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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hm....if you don't want comparisons of that nature being made, maybe its not the best idea to bring it up no?

there is already too much off topic bs in here as it is.

:chin: so you're saying i don't have a right to free speech? asking for a friend who vaguely remembers someone nattering on about it:biggrin:


:chin: so you're saying i don't have a right to free speech? asking for a friend who vaguely remembers someone nattering on about it:biggrin:

the guy who wants to shut down free speech corner, now sees the value of free speech! oh how wonders never cease.

btw: i said if you don't want nazi comparisons, maybe don't start on about it. the key word was; IF.
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St. Phatty

Active member
This is exactly what I was referring to when I said many long time members are not posting the same as we all use to. It seems everyone is pissed off at the world. This 100% caused by the SC.

Participation in Speaker's Corner is 100% optional.

Why would anybody go into a bar that they don't like ?

Is it a Rubber-necking effect - they want to see a cat fight or something ?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Foochie spearheaded the fear of this WuFlu BS. He should be hung, as it was all about stealing the election and a commie takeover.

Yawn, yes, it's all commie takeover.
Why are you getting your information from a media outlet owned by a Chinese cult? Nothing against Chinese religion; I practice tai chi myself but Falon Gong are quite bizarre and founded Epoch Times.
China, a Cult, and the Alt-Right
The bizarre story of The Epoch Times, the far-right’s richest conspiracy machine

Though the format of their shows is similar to InfoWars and OAN, their promotion of conspiracy theories, anti-vax propaganda, and pandemic denialism is both more subtle and promoted through a highly funded advertising machine.

Falun Gong, the Scientology of China

Epoch Media Group is closely tied with Falun Gong, also known by the name Falun Dafa. They’re a religious group built in the early 90s around a Qigong-like practice who claim to center their beliefs around the principles of “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.” In reality, none of these are at their core, and Falun Gong instead has all the classic markings of a cult.

Megalomaniac leader? Check. The group’s founder Li Hongzhi, known as Master Li, claims to be able to levitate and followers are taught he can read their thoughts. Though it’s hard to tell his exact corporate role in Epoch, he’s promoted the paper as “our news” and his views on politics clearly influence it heavily.

Isolate compound? Check. They operate a 430-acre facility called Dragon Springs in rural New York, complete with hundreds of permanent residents, schools, and high-dollar performance facilities. They keep a full staff of security on deck 24/7 and steer media and onlookers far away. The place is reminiscent of Scientology’s “Gold Base,” but with the visual stylings of Chinese paganism rather than science fiction. We’ll come back to this one.

Like many cults, Falun Gong places a heavy emphasis on physical health and views its practices as an alternative to medical treatment, sometimes even pitching a cure to cancer. They rail against science, medicine, Western philosophy, and above all else, communism. This stems very largely from their segregationist views; Master Li teaches that races come from different gods, that mixed-race people are spiritually incomplete, and that communism was created by aliens, given to Europeans, and intentionally spread to China to separate it from Heaven.

They claim to be persecuted by the Communist Party of China, and this is true. The party banned the religion in 1999, and a few thousand practitioners have undergone harsh treatment in re-education camps, much like many Chinese Muslims and Christians. In return, Falun Gong has scaled up its claims of this persecution and used it as a PR stunt. Across the world in New York City, they regularly stage protests alleging that the party is rounding them up specifically for live organ harvest, and while China has been known to harvest organs from executed prisoners, little suggests the targeting of the Falun Dafa for this purpose, especially to the gruesome extent they suggest.

While a spiritual group financing thousands of pro-Trump pieces seems weird on the surface, given the beliefs of the Falun Dafa, it makes a lot of sense. Trump’s speeches demonize the Chinese government heavily, he has a pension for legitimizing conspiracy theories, and he regularly attacks political enemies as “radical communists”. In a strange way, the two are a match made in heaven. Not only did Falun Gong seize on an opportunity to promote its anti-CCP agenda, but it also built a mutually beneficial relationship with a political campaign supported by millions. Epoch gets a huge platform of viewers who already distrust China to preach propaganda to. Trump gets a credible-looking source to spread false headlines through, complete with White House reporters and free ads.


Trevor Noah BLASTED By Libs For Questioning Big Pharma CEO | Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

hahahahahahahaha roflmfao hehehe LMAO :laughing:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
my mom said i was the bestest boy ever,and she knows how to cook my eggs just right so i'm gonna stick with her opinion

Yes, behave like a mod. :spank:

Start a thread about Jews, immigration, guns, abortion, Commies, or why Jordan Peterson is always right (and then sticky it).


See the world through a puff of smoke
Victory for Slovenia, Highest Court block the jab mandate, meanwhile NY mandate the jab for children 5 years and older.Poor children.