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HELP!!! Hash Plant Seedling Wilting in New Veg Space



What STRAIN are you growing? Many (Sour Diesel, Dj Short Flo, Sensi Seeds Hash Plant, Cheese) but my issue is with 1 Sensi Seeds Hash Plant seedling, and a few other wilty girls
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)
Expensive Seed special ordered from Amsterdam
What is the age of your plants?
1 month, maybe a lil less
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Vegitative, not sexed yet
What Technique are you using? Handfed until put into flood/drain table recently
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)
Seedling started in Rapid Rooter plugs, transplanted into Hydroton in 6" net baskets
What is the Nutrient temperature? Fresh nutes, new space
Stays between 68-72 F, but I saw it was cold for the first flood (couldn't even keep my hand in there), so I just got a res heater, and haven't flooded yet...
What Nutrient's are you using?
General Hydroponics Flora 3-part, Thrive Alive B-1 (just a few drops), Hygrozyme, and I have H202, but haven't added it yet (will kill the Hygrozyme)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
My TDS right now is at 1000ppm
What is the pH of the "Tank"? Stays between 5.6 to 6.0
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?
Brand new meter, brand new nutes
When was your last watering?
About 36 hours ago, maybe 24 hours from when those pics were taken.
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)
2 Days ago
What size bulb are you using? 2x 4 foot 8-bulb Pioneer T5s
What is the distance to the canopy?
about 12"-18" from the light, had to move it up and down a few times to compensate for other plants in the space
What is your RH Factor? Right now its at 52%, trying to keep it above 45%, 2 humis runnin
What is the canopy temperature? 67 F (Too Cold Maybe?)
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)
In the Veg Room the max/mins are 61 and 68, I think thats probably too cold for vegging clones
Outside, well, its Colorado, so right now...cold, between 1 and 30 degrees.
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
One 8" Can-Fan ~400 CFM blowing out through a charcoal filter, on a speed controller, still working on sealing all the little cracks as I find them in the walls and ceiling, 1 circulation fan, and 2 humidifiers, no fresh air flow in yet, will be done today most likely.
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Not too hard, just oscillating around them on LOW.
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
Water gets shipped in by truck, seems to taste good, comes in around 8.0 pH, and around 75-80ppm TDS, so seems clean. We have a Big Boy water filter, but needing the hose connection kit to get it working (hopefully will get it this week!)
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?
Nope, but I did see the ever slightest sighting of white Powdery Mildew just on the lower stem on another clone taken out of the same room as this Hash Plant, the clone was immediately disposed of, but no treatment has been applied yet to these plants.
Are plant's infected with pest's?
Not that I can visibly see.

Here are some pics:








See album for more pics of the flood/drain table setup.

Okay, so I have a Sensi Seeds Hash Plant seedling (expensive) that recently got moved to a new space from my cousin's house. I was crashing there for a couple months, and just moved out on my own, but we had all our plants together in 1 room. We spent a day moving all our stuff over to our new place, 1 hour away, and crashed the night at our new place. The next day, I went back over to my cuz's house and it was wilty when I got back to his house, he forgot to water it, and the coco and hydroton it was in was totally dry. I watered it, and it perked back up for the most part. But now, we moved it to a large veg space, and flood/drained it once, but it is looking droopy, looking like its over watered. Now a few of our clones are looking a little wilty and over watered as well. I haven't flooded in 36 hours. I should mention that some of these clones were in the prop tray for over a month, I was keeping alive in 2" rockwool cubes in the trays by handwatering, and put some hydroton under the rockwool slabs. They had overly dry periods, and overly wet periods, they basically got stressed. Some of the roots started to brown a bit during this period, and my veg space got delayed, so I really didn't want to do this. I am worried about pythium/root rot, and and possibly powdery mildew. I am in the process of painting any exposed drywall and wood with a killz/lysol mixture, trying to be as preventative as I can. I have some 29% H2O2, but not sure if I should dip them in it, diluted, etc. What I am doing wrong? I am trying to get these going, and some are looking really pretty, but too many for my experience are wilty and droopy, which scares me. I was also wondering what people think of my flood and drain idea with the 6" net baskets and hydroton in and around the baskets in the flood/drain tray. Is this absorbing too much water, or draining it out too fast? I noticed the rockwool cubes that went into the hydroton stay wet a lot longer than the coco/rapid rooter plugs do. I am willing to only flood 2 a week and add H2O2. I am thinking maybe they just need a foliar feed only for a while? And in the foliar feed, maybe treat for the powdery mildew with some "GreenCure" fungicide I have, at maybe 1/4 strength, since there are no signs of PM, just being preventative. And PLEASE HELP with my Hash Plant!


My TDS right now is at 1000ppm
i would also add that your ppm is quite high,there is signs of over fert when looking at the growth tips ,back her off a bit and let these girls get a bit bigger


Okay, gonna lower the salts to 800 ppm or so tomorrow. I also finally get my Big Boy filter going, so total nute change for everybody! I did finally flood em again today, so lets see what they look like tomorrow. I just did a Potassium Bicarbonate treatment using GreenCure mixed with DutchMaster Penetrator and just a tad of nutes added in for a foliar feed. I'm worried also about my room temp, stays between 61 and 68. I just lowered the lights a bit to get the canopy around 70 and give em a little more lumens. Should I get a space heater in there just in case? I've always vegged around 75-80 F, and they did great! Will keep you posted on the progress and give you some pics. Thanks guys! Keep it coming!


Okay, still waiting on that damn Big Boy filter hose attachment. The grow store said it won't have it for another day or so. So I'm just doing a flush right now with pH'd water and 1/2 tsp per gallon of 29% H2O2 to clear up anything that might be growing in those mediums. That came out to about 8-10 tablespoons for my 40 gal res. I will continue using the H2O2 for a week or so at least, adding about the same amount everyday. But I don't want to starve my girls and have em yellow on me. So I think I will start adding just a bit of GH nutes after 3 or 4 days, but I won't add any Thrive Alive or Hygrozyme, since the H2O2 will kill it. Is this a good enough amount of H2O2 to add?


I'm thinking that I put my rockwool cubes in too deep in the hydroton, and I'm flooding too high, the roots are drowning, and the rockwool isn't draining enough. I pulled em up a little higher today, hopefully that will work. I actually think my problem is "Drowning Roots" according to what I read in my "Marijuana Garden Saver" Book. Hopefully, this will correct things. I will soon stop H2O2 treatment, and begin with just some Hygrozyme, Thrive Alive B-1, and possibly SM-90 (never used it before, but have read good things about it for this type of situation). And then maybe a week after start em back on nutes again. What do ya think?