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Cannabutter using vaped weed?

Trees McGee

I've got about 60 grams of mid/high quality vaped weed (mostly medical grade cannabis, and mixed homegrown bud). I've read the 1 oz/1 lb butter ratio, and I'm wondering how much I would have to change that for vaped weed? I was thinking 1 lb for 2 oz or 1/2 lb for 2 oz vaped weed?


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Works just fine, I doubled the amount I used. The vaped stuff will impart a strong "toasted" taste to the final butter in my experience. High is quite a bit different as well, not always a fan of it.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again

from http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?id=4296

I haven't made it personally, but my friend did. cookies he made got me higher than I expected. I should make some, I have an embarrassing amount of vaped weed sitting around


I vape 2 bags from volcano, never go above 387 and then discard. Once a pint mason jar fills up I just melt enough butter to be absorbed by the remains and cook on stove for several hours. Squeeze out the butter from the vaped remains and use that. Last batch was a little strong but made for an interesting week, it made me start vaping alot now just so I can make another batch of leftover brownies-basket
Did some a couple days ago and as said it ended darker and with a distinctive toasted smell, haven't tasted it but othr times i've done it with normal dried trim I found it not very pleasent so I don't expect it much different this time.

I also had to filter it nicely since there was a lot of powdered toasted weed in the stuff I used and still have some at the bottom of my 'canoed cannabutter...
my month long Volcano ownership gives me a supple of leftovers to try the butter
I hope the high can be like a good heroin high,China White is the best
thanks for the guide lines


Active member
I save up a few big jars of leftovers and once full, throw it all into a pound of butter. Works very well...


If you're getting high off spent vape weed I'd think/aruge the vape isn't doing its job properly. Either that, or you're making CBD butter.


New member
i was under the impression that vaped weed was useless, guess now i kow better and will quit throwing the stuff away!!!


Active member
I mixed about 1/8 cup of vape remnants into some peanut butter and put it on a sandwich before I went to work once. I was SO high and confused for 3 hours - I sorta was even forgetting what time of day it was. Being elevated is great, but that was too much for work. It was seriously hard to keep it together. In hindsight, though, it's one of the funnier things that's ever happened to me. I'm not saying everyone will have the same reaction I did, but it was insane.

Be careful eating that stuff - you can get retarded high!

Sour Deez

It definetly works, although im not a big fan of the taste. I would just double the amount used.

You can also iso wash the vaped weed. Next time im gonna try an iso wash then use that oil to make cannabutter.


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ICMag Donor
I prefer to make capsules with mine. I take the vaped buds, run them through a coffee grinder, and sift with a fine mesh strainer. Any chunks that don't fit through the strainer are reground or discarded. Once I have a fine powder, I add the right amount of coconut oil so that the mixture has the texture of clay. I put this mix into empty gelcaps and freeze for long term storage. One or two pills before bed is the perfect amount to help me sleep at night. I'd rather take a pill before bed than eat a whole brownie every night.

The potency of the pills depends on the potency of the original buds, how "toasted" they are from the vaporizer, and the size of the gelcaps used. If they're too strong for someone with a low tolerance (like my wife), I just add a little corn starch as filler to make the pill mix less potent.

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