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Crisis Actors?


Andinismo Hierbatero
these people spread this stuff because they want people to doubt everything they have been taught about the past, after that they become easy to manipulate.

excellent point Genghis.

It is a two-bladed sword when one willingly starts to purge one's mind from whatever one has been taught; because without a proper and wise ability to discriminate between the good things that one has been taught and the bullshit and lies, one may end up just becoming an empty vessel for any sort of crazy shit to re-fill the mind, potentially leaving you in worst shape than you were before.

I'm sure we can all agree that the governments of the world lie to us a lot in some instances in order to advance whatever agenda they have for the citizens, or simply to cover up their corruption and thievery;however, we must remember the 'government' is made up of individuals like all of us, that need to eat, shit, wash their asses and sleep; and no individual is the same...not everyone is out there to get you and micro-chip you.


Andinismo Hierbatero
hola rives :)

let me play devil's advocate for a minute.

first, the whole '5 minutes' information is coming from whom? how believable is it? is there any hard evidence proving that's the factual time-lapse or is it just what witnesses said? or what some run-of-the-mill cop "figured out"?

second, you seem to be seeing the case through the lenses of your own very solid work ethics and quality of work; we have all seen your hybrid fixture and know that you have high standards and are professional; but sadly, that's not the case with most people... most people do a shitty job all the time, are inefficient, conformist and just plain dumb.

people handling the sandy hook case surely did not want to be seen as the clowns they most likely are, so they went through a whole lot of trouble to cover up how incompetently they handled the whole situation.

another point, is that a thin boy in his 20s with a little autism will likely learn very well how to use weapons, and he would also get a huge adrenaline kick to move faster than he ever did, adrenaline is not joke, it is very strong and does help the body perform feats that are usually not in the reach of a person when there's no adrenaline rushing through the blood.

but who knows... maybe it really was some sort of ceremonial sacrifice like floral is suggesting...

also to play inverse devil's advocate; if we say that the sandy hook story is true as told to us and that there are fucked up people in the world like that 20 year old idiotic kid, then we can also say that there are fucked up people in the world deluding themselves that by doing some sort of ceremonial killing of children, they'll get power in return.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
According to information released by the police, the time line was made from a recording of the 911 call initiated while the door was being breached. This is among the still-sealed evidence.

Adrenalin also works against marksmanship. One of the things that they repeatedly stress in CCW training is that you will lose fine motor control under those circumstances and that your gun-handling skills will degrade immensely.

I would suggest that people examine the available evidence and come to their own conclusions. There is a tremendous volume of goofy shit on the 'net that is related to the incident, but even that information can be used to research it's validity.

Genghis Kush

Active member
"According to information released by the police, the time line was made from a recording of the 911 call initiated while the door was being breached. This is among the still-sealed evidence."

If it is sealed evidence, than how this that information available?

what you mean to say is, "According to what I heard on a Youtube video..."

I don't care if this did or didn't happen.
And it wouldn't shock me if it was fake.

If it was fake, than what is the purpose?

What do "they" achieve by making you think it was real?

and the opposite, what can be achieved by making you think it didn't really happen?


historically, it seems that some people find great value in ceremonial killings. Humans are strange.
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"According to information released by the police, the time line was made from a recording of the 911 call initiated while the door was being breached. This is among the still-sealed evidence."

If it is sealed evidence, than how this that information available?

what you mean to say is, "According to what I heard on a Youtube video..."

I don't care if this did or didn't happen.
And it wouldn't shock me if it was fake.

If it was fake, than what is the purpose?

What do "they" achieve by making you think it was real?

and the opposite, what can be achieved by making you think it didn't really happen?


historically, it seems that some people find great value in ceremonial killings. Humans are strange.

It's already been stated. To persuade public opinion in THEIR favor through all media outlets. To get the changes THEY want in our society that is about controlling citizens. They aren't just going to wake up tomorrow and ban all guns. It's a process. The more citizens believe by watching all the news, the easier they will succumb to the agenda.

And no, not every shooting is staged.

Genghis Kush

Active member
so they staged this elaborate hoax to take your guns away?

that is possible.

I'm going to stick to Occams Razor on this one.

too many variables to control to pull this off, without someone speaking or slipping up.


Active member
If it was fake, than what is the purpose?

What do "they" achieve by making you think it was real?

and the opposite, what can be achieved by making you think it didn't really happen

Maybe it was an elaborate rehearsal for a more complicated plan. Dryish run if you will.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
"According to information released by the police, the time line was made from a recording of the 911 call initiated while the door was being breached. This is among the still-sealed evidence."

If it is sealed evidence, than how this that information available?

what you mean to say is, "According to what I heard on a Youtube video..."

Google is pretty damn complicated, isn't it?

3,270,000 hits for "Police release timeline of Sandy Hook shooting".

And as it turns out, the tapes were eventually released after the Associated Press appealed the legislation to seal them. They had been specifically included in the legislation that sealed the vast majority of the evidence.

The police timeline was originally released within days of the shooting.


Active member
"si durante un segundo no jugara ningún niño sobre la tierra, se desintegrarían las galaxias"

Between you and I, interesting quote. "if for one second did not play any child on Earth, galaxies would fly apart"

If those were actors, maybe those children are out there somewhere. Maybe someone who cares should search for them. Any parent that hasn't given up hope should keep looking. Don't give up hope.

Based on your quote, it seems like you would feel the same. Devil's Advocate and all.


Active member
For the free thinking man, and woman...

The Pope, Pope Francis derives his name from St. Francis of Assisi, the original Franciscan.

Occam's Razor is attributed to a Franciscan friar, William of Ockham.

Franciscans are people and religious orders who adhere to the teachings and spiritual disciplines of St Francis of Assisi, they are members of the Episcopal Church, a Roman Catholic organization and derivative.

St. John's Episcopal Church is located beside Hiram Lodge #18, immediately behind Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The Pope chose his name about 90 days after December 12, 2014; the date of the Sandy Hook Massacre.

The history of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America has its origins in the Church of England, originally with close links to the Crown and Monarchy.

These are not part of a narrative, simply facts related to the case at hand. They might help you understand the surroundings near Sandy Hook and provide some history as to the foundation of its neighbors.


Active member

It's odd that you were so upset by what I wrote. Why not leave up what you had posted? After all, it is how you truly feel.

It was very revealing, however bizarre and rude.


Lover of Life
There was this article I found several years ago...don't remember all the details, but, it linked these antipsychotic drugs to these mass shootings. I do remember it was from the northwest of the US, one doctor interviewed said that there are 100 of these doctors who are in on a grander scheme or something..it was really weird.


Active member
Speaking of odd behavior, and related to one of Sandy Hooks closest neighbors, here is one for the road. I found this weird little gem in my reading. Franciscan Characterizes Sex Abuse Victims as Seducers.


"In 1960, Groeschel became the chaplain for the Children's Village, a facility for emotionally disturbed children based in Dobbs Ferry, New York."

"Since 1973 Groeschel served as the director of spiritual development for the Archdiocese of New York. It was in this capacity as a "defender of the priesthood" that he was drawn into the sexual abuse scandals which came to light in the early 2000s"

The man who gave this interview, Fr. Benedict Groeschel was struck essentially dead by a speeding car 10 years earlier. He recovered and eventually died 2 years after the article above was published.

Needless to say, Sandy Hook Elementary had lots of strange neighbors, before it was demolished. Lots to ponder.

St. John's Episcopal in Sandy Hook's nearest major road is Zoar. Zoar. (smallness) ("a little one"), one of the most ancient cities of the land of Canaan.



Active member
There was this article I found several years ago...don't remember all the details, but, it linked these antipsychotic drugs to these mass shootings. I do remember it was from the northwest of the US, one doctor interviewed said that there are 100 of these doctors who are in on a grander scheme or something..it was really weird.

I heard on a radio program the other night that most of the high profile shooters were using some form of anti-psychotic medication or a mood stabilizer. That was what they said was a common theme.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor


No Jive Productions
few things are more pathetic than an aging conspiracy theorist with no notches on his gun. a "notch" here meaning a proven conspiracy.