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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


This is exactly what I was referring to when I said many long time members are not posting the same as we all use to. It seems everyone is pissed off at the world. This 100% caused by the SC.

each of us can chose how to interact, we are responsible for our own words. the SC just shows up whats already there imho. it takes effort not to just snap back in anger, but as humans we all have the ability to do so if we chose. i will try to do my part, i hope others will do the same. this place could be very cool if people made the effort not to be antagonistic in their responses even when they disagree, specially then as thats when its hard.




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
each of us can chose how to interact, we are responsible for our own words. the SC just shows up whats already there imho. it takes effort not to just snap back in anger, but as humans we all have the ability to do so if we chose. i will try to do my part, i hope others will do the same. this place could be very cool if people made the effort not to be antagonistic in their responses even when they disagree, specially then as thats when its hard.

Nope, the subject matter has the biggest impact on how ea of us responds. Its why these topics were not allowed for 15 years.. I think what we have seen since this area opened proves my point. Most people are not capable of discussing these topics with an open mind. All have been taught different politics are evil. If you have a different political opinion your in the evil camp.


See the world through a puff of smoke
The FDA wants to keep the data on their trials, which they based this emergency use authorization onsecret. For 55 fuckin years. Why? 1223 deaths.

They are mandating people play russian roulete with this WuFlu poison, when the disease isn't that bad.


Read that a judge blocked that and that the FDA has to publish 500 documents every month from the 360.000.


pfizer-01-677x1024.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	pfizer-01-677x1024.jpg Views:	0 Size:	122.6 KB ID:	18005142


Nope, the subject matter has the biggest impact on how ea of us responds. Its why these topics were not allowed for 15 years.. I think what we have seen since this area opened proves my point. Most people are not capable of discussing these topics with an open mind. All have been taught different politics are evil. If you have a different political opinion your in the evil camp.

i agree with almost every last point you made, i just believe we humans can decide how to interact, its not like we are animals acting on instinct. we have brains and self control, we know how to be polite, it just take effort.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
i agree with almost every last point you made, i just believe we humans can decide how to interact, its not like we are animals acting on instinct. we have brains and self control, we know how to be polite, it just take effort.

Some people's reptilian brain kicks in when these topics are discussed. IMO some are animals.


Active member
The FDA wants to keep the data on their trials, which they based this emergency use authorization onsecret. For 55 fuckin years. Why? 1223 deaths.

They are mandating people play russian roulete with this WuFlu poison, when the disease isn't that bad.


Just because YOU believe the “disease isn’t that bad” doesn’t make it so.
The actual facts are that SARS2 attacks the vascular system, is several times more virulent and close to 10 times more lethal than influenza, and it causes long term health problems in an estimated 20-30% of those infected.
In spite of humans’ best attempts to eradicate it or slow it down, we keep failing. And it’s been two years.


Well-known member
Hi guys
I dont follow much these threads or info about this, I simply dont accept any vaccine
The way I see this, it is a plan to diminish the world population which is clearly overpopulated.
We as a race are consuming more than the planet can provide, at least 1,5 times more.
It is clear a transfer of wealth is going on from the poor countries to the rich ones. Poor third world countries are facing a very tough economy time and by restraining consumption it is subsidizing the overconsumption of rich countries

I just saw this video, I dont know if it was published or not here but I dont see any of this published in main stream media
The doctor who published this video was murdered 4 days after it
I am reading now Germany is going to force vaccinations on all of the population



Hi guys
I dont follow much these threads or info about this, I simply dont accept any vaccine
The way I see this, it is a plan to diminish the world population which is clearly overpopulated.
We as a race are consuming more than the planet can provide, at least 1,5 times more.
It is clear a transfer of wealth is going on from the poor countries to the rich ones. Poor third world countries are facing a very tough economy time and by restraining consumption it is subsidizing the overconsumption of rich countries

I just saw this video, I dont know if it was published or not here but I dont see any of this published in main stream media
The doctor who published this video was murdered 4 days after it
I am reading now Germany is going to force vaccinations on all of the population


i doubt that very much, some how. there are better ways to reduce population if you really wanted to go that route. why not just release small pox or something else deadly, why spend billions on the whole vax circus when a few vials of something deadly in the water will do the job practically free?


Well-known member
I just saw this video, I dont know if it was published or not here but I dont see any of this published in main stream media
The doctor who published this video was murdered 4 days after it
I am reading now Germany is going to force vaccinations on all of the population


Have you seen this?

Fact Check: There Is NO Confirmation Of Rumors About Death Of German Chemist Dr. Andreas Noack
Was a German video blogger and chemist murdered for exposing the truth about graphene oxide in vaccines? There is little information available on Dr. Andreas Noack's death other than two videos his life partner posted to Telegram. Statements made in these videos do, however, dispel rumors that Noack was killed by police. Noack's partner posted a video to a Telegram channel on November 27, 2021, originally claiming that he was "attacked," but in a subsequent video, she describes his death at a hospital from what doctors told her was a heart attack. A video posted to Noack's Telegram channel on November 23, 2021, which allegedly had been the reason for his purported murder, contained previously debunked claims on the presence of graphene oxide in vaccines.

The claim that Noack was murdered appeared in the title of a video posted to Bitchute on November 28, 2021 titled "MURDER! Just hours after publishing the secret of the Vax the Dr is DEAD" (archived here).

Users on social media only saw this title, description and thumbnail:

Noack - who held a Ph.D. in chemistry from Darmstadt Technical University but seemingly had not worked in the field for several years - became known to social media users worldwide in November 2020, when a video of one of his livestreams being interrupted by a police raid went viral. At the time, rumors circulated that Noack had been arrested for speaking out against government measures to fight the COVID-pandemic in Germany.

Lead Stories debunked the arrest claim at the time, when police clarified that Noack had not been the target of the raid. Shortly after his alleged arrest, Noack went back to livestreaming content several hours a day, building an increasingly complex mythology about a divine plan to save the world that only he had access to, drawing on a wide range of sources from popular culture and philosophy, such as the Matrix trilogy, Pink Floyd songs, Karl Popper and Sun Tzu's "The Art of War." Examples of Noack's content can be seen in this English-language Zoom session, and this interview with YouTuber and cult leader Eligio Lee Bishop, also known as Nature Boy. Noack's livestreams stopped after January 7, 2021, his Telegram channels were taken over by his life partner known as "Anna." In the fall of 2021, Noack reappeared and started posting shorter videos to his Telegram channel.

In a video posted to Noack's Telegram channel on November 23, 2021 which is reproduced in the above post with English subtitles, the chemist had claimed that the vaccines against COVID-19 contain graphene oxide, or, as he claims graphene hydroxide, which allegedly act as nano-sized razorblades inside the body. Lead Stories has debunked claims that COVID vaccines contain graphene oxide before, including an alleged analysis by a Spanish researcher of a Pfizer vaccine vial that Noack draws on in his video. Other than that, he presents no evidence for his claims. There is no evidence that the video went viral before rumors of his death spread online.

On November 27, 2021, a video was posted to Telegram, in which Noack's partner Anna informed his followers about his death. A version with English subtitles can be seen here. Around the 1:40 minute mark, Anna claims that Noack "was heavily, heavily attacked." She goes on to say, "the assault was extremely sneaky and unexpected, and I am burdened with the terrible task to tell you, Andreas did not survive that." This phrasing led social media users to speculate that Noack had been directly and physically attacked, possibly by police. On November 29, 2021, however, Anna posted another video in German, clarifying that Noack was not attacked, but died from a heart attack at the hospital. She alleges that the heart attack was caused by microwaves, offering no proof for the claim.

Below is a partial translation of what Anna says in the video:
It was the day that the graphene hydroxide video was released ... everything was normal. We talked, we laughed, we told each other how much we love each other. And then he wanted to go downstairs to the kitchen to get a snack, and usually, he never stays there for longer than a minute. So, I went downstairs and said jokingly, 'Hey, what are you doing down here, are you eating all my snacks?' That's when he started swaying, and I thought he was kidding, he looked like he just acted as if he was drunk.

I went up to him and kissed him, and went like, 'hahaha,' but he did not stop. I told him it wasn't funny anymore and that he should stop. That's when the power went out. The whole thing happened 20 minutes ... I didn't check the time. And then he just collapsed in my arms. He started moaning, he was in extreme pain, his body started tensing up completely, he couldn't coordinate his movements, he suddenly could not talk anymore.

At first, I thought he had been poisoned. I gave him saline solution and he threw up what little he had eaten that day. I had eaten from it, too, so it could not be poisoning.

I just couldn't do anything, I was with Andreas and had to watch him writhe. I had never seen anything like this, it was torture, it looked like someone was torturing him from outside. This took about half an hour, maybe longer, it seemed like an eternity to me. He could not speak, it was like he was paralyzed, but I can't really describe it. I just held him and made sure he did not hit his head. Eventually, he calmed down, his body was just exhausted from the whole thing. He collected himself for a moment and could get up again, he was still slightly dizzy, went upstairs, he somehow pulled himself up the stairs, and then, yes, he slowly recovered, but was very exhausted and did not want to talk. And yes, I noticed that he was very exhausted. I don't know if he knew what was happening to him. He needed a lot of rest but said he felt fine and did not want anyone to know about this ...

The night of November 25th to the 26th, I noticed that he was very restless in his sleep, that he was also sweating a lot and had a fever. But I did not want to wake him up, he needed his rest. At one point, I can't really tell how much time had passed, anyway, at one point he started breathing really heavily and he was wheezing, and that's when I got really scared ... I started screaming, I screamed at him to get out of it, to come back to me, and then I had to cry because it was so terrible. I cried and he still tried to comfort me. I told him I was going to call an ambulance, I was busy making sure that he could breathe easily, I moved his body into different positions to make sure he was able to breathe, and he had more and more water in his lungs, he was wheezing and then he could not spit out this stuff, I even got it out of him with my hands.

The emergency service called me during that, and they told me to perform CPR on him, and that's what I did. I performed a heart massage and rescue breathing and just did what they told me, it felt like hours ... Then they were there, six people arrived and hooked him up to this automatic....automatic machine and injected him with all kinds of stuff, adrenaline and stuff. They were wearing their masks the whole time, I told them, take off your masks, you can't even breathe. They were able to...I kept asking if he was still alive...they said, not right now, but they were in the process of resuscitating him, and then they had him back. In that moment, they were able to transport him and take him downstairs ... We then drove to Wolfsberg, but I could not see him anyway, because I could not do anything and they had to get him in a room with a ventilator and I was not allowed to enter that. Before they take him inside, I was allowed to see him, and I asked how things looked, and they said they were able to bring him back, and things actually looked good ... Then they brought him out, and I went up to him and put my head on his chest, he was intubated, and I told him how much I love him. Then they wheeled him inside, I had to wait outside, I wasn't even really aware of what was happening. Then the doctors came upstairs and put their heads together, that was right after, as soon as they had him inside, they came back out, and when they talked among themselves, I knew what was going on. They said his large cardiac valve had failed completely, he had a heart attack and died from it.​

At this point, a voice from behind the camera asks: "Many people understood that people had come to his place and had attacked him. What you meant, however, was a microwave attack, that was the reason." Anna replies: "I don't know a lot about these things, how something like that works. But he always said they have this kind of technology."

It is not clear what kind of technology is referred to here, but the claims might be related to recent theories around what has been called Havana syndrome. U.S. embassy workers in Havana reported symptoms like headaches, ear pain and nausea after hearing a high-pitched noise, claiming this was due to a microwave attack. Scientists have, however, dismissed the theory altogether, and there is no evidence that microwave technology would be strong enough to be able to cause a heart attack. Additionally, the microwaves would have to be targeted enough to only affect Noack, who, by his partner's own admission, had spent the whole day with his partner who seemingly was unaffected.

Lead Stories has reached out to local police in the Austrian state of Carinthia, where Noack and his partner resided, and will update this article when they respond.


Comfortably numb!
i doubt that very much, some how. there are better ways to reduce population if you really wanted to go that route. why not just release small pox or something else deadly, why spend billions on the whole vax circus when a few vials of something deadly in the water will do the job practically free?

...because you silly wabbit, it doesn't bring the world economy down, in the process!


Well-known member
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interesting developments, the man behind the curtain is having a hard time to stay hidden, typical idealogical misinformation journalism...

Fauci Accused Of Overseeing Experiments On Beagles AND Monkeys, WaPo Runs DEFENSE



Active member
interesting developments, the man behind the curtain is having a hard time to stay hidden, typical idealogical misinformation journalism...

Fauci Accused Of Overseeing Experiments On Beagles AND Monkeys, WaPo Runs DEFENSE

Is the monkey the one to the left of Dr. Fauci in that picture?
Asking for the beagle. :D