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Hallo ihr lieben - von den Medien Vorgeführten... SCHLAF-SCHAFE da draussen... (inkl. Verschwörungs-Theoretiker & Realisten)

Na, wie steht es um euren ARSCH-PAPIER-Vorrat?
Wohl oder übel mehr Weed zuhaus - als manierliches Toilettenpapier?

Ok, dämliche Einleitung... Allerdings ist noch viel dämlicher, was da gerade läuft!

Die Medienzensur trumpft AUF! Kritische Videos werden einfach gelöscht... Es wurde vor Kurzem eine landesweite Ausgangssperre verhängt - welche sich auf das Infektions-Schutzgesetz beruft.

Sobald man jedoch die jeweiligen Paragraphen näher beleuchtet, passt da rein gar nichts mehr zusammen.

DIESE BUNDES/WELTWEITE QUARANTÄNE basiert also lediglich auf der PUREN DUMMHEIT all dieser in meinen AUGEN OPFER!


Ich will aber hier nicht zu viel vorweg nehmen...

Wie seht ihr die Lage und wie schätzt ihr das ein?

- Demonstrationsverbot
- Kalkulierter Finanz-Crash
- Zerschlagung des weltweiten Einzehlandels - Marktmachtwechsel zu Großkonzernen wie Amazon...

nur ein paar Punkte, welche im Normalfall jeden Gut-Bürger doch irgendwie hellhörig machen sollten...

Aber nein, man wird im Supermarkt zerrissen, wenn man sich nicht brav an seiner vorgezeichneten Linie aufstellt...

Bruder, MUSS LOS! Das ist mir viel zu wild!

Sagt "Auf Wiedersehen" zu eurer Freiheit! :dance013:
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It's not only in Germany. I believe it can totally be a globally coordinated psyop. There is a lot of misinformation out there for sure. It's hard to figure out how serious the whole pandemic is. The timing is really weird too. Now blame the fall of USD on a global pandemic. FED keeps printing money out of thin air into infinity and no one is worried about inflation. It will go on forever because they just do enough to keep people complacent. You think a high profile official will raise their voice about this? Look how Gaddafi ended up.

I think people are too slow to realize what's up and when they will it will be too late. It's probably too late already. Just like with all the information about all the other fucked up shit that's been going on. It gets declassified and then people are like, see how fucked up things were back in the day! Well, it's still happening right now. It will become general knowledge like in twenty years. Internet helps information spread so fast but it also allows people to manipulate the general population so that the truth doesn't spread


Gut das Du das sagst AON!:biggrin:
mag sein... kann aber nicht genau erkennen, ob du das ironisch meinst

Da hilft auch keine frische Luft mehr....

was soll der mist? bist auch so einer der mit mundschutz durch die gegend rennt und 1,5m abstand hält...
mach nicht doof hier!

WO KOMMEN WIR DENN HIN, und wo soll das verdammt nochmal enden - wenn das einfach alle so vollkommen ohne zu protestiren hinnehmen?


also ich war heut draussen ... in ner größeren city ... und da waren bald mehr leute als sonst draussen unter der sonne unterwegs (als ohne "Krise")



Wie du läufst ohne Atemschutz draussen rum?
Echt dein fucking ernst?
Digger die Flugzeuge sprühen Gift um uns genetisch zu manipulieren...chemtrails
Dann hast bestimmt auch kein aluhut?
Amateur....hab meine ganze bude mit alufolie beklebt mehrlagig!
Angela merkel ist in Wahrheit ein Reptiloide!!!


Well-known member
IT"S REAL!!!!!!

At least in my fridge, it is.....


  • socialdistancing.jpg
    26.2 KB · Views: 73


Wie du läufst ohne Atemschutz draussen rum?
Echt dein fucking ernst?
Digger die Flugzeuge sprühen Gift um uns genetisch zu manipulieren...chemtrails
Dann hast bestimmt auch kein aluhut?
Amateur....hab meine ganze bude mit alufolie beklebt mehrlagig!
Angela merkel ist in Wahrheit ein Reptiloide!!!
Like these videos from China wechat...all actors?..


IT"S REAL!!!!!!

At least in my fridge, it is.....
Regardless of what is real or not real, AON is only pointing out how our individual freedom is getting stripped away from us. What's fake is the media portrayal. I just wanted to chime in that I totally agree with his point of view. You can keep telling me to put my tinfoil hat on and bring up lizards like I care. I'm just relieved that someone in Germany is thinking critically about this. Out of all places, I thought you could bring this up at least at icmag given the amount of shit people around the world had to go through just to be able to use their medicine. The laws on possession in western world barely started changing this century. You can have same sex marriages too. I feel like all these advancements made a lot of people let their guard down really low.


Active member
Regardless if it's real or not, AON is pointing out how our individual freedom is getting stripped away from us. I just wanted to chime in that I totally agree with his point of view. You can keep telling me to put my tinfoil hat on and bring up lizards like I care. I'm just relieved that someone in Germany is thinking critically about this. Out of all places, I thought you could bring this up at least at icmag given the amount of shit people around the world had to go through just to be able to use their medicine. The laws on possession in western world barely started changing this century. You can have same sex marriages too. I feel like all these advancements made a lot of people let their guard down really low.

I have mostly German/Polish blood, but do not speak it.
I am treated like I need some tinfoil for the head around here too.
That will happen when you start speaking the real truth.
Some folks don't want other folks to hear or listen to what you are saying.

I usually have hard facts and provide documents and links to shore up my side of things, those are ignored and the personal attacks start.

This is a great time to strip the world of personal freedom among other things.

If you think it may be happening, chances are it already has begun.
Get the truth out to the masses when you are able.

Best of luck in Germany.


Active member
I recently learned that in the US in the name of public health/safety they can legally come to your house kick in your door, hall you away to god knows where.

We past laws like this in the name of freedom, how about that.
You don't want to know what the patriot act is, and is about.
Freedom is going out of style in the US.

Cameras and microphones in regular looking streetlights and everywhere.
I could go on for days.
Sorry for muckin' up the thread, but freedom is rare, if you have it hold on to it dearly it seems to slip through our fingers so easily these days.


thank you guys for all the great posts!

im feeln like - im in the wrong movie

- god, whats goin on here? -

i hope the best for us!

i will loosin my mind and all my words...
whats startin here in 2020

its so much unbelievebal!

peace to all insiders ;)


Active member

Your eyes are wide open.
The more I look into this as a power grab/freedom loss.
The more it looks to be true.
They are currently passing laws like after 911.
We never lost so much freedom in the US.

Stay informed brother!


Well-known member
ich hatte folgendes vor 10 tagen auf lsd verfasst und es dann aber nicht gepostet auf reddit


just blame the pango (bat?)

which sub? dont know. put it here. link somewhere. was made for /darknet but if it fits, i sits. hi traceable anon

[1] [casualreview] (insertvendorname.tails //brain?bob?) sold 300 ug mantabs of this effective puzzledrug
"casual" testing, great stuff <3
putting to the good ones in fridge
0,1 stressy bodyload
0,9 delivering managable mind, music, visualZ
[1.5] had them to order, price was falling - maybe next day i get less lsd for ma six hunnit and fiddy eurodollaZ?! aint nobody got chillz for that?! fock ju!
[2] (420 bits lator) GF cant sleep, mobile pinging allnightlong, people loosing money (in real? yes and no) we "saw" last week. staring at ma well-build highrisklongtermportfolio with these 50% losses like everyone else. these adults too scared to watch the news after work, stocks, crying then. cuz of stocks they never needed to exist. "maybe i should have done these holidays or chillin with my besties instead of Outburn-to-Stock timemanagement strategies ("aaaand its gone" + "you have been warned.")
burning money is more fun i guess or doin these illegal pharmazeutics on great raves, receiving oral all the time. watchin the world burn since ages. but how can i sleep? its not much but its honest work.
but buddha said.
[3] "friggin pango stole our economy maaaan. fuck him and his family, more like ever! that they learn their lesson! man! he so devilish!"
nah, buddah wouldnt say so. he wouldnt point it out, that we deserve to loose it all. but i see him smiling, being pangos friend.
be high, eeeh.. buy high, sell low, take every trade! finally my time has cum, great times to live and to invest in, nothing else u can do. invest now, be naked later! if you lucky castors deliver. world so cruel even epstein couldnt handle this anymore! "bye". just point the ACs out of the windows and use the goddamngiven electicZ to fight climate change! man up, pay your energy bills! save your fam!
[4] .20 (#kliment) we need back human rituals to unite, not to protect walls. to learn again to talk about love, feelz, not gains and compliance. not many teachers out there. history is repeating, hi rights, hi orwell, hi egalité, hi wellknown hate, hi human, bye human(s)
[5] "u sick? yeh, yu sick, come with us" do your math, lots of mephematics out there.
[6] go on humans! GOOOO! WE will cure nature!! heavy promises! give pango back its peace, let him do what hes best at, spreading epidemic diseases! let him work. its his job to take the blame for your nanny.
[7] meanwhile lots of (un)important court hearings, aint nobody got the time to make a list only with these topics and to look through? sometimes you need to go out to see stuff. only "not-ill" people are allowed to? maaan

poors will ever be poors

? yes ?

but john, you know that you know nothing?
watching the world burn like my weed, no need for magnifiers

[8] yo, what the fuck wants the guy in his thread, maaan?! dunno, 0? we not alone. hello world. maybe someone understands
i really have a question - as (tor)darknet makes no sense for warez, i am searching for a nice source for .flac(s)
got tipps for me nowadays? maybe toplists or (paid) ways to ftps/boards/any invites? or is it better done with hacked accs from streamingproviders? :* appreciate it
not mass converted mp3s and aswell not this kind of source with 100% correct crc-files needed

all this base never belonged to us

pics or it didnt happen?
man, but i wont dig a meme, you had them in letters, this shit aint funny anymore yo!

//pic removed

wanna hear a joke?
comes an ape in a bar and wants to learn about investmentstrategies.
also he wears a suit! ha!

plant a tree, maybe some more, give gains to the naturesociety, dont HODL i guess?

love peace, be nice, dont listen the loudest,
stick, at least a bit. safe to farm rn? gaben also nerf pango pls. life is literally unplayable right now (r/dota2)

post deleted succcesssfullly
dont hassel the hoff
how do holes smell? black? white?


guckt mal id2020.org - ja, der digitaldollar ist zum greifen nah

bleibende lungenschaeden sind trotzdem kein fake


TC Nursery est 2020
Ich lass den Thread mal auf & hinterleg ne Note den nicht zu closen von anderen Mods :tiphat: :biggrin: