The HA basically invented vert bare bulb growing I think... most large ops in BC are indeed vertical bare bulb.

lol another person thinking BC is where the biggest grows go down lol
let me think here molson brew house in barrie ontario 30 million dollar operation and canada's biggest drug bust
then you got the pembroke 40,0000 plant bust
again eastern Canada

Then you got your small pot growers out of BC

So really give it a rest dude BC is not the only province in canada hahaha
i seen some pretty wild things when i lived in Quebec like 50 tons of pot that was going to be turned into hash

owe here a BC grow op busted i sure don't see no vert hanging lights do you ??



lol another person thinking BC is where the biggest grows go down lol
let me think here molson brew house in barrie ontario 30 million dollar operation and canada's biggest drug bust
then you got the pembroke 40,0000 plant bust
again eastern Canada

Then you got your small pot growers out of BC

So really give it a rest dude BC is not the only province in canada hahaha
i seen some pretty wild things when i lived in Quebec like 50 tons of pot that was going to be turned into hash

owe here a BC grow op busted i sure don't see no vert hanging lights do you ??


I can see you are just trolling. I'm glad you enjoy how you grow. Good luck sir.

And yes, I'm sure the HA probably stole the method from some guy they held at gun point. It was more a figure of speech.


ICMag Donor
Hello i am curious as to how many vert growers actually have decided to go back to horizontal growing instead ??? i been scrolling few threads and noticed some are converting back to horizontal :tiphat:

Not me. I've changed damn near everything about the way I grow over the past 8 years, except for my bare bulb vert lights. It works for me, and I like it.

One thing I will say tho.... the growers who are successful with vert lights did not start out that way. I've learned from each and every grow I've done. When problems arose, I found ways to fix them (and going horizontal was never a fix). Changing strains, nutes, medium, plant count, screen vs. no screen etc... Like any type of growing, this is the only way you can expect to see improvement.

Vert vs Horizontal doesn't mean shit. Pick what fits you best. If you can grow, you can grow. If you can't keep reading.



Not me. I've changed damn near everything about the way I grow over the past 8 years, except for my bare bulb vert lights. It works for me, and I like it.

One thing I will say tho.... the growers who are successful with vert lights did not start out that way. I've learned from each and every grow I've done. When problems arose, I found ways to fix them (and going horizontal was never a fix). Changing strains, nutes, medium, plant count, screen vs. no screen etc... Like any type of growing, this is the only way you can expect to see improvement.

Vert vs Horizontal doesn't mean shit. Pick what fits you best. If you can grow, you can grow. If you can't keep reading.


AMEN to that!!!!! nuff said!

I too had problems at my first attempt, second time nailed it


Active member
Your right you should go back to horizontal just saying :)

Gotta love a troll who comes into the vert section to harass, and ends up being a whiny little **** who cant figure out ole d9's ppk system without pics, and then starts bitching about that too.

Go home faggot, before your best friend breaks in, steals all your bud, smashes all your equipment and leaves you crumpled in a corner... cuz if this is how you act to strangers on the internet, i can guarantee you have almost 0 real friends, and no life to boot. Waste of air, you need an attitude adjustment.


Active member
Gotta love a troll who comes into the vert section to harass, and ends up being a whiny little **** who cant figure out ole d9's ppk system without pics, and then starts bitching about that too.

Go home faggot, before your best friend breaks in, steals all your bud, smashes all your equipment and leaves you crumpled in a corner... cuz if this is how you act to strangers on the internet, i can guarantee you have almost 0 real friends, and no life to boot. Waste of air, you need an attitude adjustment.

Dam dude whats with the name calling ???? I see you got some serious issues i must say not only personal but also in growing 4000 watts hahaha to pull this ???
Sad my friend very fucking sad to say the least and working with unstable strains ?? Novice

I pulled the plants on day 53 to help limit the hermie. The Nugs on the Lemon Diesel were fucking massive. I had one plant with a 35g nug and 2 34 gram nugs. Insane!

Anyways heres the Final Numbers:

9 Plants - Lemon Diesel -------- 3.58 lbs
2 Plants - Headband ------------ 8.42 oz
1 Plant - Hawaiian Indica ------ 3.43 oz
Total ------- 4.32 Lbs
1816.32 grams per 4000 watts well done .45 grams per watt
Now i can see why your upset

PS I am a soil grower when i saw D9's set up thought ok this is neat might give it a try but reading some post about turface etc was just little confused on overall set up does that make me a troll ?? on how its actually is set up made etc Really you shouldn't worry about how i cant figure it out ???? you should worry about how you Can't get it to work lmao just have to look at your thread says it all right ????
Cause i can guarantee you once i do get F9's set up going i will not be looking back thats the difference between someone who will get in depth understanding it rather then some one who just jumps into it like your self then lost not knowing WTF but typical blame it on something else bad clones sick clones what fucking ever not yourself
I will not steep down to your ignorance and stupidity level your doing a fine job and by the way keep up the great work i will make sure i check into your thread every so often LOL
well, for me, a small personal grower, a single vert bare bulb was perfect, for its practicity, since I work a vertical SCROG, I have almost no work with plants durring flowering, all I have to do is tie the branches to the net, I have no Larf, no bulshit nuggets.... all my nugs are well formed, and recieve plenty of light, no bud grown in the shade here!

currently my yealds go arround 0.5 gpw , wich is far from perfect, but enough for me and my girl, to smoke all we want .....

when I grew horizontal, I usually had less weed to smoke, more work involved with the grow, half as much well formed buds, and lots of larf....

so IN MY CASE, vert worked better, and I don´t plan on swiching back to Horizontal


Active member
Dam dude whats with the name calling ???? I see you got some serious issues i must say not only personal but also in growing 4000 watts hahaha to pull this ???
Sad my friend very fucking sad to say the least and working with unstable strains ?? Novice

I pulled the plants on day 53 to help limit the hermie. The Nugs on the Lemon Diesel were fucking massive. I had one plant with a 35g nug and 2 34 gram nugs. Insane!

Anyways heres the Final Numbers:

9 Plants - Lemon Diesel -------- 3.58 lbs
2 Plants - Headband ------------ 8.42 oz
1 Plant - Hawaiian Indica ------ 3.43 oz
Total ------- 4.32 Lbs
1816.32 grams per 4000 watts well done .45 grams per watt
Now i can see why your upset

PS I am a soil grower when i saw D9's set up thought ok this is neat might give it a try but reading some post about turface etc was just little confused on overall set up does that make me a troll ?? on how its actually is set up made etc Really you shouldn't worry about how i cant figure it out ???? you should worry about how you Can't get it to work lmao just have to look at your thread says it all right ????
Cause i can guarantee you once i do get F9's set up going i will not be looking back thats the difference between someone who will get in depth understanding it rather then some one who just jumps into it like your self then lost not knowing WTF but typical blame it on something else bad clones sick clones what fucking ever not yourself
I will not steep down to your ignorance and stupidity level your doing a fine job and by the way keep up the great work i will make sure i check into your thread every so often LOL

:dance013: keep hating buddy





Active member
Dam dude whats with the name calling ???? I see you got some serious issues i must say not only personal but also in growing 4000 watts hahaha to pull this ???
Sad my friend very fucking sad to say the least and working with unstable strains ?? Novice

I pulled the plants on day 53 to help limit the hermie. The Nugs on the Lemon Diesel were fucking massive. I had one plant with a 35g nug and 2 34 gram nugs. Insane!

Anyways heres the Final Numbers:

9 Plants - Lemon Diesel -------- 3.58 lbs
2 Plants - Headband ------------ 8.42 oz
1 Plant - Hawaiian Indica ------ 3.43 oz
Total ------- 4.32 Lbs
1816.32 grams per 4000 watts well done .45 grams per watt
Now i can see why your upset

PS I am a soil grower when i saw D9's set up thought ok this is neat might give it a try but reading some post about turface etc was just little confused on overall set up does that make me a troll ?? on how its actually is set up made etc Really you shouldn't worry about how i cant figure it out ???? you should worry about how you Can't get it to work lmao just have to look at your thread says it all right ????
Cause i can guarantee you once i do get F9's set up going i will not be looking back thats the difference between someone who will get in depth understanding it rather then some one who just jumps into it like your self then lost not knowing WTF but typical blame it on something else bad clones sick clones what fucking ever not yourself
I will not steep down to your ignorance and stupidity level your doing a fine job and by the way keep up the great work i will make sure i check into your thread every so often LOL


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
LSWM Do not be mistaken that having light reflected back to the plants is so drastically lost think again you light open ended reflector is still laying down 96 percent if not more of that light might i say both ends of that light downward to that canopy
THink of heat as horsepower PAR photo active radiation

Its not about the reflected light, its about the surface area of the canopy around the sweet spot of the light.

let me think here most vert growers run cool tubes and science says by cooling you light it never hits the proper operating range PEAK power or par here check out the vid

I guess ur cherry picking out the guys that use cool tubes. All the experts here in the vert forum that I copy off of run bare bulb, no lens in between taking away light.

So with blowing cooler air on the bulb par rating drop so now some vert growers run fans on floor like your self blowing heat up could this also which in turn is cooling your bulb

So what r u saying here, cause if ur shits too hot u need some airflow no matter vert or horiz. Trust me, they aint that cool, don't touch them.

Science also tells me that a light coming from a point source and directed into a area will in fact have more intensity then a light placed in the same area but being thrown 360 degrees i always wondered why the NAvy or hollywood used this type reflected beam of light rather then just holding up a light vertical make sense to you ??

Because the navy and Hollywood are trying to light a specific point. Not the whole 360 degree area around that point. While growing its advantageous to grow around the 360, were not trying to spotlight anybody, where trying to take advantage of the power of the light to max out the production of the plant.

PS: most commercial grow ops run horizontal for a reason yes they will place vertical in shaded areas i guess jack and some other big time growers are just doing it all wrong lol

The reason is safety, firehazzard, insurance. If they could legally most would.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I find it amazing you cannot find on you tube vert par readings vs horizontal par readings i bet cause light is being shot out 360 degrees par readings would not even come close to reflected horizontal where both sides of the light are being directed to one area my bet it would destroy the vert in par readings

In this comment ur missing the point that a plant can only use so much light, then its negative. So if u can only use so much u make sure ur canopy doesn't go past that and get scorched. But now expand that sweet spot to 360 degrees. Does it double ur potential, I don't think so, but it increases it.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Dr fever, ur obviously knowledgeable and skilled, and have to be smart enough to know that everyones experience and skill set are different. Why not just pass on whats worked for u take the best from others. there is no need to ridicule others as they find there way cause it doesn't fit ur way of thinking. I can pick at pretty much everything u said and spin it to look like im right. But whats the point, it aint helping me improve or others. And that's what im here to do.


Active member
Vert all the way !just tried a horizontal grow with gavita 1000 .vertical bear bulb did just as good and I use less space and cheaper set up. One big thing for me is space . My vert scrog is 8 feet high 5 feet wide and 12 long 8000 watts good luck with that going horizontal :moon: