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Crisis Actors?

NW Wheeze

Off topic (sort of) question.

What if a largely accepted "credible" news agency (Fox, CNN...etc) started actually doing real journalism. Maybe do some research, ask some tough questions, stop reading from Talking Point Memos. Do you think 'the People' would accept that their reality might be largely based on lies?

I would love to see Fox News run a weekend loop of a couple of the well produced Youtube conspiracy videos, instead of whatever bullshit special they would normally run. It would blow some peoples minds.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Only Super-villains smile and laugh at a massacre like these clowns did.

I was more bummed to hear the news than the parents were... weird... right?

Ignoring all other discrepancies in the 'official narrative'. What really get me is that all these mass shooter a-holes over the past few years have been extraordinary marksmen. No one ever talks about where they trained to operate their weapons so efficiently. It takes a bit more than a few rounds of Call of Duty to learn how to do magazine swaps under pressure. All these whack-a-do shooters that look like they are completely 'fried', we are supposed to believe that they somehow have a kill rate higher than Seal Team Six?

Yeah those pre-school targets are tough, even Seal Team 6 would probably have a tough time targeting a toddler on a good sugar rush, accurately. :rolleyes:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have to thank hunt4genetics for putting me onto this mystery. His comments sparked a true curiosity. I hadn't looked into sandy hook before this thread was posted, and especially before his commentary.

The shortest distance to evacuate Sandy Hook Elementary is into the Masonic Lodge's parking lot, shared with the Roman Catholic Church. They both share a driveway and a lot, the church and the mason lodge.

They also share a property line with the school and the US post office.

A person would have to sprint 100 feet through tree cover to go between the property lines, vs. traveling the .5 mile it would take to use the schools actual driveway.

There is no more than 200' between standing inside of a classroom, of the old building, and standing on the lodges and churches property.

That's the end of the road for my research here. All I can say is, it has been interesting.


a video for the road - mystery man running through the woods


So then what?. If the school backed on to an Italian restaurant it would be a Mob Conspiracy? I mean before that day nobody ever really gave much thought to a bunch of preschoolers being gun down in cold blood. We had yet to realize fully that people that twisted and ruthless walk among us. So while the school may have had some sort of security plan it's not like anyone working there really ever expected such a cruel and brutal thing to happen and as such Lanza was able to just stroll in and start shooting. Nor do I think he was really planning to leave. There wasn't armed security watching the place like a hawk ready to take down anyone that crossed a certain threshold unauthorized, so it's really irrelevant how close any structure was to the school.

NW Wheeze

Yeah those pre-school targets are tough, even Seal Team 6 would probably have a tough time targeting a toddler on a good sugar rush, accurately. :rolleyes:

My point is not the fact that so many were killed. It is the fact so few were wounded.

Maybe I just refuse the thought of anybody being capable of "mowing down" children.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My point is not the fact that so many were killed. It is the fact so few were wounded.

Maybe I just refuse the thought of anybody being capable of "mowing down" children.

Well if it was a typical classroom scene with children seated maybe even seated on the floor, when Lanza walked in and if the room was small it shouldn't be too hard to fatally shoot all the kids he shot. I mean it doesn't really take much more then point and shoot at such close range as he may have had. Sure kids are smaller then adults bot no so much so they would be hard to shoot in close quarters.


Rubbing my glands together
Off topic (sort of) question.

What if a largely accepted "credible" news agency (Fox, CNN...etc) started actually doing real journalism..

Then there would be nothing for them to talk about amd the news slot would cut down to 10-15 minutes with 5 minutes being weather forecast.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Well if it was a typical classroom scene with children seated maybe even seated on the floor, when Lanza walked in and if the room was small it shouldn't be too hard to fatally shoot all the kids he shot. I mean it doesn't really take much more then point and shoot at such close range as he may have had. Sure kids are smaller then adults bot no so much so they would be hard to shoot in close quarters.

According to the timeline, it was under 5 minutes from the time that he started shooting his way through the door, went to multiple classrooms, made numerous magazine changes, shot everyone multiple times with the exception of two kids and left no wounded survivors, and then committed suicide. If you include him in the head count, that is one fatality every 11 seconds with no allowance for travel time, getting through the doors, etc.

That sounds like a hell of a performance for an experienced professional operator, let alone an ungainly, autistic 20-year old.

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Active member
Well if it was a typical classroom scene with children seated maybe even seated on the floor, when Lanza walked in and if the room was small it shouldn't be too hard to fatally shoot all the kids he shot. I mean it doesn't really take much more then point and shoot at such close range as he may have had. Sure kids are smaller then adults bot no so much so they would be hard to shoot in close quarters.


I appreciate your attempt to interject some sanity into this discussion. In the end this is a religion to them. It Is comforting to believe that any violent rampage that occurs is fake. No human ever kills another human. World peace is a real thing. etc...

A gunman killed 3 people signing up to join the military today at a recruitment center. Or at least, that's what "They" want you to think.

I miss the good ol' days of 9/11 truthers and moon landing deniers.

Good times.

Good times.


Active member
don't fall for it.

they are trolls, winding you up


When I went to youtube to check out vids about crisis actors, I noticed anyone who disagreed was called a troll.

You are not free. You do exactly what Alex Jones tells you to do.

He is laughing all the way to the bank.

Keep tuning in!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor

I appreciate your attempt to interject some sanity into this discussion. In the end this is a religion to them.

Nope, not a religion to me - I'm simply curious. Very curious.

I defy anyone that has ever hunted, shot in firearms competition, or been in combat to say that this episode is believable as it has been presented. It's a simple matter to see what information has been released, how poorly the known pieces fit together, and the incredible lengths that the government has gone to in order to contain the rest of it - that is all public record.

I have no idea what went on there, but it sure as hell isn't what we've been told.

Genghis Kush

Active member

When I went to youtube to check out vids about crisis actors, I noticed anyone who disagreed was called a troll.

You are not free. You do exactly what Alex Jones tells you to do.

He is laughing all the way to the bank.

Keep tuning in!

who's alex jones?

you seem to have misunderstood who that was directed at


Active member
Nope, not a religion to me - I'm simply curious. Very curious.

I defy anyone that has ever hunted, shot in firearms competition, or been in combat to say that this episode is believable as it has been presented. It's a simple matter to see what information has been released, how poorly the known pieces fit together, and the incredible lengths that the government has gone to in order to contain the rest of it - that is all public record.

I have no idea what went on there, but it sure as hell isn't what we've been told.

Rives, everyone was fooled except you?

Only your figured this whole thing out?

Yet somehow the powers that be, have not snuffed you out?

It must mean you are one of them.


I bet your last name is Rothschild.

Yup that checks out to me,

That's my reality, and if you disagree, you are a troll.

talk to y'all later,

got some democratically elected 3rd world leader to over throw!


Well-known member
No need for hard feelings here, right ?

some people like to think for themselves (knowing well that media has been complicit in many a lie and fabrication)

It has happened many times throughout history and it is happening now.

Genghis Kush

Active member
these people spread this stuff because they want people to doubt everything they have been taught about the past, after that they become easy to manipulate.

“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”
― Edmund Burke

Genghis Kush

Active member
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." (George Santayana)

I've got news for Mr. Santayana: we're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

NW Wheeze

It is very important that the public remember things just the way they were told, and they must never question any inconsistencies.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Rives, everyone was fooled except you?

Only your figured this whole thing out?

Yet somehow the powers that be, have not snuffed you out?

Nope, I've stated repeatedly that I have no idea what happened, or why. However, I find it inconceivable that some 112-pound severely autistic kid with all of the athleticism of a turnip, working alone, could accomplish everything that is claimed in under 5 minutes from initiating the breaching of the door until he committed suicide. The reality is that guns are not magic weapons that result in instant death; there should have been some wounded survivors. For instance, that asshole in Colorado killed 12 and wounded 70.

It surprises me that you are on this site. With your credulous belief in our government, it seems like you would be an Anslinger fanboy.