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Its Almost time.... again.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Ive posted this same thread here every year since OG closed. I dont think anyone ever follows it but i keep posting. Maybe somebody will gain advantage from it.

While your outdoor grow may last 5 months or more, 50-60% of total growth occurs in just 30-45 days. That growth occurs beginning 1 week after 14.3-14.25 hrs of daylength are reached at your lattitude, and lasting for about 5 weeks afterwards. At my lattitude, thats the 3rd week of July until the first week of Sept. Indoors, this would be known as "stretch".

Becasue of the size of the plants and because growth is so rapid during that 6 week period, cannabis plants need a much greater supply of nutrients and moisture than any normal feeding plan would dictate. To optimize that growth, you have to fertilize big time. Understand that a 6' plant thats growing several inches per day needs far more nutrients than a younger, smaller plant.

You also have to use a water soluble, fast acting, short acting fertilizer. Water solubles become avalable to the plant within 4 hrs of being poured on, but only last in the soil for a couple of weeks at best.

I will start blasting my plants in the 3rd week of july and continue until the end of august. I will use 2X the dosage suggestion and apply it 2x the recommended time. I use Miracle Grow because it fits the bill perfectly. I use 2 tablespoons per gallon per week. I dont mind a little burn on the leave - pour it on and then pour some more on. A 6' plant can handle some ferts where a 3' plant might not.

If you have 2 plants standing side by side of the same strain and are the same size, if you nurture and feed one heavily through the rapid growth stage, it will be 30% larger with 30% more yield than the plant left alone. EVERYTIME.

If you dont capitalize on this grwoth spurt, your wasting 1/3 of your potential yield. Feed them hard and theyll get fat.


Good info I'll tag it.
You had a thread awhile back it seemed u where wondering if you'd grow OD'd anymore what's the verdict?
Good Luck if you do


Helpful but i can't vote any more. When I guerilla grew,those were the times I worked the most I believe..


Well-known member
Does this apply to more southern latitudes where 14 hours of daylight is never reached? Does this apply to strains not photoperiod responsive?

Very good information though, also very specific! :thank you:


New member
If you have 2 plants standing side by side of the same strain and are the same size, if you nurture and feed one heavily through the rapid growth stage, it will be 30% larger with 30% more yield than the plant left alone. EVERYTIME.

If you dont capitalize on this grwoth spurt, your wasting 1/3 of your potential yield. Feed them hard and theyll get fat.

You have confirmed this fact with more than one side-by-side comparison?

I'm wondering if you have also done a side-by-side comparison with one plant grown in highly nutrient rich premixed soil with large amounts of solid fertilizers (like subcool's "super soil", just google it if you haven't heard of it), compared to one fed with liquid fertilizers according to your technique as described.

This would be a very interesting test to settle the debates over fertilizing! Because I have tried everything from no extra food, to guano, liquids, teas, whatever, but I have never actually done the scientific comparisons, and I don't think most growers get around to it...

One thing I know is that liquids tend to be inconvenient to manage and apply...it is much easier to just properly ammend the original soil prior to planting. And many of us have seen some massive buds growing out of the right earth or from soil mixes with no extra liquid fertilizer whatsoever. Some soil is incredibly nutrient rich. So, if the soil is prepared correctly, can the same results be achieved? Would love to see a test...

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
You have confirmed this fact with more than one side-by-side comparison?

I'm wondering if you have also done a side-by-side comparison with one plant grown in highly nutrient rich premixed soil with large amounts of solid fertilizers (like subcool's "super soil", just google it if you haven't heard of it), compared to one fed with liquid fertilizers according to your technique as described.

This would be a very interesting test to settle the debates over fertilizing! Because I have tried everything from no extra food, to guano, liquids, teas, whatever, but I have never actually done the scientific comparisons, and I don't think most growers get around to it...

One thing I know is that liquids tend to be inconvenient to manage and apply...it is much easier to just properly ammend the original soil prior to planting. And many of us have seen some massive buds growing out of the right earth or from soil mixes with no extra liquid fertilizer whatsoever. Some soil is incredibly nutrient rich. So, if the soil is prepared correctly, can the same results be achieved? Would love to see a test...

Hi jorvg

Yes, ive done the experiment many times really. Generally speaking, organic nutes cant supply the massive nutrient requirement of a big cannabis plants in july/aug when their growth rate tripples from the growth of may..

Unlike many jvorg, i grew up a farm boy, growing 50 acres of tobacco, 100 acres of corn and 100 acres of soybeans every year. Jvorg, every professional farmer on planet earth would laugh hardily at the suggestion that orgnic growing can produce the kind of yeild that chemical fertilizers produce. World food production quadrupeled with the introduction of chemical fertilizers and never in the history of plant husbandry has a organically grown plant equalled the yeild and vigor of plants fertlized with chems. Its just a simple fact of life.

Organic growing is wonderful for taste and many gardeners just enjoy being natural and in harmony with the enviroment and im happy for them and respect their joy. But to stretch that out and contend that organic growing could ever compete with chems is outside of contemporary science and agriculture. It just inst possible with cannabis, or any other crop that im aware of.


Well-known member
Has anyone else put this into practice or done further research? I am interested in trying it this year and was wondering if anyone has already looked into it.

I'm going to try it this year through August, though I plan on building the plants up to 2x the normal dose.


Well-known member
I'm feeding my plants 2x the normal dose now and they're eating it up and exploding. I really think this thread has a lot of missed merit, and the idea is very much worth revisiting.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Do organic fertilisers include teas and stuff?

I would think so if they are more of a nutrient tea versus a traditional aerated compost tea. Don't limit your scope to just organic bottled nutrients here either. Remember that you can always top dress and water in dry fertilizer. Blood meal comes to mind right now as a very fast acting organic source of Nitrogen for this explosive time of vegetative growth that the OP is describing. Careful to not burn your plants though. :yes:


AppAlachiAn OutLaW
Bump. HEED THIS ADVICE, it made all the difference in the world for me last year.

very nice bump shakiraloba. i have read alot of threads from DstokerMD. hes right around the same area as we are. i think hes in around 36n lat in appalachia. alot of the strains i have picked out to grow was from reading his threads and moondawgs threads bc of the same area as us