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Committing suicide...

I want people to have the right to exit if they want but the thing we are missing here is a lot of people feel disconnected really deeply from this place (society). Nobody said life was gonna be easy but I've told my family if things ever get way to over the head hard for anyone to just come and tell me and we will use the code word and just get the F out of dodge and get the heads straight...

This world is just a game..its not "real" its a game plain and simple.at the moment I'm choosing to play it, but if at any time it just gets too insane, I know this little world is just one little side of the picture. Before I let myself get to the point of taking my own life I will run into the mountains as a last retreat. Be there for your friends and family people, a lot of times people feel trapped in their environment and then get confused and think they are trapped in their heads...


I think those suicides that are hardest to understand, the ones the OP was referring to, stem from a sense of non connectedness also, and that's why its so tragic, you can be feet away from someone who is in the pit of despair and never realise how dark a time they are having.

I think its good if family's can communicate about such things so they can intervene for each other before things get out of hand. And i agree that taking time out to get reconnected is really important. Its those poor sods who nobody to connect with that are in the direst straits.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
If you are terminally ill, cancer or otherwise, then you should be able to check out on your own. I can relate to wanting to die because cancer is kicking your ass. I know all too well about real deep and dark depression stemming from that. Clinically depressed. Yep I've been through that via 4 years or Leukemia and a bone marrow transplant.

If you aren't terminally ill and decide to take your life then that's your prerogative. I still believe it's weak minded though. Which is the way the nature works anyway. Some are weaker, some are stronger.


Active member
you are not sane if you are hoping to change the world in which you live by removing yourself from it... thats called dementia
Apparently, too many people here think they are authorities on the subject of suicide, saying that it is simply "selfish", & "cowardly", & to "man-up". Well; if that's their conclusions, then that shows how much they know...Absolutely nothing!

I'm afraid there's alot more to it than that. There are far too many factors involved, than to just believe it is the only result of emotional distress. There are also psychiatric, as well as physiological factors that play a role well. Look it up.

As a person who has been affected, at one time in his life, by someone committing suicide, I can assure you, it is far too easy to feel anger at the same time of remorse. As a result, I was very bitter for a long time believing it was "selfish" behavior. Little did I know there other factors involved, which were unconcious, psychiatric behaviors, that were not successfully suppressed through holistic medicine, therapy & prescription drugs.

Talking about suicide is not an easy discussion folks! If it were, there would be a lot less psychiatrists, psychologists, and other doctors out there. So I ask the people who have little knowledge of it, to please refrain from making rude & insensitive remarks about something they understand little about.


Now in technicolor
I'm gonna rant a bit.

Reason I am saying the above is it PISSES ME OFF
when perfectly healthy & especially young people commit suicide or even remotely think about it.
Some people LOOK healthy on the outside, but are deteriorating and miserable on the inside. There's no such thing as somebody who's "healthy" but wants to commit suicide except if you mean physically healthy.

The human body and brain wanting to die is very irrational and anyone who thinks and esp attempts suicide is NOT healthy in terms of brain chemistry.

While we're on suicide, I want to say that I don't believe it to be selfish at all. Yes people will be sad if you die, but they really have no idea how badly you're suffering on the inside if you want to actually kill yourself. Besides, when you're dead you wouldn't give a shit what these people think or do. But if you're suicidal, I highly suggest getting treatment.

Depression is very serious and nearly everyone will lose 5-10 years of their life before they get it diagnosed and get on medication. The average year to diagnose mental illness is 8 years. When I say depression I mean an actual lack of motivation to do anything. This has nothing to do with being "sad."

Antidepressants completely fix my life. When I take them, I get a high paying job, I love my wife and family, I don't do any drugs (not even weed) and I'm motivated 100% of the time. When I get off, I quit working, I tell my family to leave me alone, I chain smoke weed and cigs and take many other drugs, and I quite frankly couldn't care less whether I go broke, homeless, die or become a burden to myself or society.

This is depression (depression and being sad are very different) and the medication works whether you believe in a chemical imbalance or not (how they work is irrelevant to the patient.) It's sad to see people ruin their lives just because they don't want to be medicated due to the social stigma about SSRIs. They save lives in more ways than one. If you've never tried them, they feel like you're on Ecstasy 24/7 (at least when they begin working after 6-8 weeks)


For the record, my suicidal tendencies (but not depression) stopped cold turkey after I first tried magic mushrooms. I'm not saying psychedelics work for everyone, but they definitely worked for me. A major paradigm shift.


Tropical Outcast
I'm gonna rant a bit.

Strainhunter said:
Reason I am saying the above is it PISSES ME OFF
when perfectly healthy & especially young people commit suicide or even remotely think about it.

Some people LOOK healthy on the outside, but are deteriorating and miserable on the inside. There's no such thing as somebody who's "healthy" but wants to commit suicide except if you mean physically healthy.


Either way it DOES piss me off when especially a young & innocent life is lost due to suicide.

Although (and unavoidable) my original thread was dragged out to all sorts of situations leading to suicide...it originally was intended and sort of dedicated to all those who are dying a "senseless death" @ a young age while they are in a situation that can be relatively easily fixed.

Someone to talk to AND who listens. Not just one ear in and out the other.
That alone would already have saved lifes.

But it seems today's way of living in many parts of this world is all about ME ME ME and no one else.
It is all about either "running over" or "getting run over" - one either survives and makes it - or goes under in one or the other way.

The middle class of human kind(ness) is slowly dieing out.


Either way it DOES piss me off when especially a young & innocent life is lost due to suicide.

Although (and unavoidable) my original thread was dragged out to all sorts of situations leading to suicide...it originally was intended and sort of dedicated to all those who are dying a "senseless death" @ a young age while they are in a situation that can be relatively easily fixed.

Someone to talk to AND who listens. Not just one ear in and out the other.
That alone would already have saved lifes.

But it seems today's way of living in many parts of this world is all about ME ME ME and no one else.
It is all about either "running over" or "getting run over" - one either survives and makes it - or goes under in one or the other way.

The middle class of human kind(ness) is slowly dieing out.


seems to me the cow that once gave the milk of human kindness is being ground up for some burger joint. there is so much bad going on around us that some throw up there hands because it is to hard to watch. seems to me strainhunter is doing his best to be part of the solution. i believe most suicides happen because the people who do this have lost the ability to see that people truly care and that they will be sorely missed. they let the ugly uncaring side of this life be the only thing they see. some of us are lucky in the fact that we are very adept at seeing the good that is out there in this shit storm, others IMHO are great at helping people to believe that it is all hopeless. when in doubt be kind. if you can't do that then kindly STFU. just my two cents.


I love my life
Very sad day when the guy who gave his life to spark change in the middle east is censored out of existence. George Orwell's 1984 and the Ministry of Truth looks like pikers in 2011 we do it to ourselves so as to not offend our masters.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I thought that was pertinent to the discussion. The guy committed suicide for a cause. Or is this thread only about suicide because of depression? Some suicide yes. Other suicide no. lol



I love my life
Nothing that could be politically motivated, only depressed fat housewives. Don't want to offend the DEA or other real powers.



It saddened me to hear people say only cowards end their lives.

Some people like JJScorpio and others really know what their talking about. I liked the post about living in a very unequal place.

I totally agree, we shouldn't judge people unless we have walked a couple of miles in their shoes.

Some people have been feeling shitty (to a point you couldn't imagine) for a very long time.

and also, don't take offense OP

but the first post you made, you sound like it's so easy to pull through, I think it's because you haven't been there, and I know you say you aren't a specialist, i'm just saying what I feel reading that post, I appreciate you bringing up the thread and helping

depression is quite something

not only do some people suffer from this disease (or other mental illness), but some have been through so many numerous serious injustices you wouldn't believe, and they live with that keeping it all to themselves

I would describe what these people are going through as literally, hell.

I don't blame them for killing themselves, I know that it creates great sadness and other hard emotions to digest in their surroundings (if they have any).. I know some people never pull through their friend's/family member's suicide.. I still don't blame them. I have a lot of compassion for their suffering, and I think it's an alarm, but most people it doesn't touch them so..

maybe some who think it's a coward's move will change their minds one day..

I really hope one day things get better for us all


Tropical Outcast

and also, don't take offense OP

but the first post you made, you sound like it's so easy to pull through, I think it's because you haven't been there, and I know you say you aren't a specialist, i'm just saying what I feel reading that post, I appreciate you bringing up the thread and helping


Naw man the last thing I would ever take offensive is anything being said (to/about me) on the Internet.

No offense to you now...but everyone on a forum can be (and often is) Rambo...the 100lb "bean pole" man can talk like he is a world saving Superhero...but would never kill a fly in real world.

Just like here on this forum: Some are "internet Growers" only, never grew in real life but talk like that's all they have been doing in real life, sometimes even use other peoples pictures as their own.


Yeah sometimes (unfortunately not most times!) a potential suicide situation can be an easy fix.

Everyone's situation is very different.
For example if it's "just" a split-up between boy/-girlfriend it can be (but not always is!) an easy fix.
Lending that person an ear, talking 'bout what's up...sometimes just letting time pass by allowing things to settle can help (Google "Endorphin").

Then there are other peoples situations that have been well described by others in this thread...now there it becomes a different ballpark about fixing...but since those more severe situations were not the core in my original thread I'll leave that one alone and to others.


Cannabis truly does help. Helping others we help ourselves.Most of the folks on this site seem to care to take the time to help almost anyone. Don't stop you may never know what a random act of kindness do for someones daily struggle.Pass em a great big fatty of the good shit you say you can grow.Strainhunter! Good thread! More thought provoking than I ever expected:tiphat: Omina Mors Aequat

P.S.there was some talk here of cowards? maybe the censors can just delete it and make it all better:moon:

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