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Cream Caramel, Green Poison, Jack 47, and Killer Kush (ALL FAST VERSION)

DZ its very saddening to see those pix bro, I remember what it was before and you had some beauties! thank you for the GP5 bro and I hope I do her justice
ok guys some quick updates. the chicken in the pics are from a neighbor 2 streets over, we posted fliers and some little boy is happy his friend wasn't eaten. the gummies my wife loves were too much for her, so she has found her dose of 2 bears at a time. I haven't smoked in days and have become an asshole or so I heard. I had a business meeting that went sour but at least I got an awesome surf and turf lunch for free! the plant is doing fine still mold free but yellowing pretty well since I haven't fed her for a week


Wow!! Can't believe it....I hope things get better. Are u thinking of building a hoop house so they can count ur girls in the future? What state was this? For some reason I thought u were in Europe. Do what u can bro!
OMG DZ! Devastating!T
hat is fucking atrocious man. Dude, Our government needs to fucking change quick. All I can say is my condolences, brotha. You help mad people and you don't deserve that sort of treatment.
You talk to a lawyer yet? The outdoor plants may be gonners, but the rest of the shit (indoors) without a warrant you could get reinstated (in form of cash) I know closed loops aren't cheap just by themselves. If you feel they threatened you into letting them into ur house you have may have a case?

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Sad news...

I've been here this afternoon and couldn't even write up any message. Very sorry to know about that DZ, I hope you can overcome this as quick as possible. I usually say that bad things happen for a reason, or that they happen so that even worse things don't happen, but in this case I can't find any comfort in telling you this, so just wish you can overcome it all in style.

You talk to a lawyer yet? The outdoor plants may be gonners, but the rest of the shit (indoors) without a warrant you could get reinstated (in form of cash) I know closed loops aren't cheap just by themselves. If you feel they threatened you into letting them into ur house you have may have a case?

It's very clear to me that they threatened him by basically saying that once they manage to get a warrant, the 14 guys would get a power from which they would abuse: "these guys are going to tear your place apart"

They should follow their procedures always the same way and not act as mad guys waiting for a revenge just because the suspect decides to make use of his legal rights.

It's like: "You make use of your legal rights and you'll be punished for it, so please, act like you have no rights at all".

If I was DZ I think I wouldn't go that way (getting a lawyer and asking for compensations), but I'm not him and I can recognize that exposing the situation to a lawyer and hear his/her opinion is a very reasonable step to take.

All this is just my personal opinion.

All the best DZ. Get yourself together and we hope to see you around again sooner or later ;)

Maybe you have to decide and stick to growing only indoors or only outdoors. Not both. Then maybe they have no excuse.

Kind regards,



Sad news...

I've been here this afternoon and couldn't even write up any message. Very sorry to know about that DZ, I hope you can overcome this as quick as possible. I usually say that bad things happen for a reason, or that they happen so that even worse things don't happen, but in this case I can't find any comfort in telling you this, so just wish you can overcome it all in style.

It's very clear to me that they threatened him by basically saying that once they manage to get a warrant, the 14 guys would get a power from which they would abuse: "these guys are going to tear your place apart"

They should follow their procedures always the same way and not act as mad guys waiting for a revenge just because the suspect decides to make use of his legal rights.

It's like: "You make use of your legal rights and you'll be punished for it, so please, act like you have no rights at all".

If I was DZ I think I wouldn't go that way (getting a lawyer and asking for compensations), but I'm not him and I can recognize that exposing the situation to a lawyer and hear his/her opinion is a very reasonable step to take.

All this is just my personal opinion.

All the best DZ. Get yourself together and we hope to see you around again sooner or later ;)

Maybe you have to decide and stick to growing only indoors or only outdoors. Not both. Then maybe they have no excuse.

Kind regards,


Thanks for the kind words Tommy.. I'm still so mad that it was a helicopter that discovered me.. What terrible luck as I believe if they were under a greenhouse I would have been okay. The Law Enforcement officials don't understand the laws themselves so they aren't even sure of which laws they should enforce. This all took place in Massachusetts -where people are supposedly much more liberal.

In retrospect I shouldn't have given my consent to enter my home, but I was threatened with it's destruction since they claimed probable cause from the excessive number of plants. They didn't charge or arrest me because I had both patient and caregiver cards that were issued to me by the state.

I consulted with an attorney and I was told that since I wasn't charged or arrested, no case number exists for motions to be filed against. So my closed loop, cash, and valuables can't be recovered because this is limbo. It will all depend on the D.A. (district attorney) whether they will want to press charges or file criminal complaint. Until then, there's nothing I can do.. I don't even know if there's any legal consequences for me from what occurred.

Thank you for the sympathies guys, at least I have my clones.



DZ its very saddening to see those pix bro, I remember what it was before and you had some beauties! thank you for the GP5 bro and I hope I do her justice

I'm glad I gave her to you! She would have become another victim if I hadn't. And trust me, you've done her plenty justice.

Wow!! Can't believe it....I hope things get better. Are u thinking of building a hoop house so they can count ur girls in the future? What state was this? For some reason I thought u were in Europe. Do what u can bro!

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts man. I never even heard of helicopters taking anyone down.. I honestly thought these were things of the past... but I guess this is what happens when you underestimate the money addiction that this war on drugs has brought us.
I'm glad I gave her to you! She would have become another victim if I hadn't. And trust me, you've done her plenty justice.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts man. I never even heard of helicopters taking anyone down.. I honestly thought these were things of the past... but I guess this is what happens when you underestimate the money addiction that this war on drugs has brought us.

It's so fucking ridiculous! War on drugs=war on us.

Hey DZ i didn't realize were in the same state! Go Pats!
If there is any way I can help you out, let me know.

Also I know quite a good deal about the laws around here. I see NORML lawyers often. maybe I could introduce you to one. They literally exist to help people like us. Often for free

If the guy threatened to trash ur place (or in any way) you have grounds,
If they took anything from a locked room, you have serious grounds.

Let me know my brotha

Sorry again : (
hey guys I think I might be taking down the plant at the end of the week or at least half of it. I taken 2 branchs off the other day for a friend but he only wanted one so I got a sample to smoke from in a few weeks. this plant has been nothing but a pleasure to grow, very easy. I should have had feed her right away and the yield would of been better but I was rusty. with this plant coming down I will be on the lookout for clones asap. I want to do indoor and kick out some buds for myself and family


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts man. I never even heard of helicopters taking anyone down.. I honestly thought these were things of the past... but I guess this is what happens when you underestimate the money addiction that this war on drugs has brought us.

Ohh, I meant to say are u gonna put up a greenhouse so they cannot count them?

That's unreal bro that they still do that. Some powerful A hole must really hate the plant in mass.

You getting started on ur next grow? Can't wait to see your next harvest!
Hey porkchop, we should put together a special Sweet Seeds feel better package for DZ.

I'm a save him the sweetest cola I got off my GP.


Hey porkchop, we should put together a special Sweet Seeds feel better package for DZ.

I'm a save him the sweetest cola I got off my GP.

ill let DZ chime in but I am always down for helping out a friend

I did offer as well Lol

You guys are great. Thank you for such generosity. Thankfully, they left my clones behind so it won't be terribly difficult to get going again.

I can't believe how many guys are growing Sweet Seeds here in the state of MA. Crazy.



New member
Policemen Took Our Plants.

Policemen Took Our Plants.

I would like to share something special with you all. Law enforcement said they had to take 99% of our buds, and DZ selflessly gave up his crop to salvage mine. It was all a terrible loss - I wept for the plants we were soon to harvest - as well as the SS buds DZ had just finished curing. I am so grateful that he made sure we had enough flowers for our patients. Here are some pics of the glorious Sweet Seed buds he was planning to share with the world...they were absolutely stunning. I'm still in disbelief that they were taken from us. Hope you all enjoy, xoxo.

Killer Kush


Cream Caramel



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Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Cheer shoorun!

Welcome to ICMag and the Sweet Seeds subforum ;)

Unfortunatelly it's a very sad time in this thread but at least the pics will remain for future memory. And at least it's possible to see the premium quality of the flowers which together with how fast they are ready and the fact that DZ still has the clones, I'm sure you'll have more stock of these great strains in a few months :D

Keep passing by once in a while my friend ;)

All the best and sweet smokes :peppermintstick:

I got shitty luck! I went outside just now to take a update pic for you guys and the shit hit the fan. I was looking at the plant when I heard 2 male voices talking behind me. I lost all color to my body and felt sick. when I began to calm down I then hear one voice say WOW THAT IS SMELLING NICE! I turned my body around ready to face the men who I hear but I see not a soul and my gate is locked? as I am trying to figure out WTF is going on I then heard a thud of a hammer on a dense blunt object. that forced me to look up and when I did I see 2 fucking brick layers on my neighbors roof doing some repair work, so im fucked. the guy has a hawkeyes eyeview .I have a few options and help is wanted. option 1 is to go outside and openly chop her down so they know not to return. option 2 is keep tighter security on her and keep locking her up at night. option 3 is I take a few branches and save the sun leaves and put out a duplicate planter with the leaves around it hopefully fooling them into thinking its gone


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I got shitty luck! I went outside just now to take a update pic for you guys and the shit hit the fan. I was looking at the plant when I heard 2 male voices talking behind me. I lost all color to my body and felt sick. when I began to calm down I then hear one voice say WOW THAT IS SMELLING NICE! I turned my body around ready to face the men who I hear but I see not a soul and my gate is locked? as I am trying to figure out WTF is going on I then heard a thud of a hammer on a dense blunt object. that forced me to look up and when I did I see 2 fucking brick layers on my neighbors roof doing some repair work, so im fucked. the guy has a hawkeyes eyeview .I have a few options and help is wanted. option 1 is to go outside and openly chop her down so they know not to return. option 2 is keep tighter security on her and keep locking her up at night. option 3 is I take a few branches and save the sun leaves and put out a duplicate planter with the leaves around it hopefully fooling them into thinking its gone

Option 2, go get a dummy camera (or a real one) and one of those WARNING SECURITY SURVEILLANCE stickers at home depot and then put it up w/in site of the plant. deterrence works. day-night cameras are pretty cheap, hook up to your wi-fi."

In reality brotha you should try and get an indoor setup. All your problems could be avoided, and pretty their damn cheap.

Tent, cooltube, ballast, bulb, fan and some ducting. Get a phresh filter if odor in the house is an issue. I keep my fan going 24/7 so negative pressure. Can't smell a thing until I open the tent up.. then its like WOAH!