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Curing: Jars vs Baggies .. ??


Wouldn't put my weed in plastic. That's up to you. But I'm telling my patients, "You don't want his shit. He cures it in plastic. And he thinks curing and drying are one in the same.", and I'm pointing at you the whole time.

While I may not be "somebody" in your eyes, I am the Alpha and Omega when it comes to bud in my patients eyes...and I have a waiting list of people who want to be my patient. I'm maxed out on patients, and yet once a week somebody contacts me to be their caregiver. I'm not hitting them up. They're hitting ME up.

And to get MY bud there...it NEVER sees the inside of a plastic baggy.

I leave that to the guy who sold me bricked up schwag when I was in high school.


Active member
Wouldn't put my weed in plastic. That's up to you. But I'm telling my patients, "You don't want his shit. He cures it in plastic. And he thinks curing and drying are one in the same.", and I'm pointing at you the whole time.

While I may not be "somebody" in your eyes, I am the Alpha and Omega when it comes to bud in my patients eyes...and I have a waiting list of people who want to be my patient. I'm maxed out on patients, and yet once a week somebody contacts me to be their caregiver. I'm not hitting them up. They're hitting ME up.

And to get MY bud there...it NEVER sees the inside of a plastic baggy.

I leave that to the guy who sold me bricked up schwag when I was in high school.

Curing: Jars vs Baggies .. ??

If you are looking for good jars to store/cure bud in then look no further than your nearest hobby lobby. They have a wide array of in expensive glass jars. I. Different shapes and sizes. They had a short but fat jar last time I was there. Just a thought

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
This is becoming pointless. People have their preferences, just look at the different growers style. To call someone wrong just because they do something different than you is stupid. Also the FAQ isnt a stone source. Its a guideline to base knowledge off of and work with. I wouldnt qualify it as a quotable source as its just one person's view, not a un-biased sctienfic report on glass vs plastic.

Personally i hate plastic baggies but i'm not gonna take it away from the person who thinks it works well for their bud. Different strokes for different folks. Why argue, you'll be here allll day standing up for your preferences. Doesnt mean i dont use plastic prescription bottles for storing small amounts of bud i save for special occasions. The bud store in prescription bottles smells, looks and tastes just as good as the ones stored in my mason jars.


Active member
This is becoming pointless. People have their preferences, just look at the different growers style. To call someone wrong just because they do something different than you is stupid. Also the FAQ isnt a stone source. Its a guideline to base knowledge off of and work with. I wouldnt qualify it as a quotable source as its just one person's view, not a un-biased sctienfic report on glass vs plastic.

Personally i hate plastic baggies but i'm not gonna take it away from the person who thinks it works well for their bud. Different strokes for different folks. Why argue, you'll be here allll day standing up for your preferences.




The guy who got me started growing has and always will use plastic bags. The fact that I took his clones...and have and do grow it exponentially better then he does. Actually, it's mostly in the cure (soil helps too though).

He is straight forward with you that he's a cash cropper though. He wants it out the door as quick as possible. Sells the shit still partially wet. Says, "People like it wet like that and they can do whatever the want with it.". They CAN. But they don't. They stick it in another plastic bag where it still doesn't cure right, get's dried out without ever curing and smells like hay. Non-growers don't understand the importance of a good cure (and apparently some of the growers don't either).

You can explain to the consumer about how the smoke will get smoother, better tasting, and even more potent. You can explain to them that it won't be crumbly if cured correctly. You can tell them about how much better the smell is.

Doesn't matter. As you're explaining it to them...they're thinking, "I wanna get high. I wanna get high. I wanna get high.".

That's why you must do it for them. And the way to do that to ensure it's cured properly is in a glass jar. They won't know why your weed is better. They'll just know it is. Not to mention...I take it to my patients in glass jars. I pick up the old ones...give 'em full new ones.

Large one gallon jars with digital hygrometers in them. Can get the RH% EXACTLY where you want it....and just hold it right there from now until the end of time...making for better and better and better.

AND showing up with glass jars with hygrometers in them (I take the hygrometer out when I give it to them)...my patients just view me as more professional. No my reputation precedes me.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Wouldn't put my weed in plastic. That's up to you. But I'm telling my patients, "You don't want his shit. He cures it in plastic. And he thinks curing and drying are one in the same.", and I'm pointing at you the whole time.

yeah thats me :cathug:
and how did i retain over 300 patients to take care of???? lol

its good to have pride
but its better to be the #1 delivery referral that patients get from the #1 rated medicinal cannabis doctors office in the county:tiphat:

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
This is becoming pointless.

I disagree. It is exactly the point of this forum -- to discuss different ways of doing things. Of course everyone has a different opinion. That's true for virtually every aspect of growing (and everything else). Which is why I come here, to hear those various opinions. If everybody did everything the same way, this would be a very inactive site. As long as people stick to the topic and don't make personal attacks, I love these kinds of discussions/debates. Bring it on!


Depends on your situation, porous means that moisture will leak out, glass is less, so moisture will remain.

Canning jars hold in the smell better than anything, my catholic buddy was holding onto a QP, couldn't smell it, even weeks later, you'd have to see it before realizing what it was. He coulda stashed it in his parents bedroom and they woulda never found em!


Alchemical Botanist
After having worked with plastic polymers for research i can say that i will not store anything, food or cannabis, in plastic containers. THC and other cannabinoids are fat soluble. Funny thing is, so are plastics to varying degrees. Watch what happens to "food safe" plastic containers when you store anything with oils or fats in them. Even more apparent is if you cook stuff in plastic containers, say in the microwave. Watch how fast that "safe" plastic gets pitted. Where does all that plastic go? Into your body.

I don't like having unknown and questionable compounds in my food or medicine. Budsworth i like your ethics.


Disclaimer: I sell violet glass jars

Ok thought I would chime in on this subject. First Trichromes react with petro-chemicals ie soluble in butane, alcohol, ect. When I look inside a ziplock bag you can see them imbeded in the bag Second no plastic bag can be airtight so trichrome and mosture loss are the fate of plastic curing.

As for glass the best glass would be airtight, block all damaging light from entering and retain the buds vitality.

The reason I sell glass jars is I believe the best way to cure/store bud is in our jars. The one short coming of my Vitality Glassware, the biggest one we sell holds only 1/2-3/4 pounds.

I gave away jars to some forum members for testing and if they want to honestly say how my jar performs vs any other storage system please do.

Sorry for the schilling but this thread struck a cord.

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yeah thats me :cathug:
and how did i retain over 300 patients to take care of???? lol

its good to have pride
but its better to be the #1 delivery referral that patients get from the #1 rated medicinal cannabis doctors office in the county:tiphat:
Hahaha....Preach on brother Greyskull.


oh my lord this is easy theres science to it baggies let out air cuz there more pourase than glass
and grayscull your kind of naieve if you think just cuz you can keep 300 patients you cure the best out of your bud
ive slung swag to more people than that on a regular and they always came back
my point is your patients may think yours is the best around but the truth is if you cured right youde have better weed
i know guys just like you the grow bomb and ruin it by putting it in a bag theres no to little cure in a bag and it makes the weed taste blan
curing is to evaporate cloraphil content of the plant matieral to make a higher end concentration of thc

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Personally I only cure in glass jars, baggies have a tendency to suck trichomes off cannabis, sure you all have seen this and they deffo let a lot of aroma out.

I can fit 3.5 Oz of sativa bud into my glass jars and you cant smell the slightest bit of cannabis even after a few months. You need to be careful with the jars though, I broke a few, even recently, and there was lots of broken glass all through my bud! The big chunks come out easily but its the tiny needle bits that you won't find until your smoking the bud.

Another thing if your burying the bud in a glass jar be careful you don't bury it too deep or the pressure from the dirt will bust the jar open, its also a good idea to scatter the whole area with small screws, nuts, bolts anything small and metal this will defeat any metal detectors in the area as most of the glass curing jars have a metal clip that a metal detector will pick up. I have some friends that buried various things inside pvc pipe and used the same method to defete metal detectors. If burying large amounts then it might be wise for you to do it under a barn or some structure as some helicopters have special technology (ground-penetrating radar) that scans the ground to see if it has been altered. But this is only used to find weapons caches so you should be fine.

Be safe!


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