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Crisis Actors?


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That proved to be impossible when Connecticut changed the laws regarding FOIA requests to eliminate access to autopsies, death certificates, photos, 911 calls, and investigation records and to make the release of those a felony.

Wow. I didn't know that.

Those FOIA requests are the easiest way to handle a dirty cop and get a case dismissed. Problem is, only cops, lawyers, judges and those fucked over are the only ones to know about them, and how to use them.

If a cop abuses his authority you can pay about $20 to get a copy of his dash cam. BUT, they erase them every couple of weeks, or at least they claim to.

By the time your preliminary rolls around, and you're into the case, those tapes are often toast. Same goes for freeway cameras, and a whole lot more.


I believe the goal with staged shootings is to persuade public opinion so they can take another step to control us by taking guns away. The New World Order is not just gonna appear...You're gonna ask for it because people are in denial and rather believe the government has society's best interest at heart, when really it's all about control. This is why our media is controlled, to persuade our opinions in their favor.


Well-known member
It seems reasonable to go by " track record "

and the track record of those in cahoots and " directing " the various alphabet agencies is
pretty damn tarnished and corrupt.

What amazes me is that people can see it has been proven factual to have happened in the recent past, the genocide instigated in Central America by U.S. and other sponsored goons, guns and drug deals with Iran Contra, the murder in the middle east sponsored and carried out again by same thugs and so many people don't think it is happening now ? And think the gov't is all squeaky clean ?

Media is for PR and manipulation of what the masses perceive as reality.

There are many that just can not see this that get angry when others that do see it mention it, and there are lots of others on boards working damage control to try and discredit those who might question the official force fed narratives spewed nonstop in the various media outlets.


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I have no idea why they are so happy about splitting the 8.5 million dollars, when they aren't going to live long enough to spend it, or enjoy it. The parents, the kids, none of them.


Active member
Hiram Lodge 18, the Sandy Hook Freemasons are located under .2 miles from Sandy Hook elementary school. Basically, walking distance. Tell em Jesus sent ya on over

Charles C. Maxson; Donald W. Dean; Simon R. LaPlace; Gary W. Arseneau; Thomas M. Maxwell II; Robert G. Fitzgerald. Paul L. Watson; Steven A. Bowen; Marshall K. Robinson; Theodore J. Nelson; Michael B. Dodge; Bradley K. Cooney; Anderson H. Zeidler, Jr. Gary A. Littlefield; James L. Vander Eyk; Carl H. Anderson; Richard C. Memmott Sr.; Joseph F. Massa; Sanford G. Lunt.

You might want to ask these men some questions if you feel you haven't been given the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you.



Rubbing my glands together
It seems reasonable to go by " track record "

and the track record of those in cahoots and " directing " the various alphabet agencies is
pretty damn tarnished and corrupt.

What amazes me is that people can see it has been proven factual to have happened in the recent past, the genocide instigated in Central America by U.S. and other sponsored goons, guns and drug deals with Iran Contra, the murder in the middle east sponsored and carried out again by same thugs and so many people don't think it is happening now ? And think the gov't is all squeaky clean ?

Media is for PR and manipulation of what the masses perceive as reality.

There are many that just can not see this that get angry when others that do see it mention it, and there are lots of others on boards working damage control to try and discredit those who might question the official force fed narratives spewed nonstop in the various media outlets.

US government not squeaky clean? Harassing/killing peoples in other lands? Harassing it's own citizens? Say it ain't so!!
This happened in August of 2012. What's not said in the article was that Homeland security was monitoring facebook pages and, well read it yourself


Active member
If you punch Sandy Hook Elementary School on a satellite image, you can see that the rear property line of the free mason hall physically touches the tree line of the elementary school.

It's a matter of feet from their parking lot, to the tree line, to Sandy Hook Elementary School. No other neighbors between the school and the masonic building. Only woods and trees.

Interesting enough, the access roads are opposite the masonic hall, on the opposite of the property.

The masonic lodge is also the direct neighbor of the Church where the memorial service was held for the victims.

Across from the masonic hall, and along the street are a series of abandoned and foreclosed upon houses.

The masonic hall is less than .2 miles along the road, but it's literally about 200 feet from Sandy Hook Elementary when you use their rear parking lot and walk through the trees.

Definitely don't take my word for it, look it up for your self.

There is also a large industrial furnace in the area. Within short walking distance. The owners of the furnace keep a small outbuilding, right next to the school.

Figure the rest out for your self.


Well-known member
yeah, pretty crazy story right there resinryder, more common than most would probably want to believe.

and that guy was not some big time celebrity that has huge public sway . . .so many of them get crucified in the media as soon as they give support to anything other than acceptable by those who would like to be our overlords.

They have got that media outlets locked down, social, mainstream, whatever.

Strange how so many of the laws that enable gov't to do these things came immediately after Nein el even


Active member
If this is all fake using actors, what crimes have been committed?

What laws have been broken? As long as all the actors were paid, and any property damage paid for, what laws were exactly broken?

Public performances happen all the time.

I love Shakespeare in the park!


Active member
The town accepted a state grant of $49.3 million to cover the costs of the demolition. Also, the Lanza home has been demolished.

It costs about $10,000 to demolish a non-brick home. Does it really cost $50 million to knock down that school?


Active member
If this is all fake using actors, what crimes have been committed?

What laws have been broken? As long as all the actors were paid, and any property damage paid for, what laws were exactly broken?

Public performances happen all the time.

I love Shakespeare in the park!

Treason, the crime of betraying one's country. Betray; to be disloyal to.


Active member
I have to thank hunt4genetics for putting me onto this mystery. His comments sparked a true curiosity. I hadn't looked into sandy hook before this thread was posted, and especially before his commentary.

The shortest distance to evacuate Sandy Hook Elementary is into the Masonic Lodge's parking lot, shared with the Roman Catholic Church. They both share a driveway and a lot, the church and the mason lodge.

They also share a property line with the school and the US post office.

A person would have to sprint 100 feet through tree cover to go between the property lines, vs. traveling the .5 mile it would take to use the schools actual driveway.

There is no more than 200' between standing inside of a classroom, of the old building, and standing on the lodges and churches property.

That's the end of the road for my research here. All I can say is, it has been interesting.


a video for the road - mystery man running through the woods

Last edited:


Active member
Take the collapse of the World Trade Center. One set of structural engineers debate another panel of structural engineers, using facts (Math/physics/science.) Agree with whichever side, but at least facts were exchanged.
But feel free to ignore this post and go back to how you feel.
Because the world is run on feelings and not facts.

Good, I'm glad they were paid.

No harm no foul.

Interesting position.

When presented with facts, you turn to emotion. And ignore facts.

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