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Congo: A study.


See the world through a puff of smoke


Keep on growing :)


Brand new oldschool
I remember that Oaxacan picture Curandero, it's so beautiful, I wonder if the buds were purple too. Does she smoked nice and clean? I think I remember it was the mexican from Asturjaya, isn't it? I would love to know how that mexican strain came to Spain and the source.



Leeds me to think too,maybe redstems have more in common than we think. Bluberryline,chocolate thai,kongo etc seem to share some very rare characteristigs


Active member
i've heard some word about an Angola Roja brazilian.....supposed come from slave, but honestly...i doubt it...although it has been preserved so far.

aracaju red.

Namkha, don't worry about the unnecesary pm. Its no big deal at all. We have the aracaju red (different from the red sativa aka foxtail sativa)which which looks to hopefully be the finest south american red variety I've ever seen. This is from sergipe which I believe is near bahia.

^ https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=771485&highlight=aracaju#post771485 #133

i have the bsc brazilian fire fox tail in male clone and pollen form. i've crossed it into a mex. red haired pheno out of cbg's destroyer.

Yep that is correct about Choco Chiba. The high is trippy like a good old school sativa is. For sure a psychoative high.
Angola Red is related to Aracaju Red as sisters. You can expect a long flowering sativa with X-mas tree shape full of red hairs ( blood red color). Vegetative stage very vigorous and easy to make clones, growing a lot until 3 meters heigh. LOng fluffy buds with a citric smell of tangerine. Clear uplifting high.
Hope that help you out.

^ email from luiz at bsc when i was in the process of buying out packets of most of his remaining strains.

Posted 13 February 2010 - 08:20 AM
It happens the same thing here in Brazil with Manga Rosa is called as a myth because she doesn�t exist as a land race strain but a cross from Angola Red and other African sativa brought by the tribe called Bantos back when slavery was legalized during the portuguese colonization. The bantos language has a name for Manga Rosa calling her Diamba Sarabamba but is also the same name used to say marijuana. Go figure.
There are varieties of Manga Rosa that I could find growing in Brazil and in the determination of the soil, climate and growing conditions of her our Manga Rosa differs from the effect, taste and colouring of the hairs. In Bahia they say they got the real deal, the true one Manga Rosa, but in Sergipe in the city of Aracaju I could find a stronger Manga Rosa with many red hairs instead of almost orange hairs from Bahia Manga Rosa. Maybe this one from Aracaju is more related or is the real Angola Red.
It�s hard

^ post by luiz on another forum

i bought the aracaju red but none popped for me.

I have heard, finding actual Angola Roja beans is now an almost impossible task. The Angola Verde having taken over. Peace GS

^ yes, but thanks to snow still preserved but not for sale yet.

i bought the angola red from bsc and got one viable male. snow (snow high) did a strain preservation run on angola red, uses ar in some hybrids and i've got pure angola red (no bx's) thanks to him and bsc. snow has some of his strains available (for sale). snow does some work with sengalese haze which adds tremendous terpenes in crosses according to his reports. don't see pure senagalese available anywhere at present. seeds of africa is now offering several authentic african strains according to their web page advert.


Active member
Both my avatar and profile pics are of La Mano Negra's Congolese. It is pure, no bastardization. Peace GS

thumbs up. this congolese looks like a must have strain.

Please bear with me as i compile info in readyness of a Congo Pointe Noir x Congo Black indoor reproduction.

i was under the impression that lmn had a pure congolese different than double congo (poly-congolese). not challenging, just inquiring. is cbg and ace's congo#3 a pure or a poly-congo?

i don't know of any currently available commercial source for pure congolese (some congolese hybrids including double congo might still be available).

lmn's congolese has a fantastic reputation so pure or poly it's still awesome according to reports.


Brand new oldschool
Beautiful stems Rinse, a Zambian landraces thread will be great too!! :)

LMN used to work with different Congolese lines, some faster and compact as the Banghi Congo and others longer flowering. He ended having 3 different congolese pure lines according to one conversation I had with Rainha some time ago. But I suspect that the could have been just congolese and some congolese hybrids too. There is plenty info in his threads: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?threadid=32052

Double Congo from Tropical seeds is a hybrid between the Congolese Pointe Noire (african line from the Canary Islands) and the Congo Black (congolese preserved by African Herban and shared with the breeders).

Congo from ACE is supposed to be a hybrid between Bangui from LMN and Conchi from CBG (Congo 3 X PCK).
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Active member
^ thanks mustafunk!

so we have a double congo reproduction going! most excellent! :) .

The Zientist

Well-known member
So much useful information! Landrace material should have a special legislation or status. It's a shame losing ancient genetics that have a lot of potential.

Does anybody know if any study was conducted to further evaluate the origins of each Landraces, using DNA analysis?

Thank you for the info,

Kind regards,



Well-known member
So much useful information! Landrace material should have a special legislation or status. It's a shame losing ancient genetics that have a lot of potential.

Does anybody know if any study was conducted to further evaluate the origins of each Landraces, using DNA analysis?

Thank you for the info,

Kind regards,

I'm looking forward to the day that there will be a special Landrace category at the cannabis cups, like Indica and Sativa.
Reeferman recently posted some photos of a purple Congo landrace he is calling it African Black. Beautiful plant, his description sounds amazing. Maybe he will chime in, I think he's a member here?

Ive got some of LMN's Angola Reds... I would love to have his Purple Angola or any of them actually.

Mustafunk... The Double Congo sounds enticing! Classic seeds has been doing some awesome work!


Brand new oldschool
Purple Congo

Purple Congo

Purple Congolese:

I want to share some pictures of an interesting Congolese line we are trying to preserve. It came from smuggled weed from northern Spain fishermen, back in the days. A friend I've met this year, veteran grower and smoker from northern Spain, has been growing and reproducing the strain as is. Also some other interesting stuff like a Mexican strain. Mad respect to this unknown grower for taking the time to preserve those strains and passing the legacy to the next generation.

After having watched a few pictures and hearing some information and stories about it, this strain really got my attention. I've trying to find a nice heirloom Congolese for years and when I wasn't even expecting it, I discover this beauty.

It's definitely a pure tropical african, as the harvest is around November or even December sometimes and depending on weather and phenotypes, so I definitely think it's an untamed african landrace. It grows strong, this plants were taken outside in September to avoid large sizes so you can get an idea about the vigor they have.

Last but not least, the strain has plenty of gorgeus colours outside, when the temperatures come down. Its such a beautiful strain I'm yet to explore thoroughly but not very often you can see such colourful landraces, especially from Africa. Makes me wonder about the red/black blooded african lines coming in to Brazil and even Caribbean regions back in the days.

Some pictures from this season's seedrun. Male was firm in sex and besides the rainy autumn/winter, they ended like champs!

Bushy structure:

Flowers starting to get some colors the past month:


The stud:
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