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confession thread


Oookay....ARE there any guys that don't cheat (physically)??? I guess I'm looking for statistics...

Come on guys...give it up. This is for research ;)

never cheated, but been cheated on. It was the last time I dated- unfortunately, that was 12+ years ago.

Not much cheatin, unless you count me switching hands ;)
(sorry, tmi..)


Eugene Oregon
God bitch slapped me today and made mother nature, rain and thunder, most likely my little outdoor plants are now in plant heaven!

heavy dank nugg

I ve never cheated Im loyal to a fault. ive been cheated and cheated on. Ive also had many many oppertunites to cheat that sometimes in weakness i regret not taking


The Hopeful Protagonist
Yes....women (some) take no issue with "stealing" another woman's man....But then thrash said man when he's stolen away from her :dueling:

What's up with that ladies ?


The Hopeful Protagonist
Why do I picture a black-iron skillet when I read that post Lo-lee girl ?



Big D

I must confess this got me alittle excited! You're awesome too! PoopyTeaBags is a lucky guy!


Why do I picture a black-iron skillet when I read that post Lo-lee girl ?


So Wrong, picture this instead Here's me in the backyard.


P.S. Dang, that's a nice skillet! A Wagner Ware.... can you steal that without your wife getting mad at you? That's a nice skillet.... I need that bad.....


ICMag Donor
Say what you will but...

I will be married 20 years in Sept. and I have never cheated! I do not put myself in those type of situations.

Thats awesome D!! congrats dear :) your wifey is a lucky lady!!!
babba and I will celebrate our 16th anniversary in a cpl of weeks!


The Hopeful Protagonist
So Wrong, picture this instead Here's me in the backyard.


P.S. Dang, that's a nice skillet! A Wagner Ware.... can you steal that without your wife getting mad at you? That's a nice skillet.... I need that bad.....

I didn't want to jump the "gun" on ya......figured you'd at least knock him/her out first.

Nothing like coming-to staring down the barrel of some well-made American hunting hardware :1help:


New member
my first indoor crop got so infested with spidermites that by week 7 i had to harvest them with cobwebs all up on the tops that's how bad they were and i never smoked a single bowl of it lol. learned how to quarantine after that though ;) i never posted pictures of it because i was so ashamed.


Missed out on a nice cannon the other day. It had a caisson and everything. I think it was from the Mexican war at least, if not older.

They sold it for $45 after ignoring my pleas to price it to me for a year...

(Lola sobs on the floor, mourning the loss of a perfectly good cannon)


I once burnt a field down, the fire was getting big, I say "shall we put it out", "nah man".. Few mins later "shall we put it out", "yes" couldn't put it out though. Bailed, heard sirens, came back and it was a smokey, black field.

Stole a beer the other night. Barman pours a beer, leaves for a sec, I take it, take a big gulp and set it on the bar a bit further down. He comes back and thinks he hasn't poured me a beer yet, I don't correct him. He pours another beer, 2 for the price of 1, once he leaves again I take two beers.

When I was a kid I had a short fuse, got into some stupid fights, never injured anyone too bad but got comeuppance later on after being sucker punched in the face.

Big D

Thats awesome D!! congrats dear :) your wifey is a lucky lady!!!
babba and I will celebrate our 16th anniversary in a cpl of weeks!

Hey congratz to you and Babba!!! And here is to many more:friends: CHEERS!

Babba is also a lucky guy!!!!!

Marriage ROCKS!!!! For us at least. :joint:


New member
I went to Cancun for spring break/drug binge in my college years, ended up going back to this girls hotel room, had sex. She went to the bathroom to clean up and I stole the money out of her purse and ran out the door. I paid myself about 75 dollars to have sex.